Who is Red John?

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Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Identity of Red John revealed in the official previews and then CBS manage to leak the whole episode before it's aired?

So utterly incompetent but unfortunately it's more probable than it being fake. That would require intelligence and imagination from the writers.

It's a fearful symmetry really, are they complete morons or geniuses?

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Here's the thing.....if they used bits and pieces of the real episode to make this...and just happened to put the crappiest takes and leave out some important stuff, filling it in with the deleted scenes....it wouldn't cost "millions of dollars"...actually...it would it explain why coincidentally the episode leaked is a rough cut and not the real deal.....I don't think the episode is fake....I just think its going to be a heck of a lot better tomorrow night....but think about....any other advance screening would've been the real episode...for some reason people have only seen the unfinished version of this. The word unfinished holds the key. It means theres more to it thats not yet seen.....they could change an entire scene...take something out and make it a deleted scene....and add something that they didn't want the people who saw the "rough cut" to see.....it could actually be interesting!!! Just wait and see what happens guys. No matter what, the real episode is always at least a little bit better than the rough cut.

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After watching the leak a few times now.. I think its real. He called 911 to show us that after all the facade, all the grandeur that he is just a regular man. The final scene was very well done, sad, full of emotion and intimacy as Simon Baker said it would be. I think this is the real "Red John" episode. 

Seeing the leak wont stop me for one second from watching the tv version when it airs!

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!!!Spoiler Evidence!!!

Did you ever figure out what was the big clue at the end of Season 6, Episode 1 Desert Rose?  My original guess was the close up of the knife and that it was a surgical hook knife and something that Brett Partridge might have had in his tool kit.  Well, right about knife being the clue wrong about what type of knife!

Truth is the bloodied knife that Red John is toying with after painting Lisbon's face is a hunting / buck knife with gut hook.  See for yourself, Red John, whom we know likes to hunt deer, probably bought it from the link below to Sears! LOL

Good hunting!


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Just watched the "leaked" episode on youtube..

It wasn't AS bad as people are saying..

I would be somewhat shocked if it is a spoof..

There are some major holes in the plot... Just about none of the clues that we "know" and have discussed and theorized about, have anything to do with anything..

I thought it was funny seeing McCallister's face when he puts the Red John voice on.. You can totally tell that it's dubbed and a voice over..

I laughed so hard when he does the pigeon thing..

Perhaps during the coming episodes, we will get answers to all of our questions- clues- " he is mar"
All that shit.....

But, at least we know who it is

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Can't get the whole thing here in America but did see the youtube. All can be explained except sheriff losing rock-paper-scissors so horribly.

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Dear All

This seems a lot late but, i know who is Red John. Its McAllister. Don't believe me, just follow the link below and see the cast.


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