Who is Red John?

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Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Red John's case is closed. I do not think the producers would promote a new plot, a new beginning on TV if this case were not already closed. A "new beginning" was a desperate measure to hold the audience who was already bored. I believe that Bruno Heller would like to continue and reveal Red John only on a serie finale, but certainly, he were pressed because this plot already took a long time. Well, the season finale is coming and I really wish I was wrong! This series deserved much more!

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Red John's case is closed. I do not think the producers would promote a new plot, a new beginning on TV if this case were not already closed. A "new beginning" was a desperate measure to hold the audience who was already bored. I believe that Bruno Heller would like to continue and reveal Red John only on a serie finale, but certainly, he were pressed because this plot already took a long time. Well, the season finale is coming and I really wish I was wrong! This series deserved much more!

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Wow, i'm so dissapointed in most of the people on this website,
Saying this is over, its a bad show, everybody hats it? ...
that's bullshit, i'm a big fan of TM. it's a great show, has great actors AND red john is NOT the most important part of the show.
The show is, like many other,n a detective.
It stars a great actor in a very nice role. It stands out just by his way of doing things.
It's based on a whole other perspective than most Detective series.
Thats what it makes such a geat show. 

And Yes, RJ is a part of it. But it's more something they used to show what patrick's past is and how he became what he is now. They used it to build his character and they made it part of the show.
It's part of the story, and i really did enjoy it! Is it bad that it took 6 seasons? NO!
In my opinion, that is the best part of it.
Not like in every other TV show, where they find the killer in 1 or 2 episodes, or it took even a whole season to find him. No, they just slightly builded the story, piece for piece, and when it had reached it's highest point, they ended it. Just like Patrick told he would.

Am i still enjoying the show? offcourse i do! It's a great show, even without RJ! And what will happen next? was it really RJ? (i believe he was) But what if not? Or is there a new part coming? Will there be a season 7? Well thats something to find out... ;)

So my "guess or theory" on who is RJ? Sherrif McAllister!


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So the finale is called "Blue Bird Inn."  Pike actually pops the question to Lisbon and Jane will probably have 25 minutes out of a 43 minute episode to scramble and put forth a "master plan" to get her to stay.  Oh yeah, and there is a little cold case involved that will be dealt with somewhere along the lines. The squawking-virgin-estrogen-brigade will be writhing in ecstasy as we sit sadly passing the hour saying our farewells to a show that gave us no closure or answers to a multifaceted serial killer.  

As much as I love Jane and Lisbon there is this tiny antagonistic ...bitch... inside of me that wants Heller to basically screw the shippers too.   Wouldn't it be hysterical if at the last 2 minutes the dialog goes something like this:

Jane:  Lisbon, I've kept my feelings to myself for all these years but it's time to come clean.  I know I have been leading you on and playing games, lying to you and making you pay for my mistakes but I need to come clean and tell you that  all these years you have loved me are now making me see the light.  I love you.  Please stay. Marry me.

Lisbon:  I'm so glad you were able to get yourself to admit this.  You're right.  I have waited for what seems a lifetime for you.  I will admit that my feelings for you are still ten-fold but Pike has made me see what a life of normalcy is like and I need that.  He doesn't lie to me or run away from me when I need him most.  I may be able to trust YOU with my life but I trust HIM with my emotional well being.  Goodbye Jane.  I hope you find true happiness someday.

(Lisbon turns her back and walks off into the beach-y sunset as Janes' legs begin to give way beneath him.  At that moment Agent Fischer appears behind Jane and steadies his frame with a tender hand to his forearm)

Jane:  It wasn't supposed to end like this.

Agent Fischer:  Tell me about it.  You wait for years and years to get what you hope will be a happy ending or at least an answer to a long awaited question only to have the proverbial sand kicked in your face.  Come Jane, let me make you some of my tea.

Bwwwwwwhaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!   Of course it won't happen nor do I wan't it to but I wouldn't put anything past Heller.

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The writing is clearly written on the wall. The Red John chapter is not going to be re-introduced to the show. The show has taken a much different direction, as we all can see, and quite to the contrary to what others believe, Marcus Pike is nothing more or less than Marcus Pike, FBI Agent. He is not Red John.

Bruno Heller could not bring back Red John even if he wanted. The most he could do at this time is have the show answer some of the big questions remaining, but he cannot and will not choose this route.

It would bring the show back into Red John and it would create even more questions. The show did some bad writing for season 6, and that is how we are in this mess.

Yes, RJ should have been saved for the finale but it was not. I hate to say this but Red John was Macallister. Whether you accept it or not.

Sure, you can find websites claiming RJ may come back or this or that "may" happen. But when it comes down to it, nobody knows anything more than the next guy.

Bruno Heller is not saving anything for the end. He is not going to have a huge climaxing finish. The show will have it's share of crime fillers, but other than that you're going to see the cast move on. You're going to see Jane move on.

There is no more Red John. And soon enough, there will be no more Mentalist.

I'm not trying to be the pin that is popping your balloon, I am trying to tell you to open your eyes, and realize Red John is old news. You should enjoy the Mentalist on Sunday nights until it ends, and in the mean time enjoy your friends, family and  go to work. Not pounding the keyboard arguing about Red John.

Signing off to enjoy this nice spring day.

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Out of curiosity, where are you folks getting the idea that Jane is going to be encountering any legality issues regarding Red John?

Because that is frivolous.

There will be no charges against Jane, for killing Red John (and yes, Macallister was Red John)

It's so obvious the show is setting up for a series finale. Not a season finale, but a series finale.

The remaining cast is going to go there own ways.

I know everyone wants Red John back, but it will not happen.

In just a little over 5 weeks, the only episodes you will be watching from there on, will be reruns.

Sadly, the show botched the Red John chapter, but he has already been revealed, killed and is no longer part of the show.

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Does anyone know the last episode in which Frye appeared?  The one I remember is the one in which RJ takes her from her home at the end of the episode.  Is there another one after that in which she becomes a recluse of some sort, based on what some commenters are writing here?

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