Who is Red John?

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Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


I was truly expecting more than that

it is brightened up that red john is a fearful pussy is that what you mean heller by "you will be disappointed .

Iam realy are!!!

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K gang!  I know there are highly intense emotions boiling around about this episode.  Firstly, Kudos to all those who were voting McAllister!  We got our man!!!

Secondly, if you knew anything about Patrick Jane, you knew he had only one goal from the beginning; to kill Red John.  He didn't respect him or admire him, he wanted him dead. Why would he stroke the ego of the man who murdered his wife and daughter by asking him to reveal all his genius and secrets? I guarantee you, most of the information Jane had deduced on his own.  That's why the Sheriff was on the list in the first place. And to quote Patrick, "You're an evil, sexually perverted sociopath with pathetic delusions of grandeur.  The rest is just details..."

BUT for those of us who want the details, here is how McAllister makes the most sense:

Rosalind's Description:  McAllister is under six feet, he had short straight hair 6 years ago (lost much of it since then).  He is not muscular, but not soft.  Probably has rough strong hands, and was definitely the most likely to smell of pine, earth and nails.

He Is Mar:  The very first big clue we got makes sense now.  Most likely, Renfrew was trying to write He Is Marked in reference to the tattoo.  

Bosco's Secretary:  We all saw the secretary get killed by someone in a Sheriff's outfit.  We know as this "Sheriff" approached her, she was smiling, indicating that said Sheriff was actually RJ.

Mobility:  None of the other suspects had the allotted free time to commit the killings.  All of the other suspects had jobs that kept them very busy.  A Sheriff in Napa Valley wine country has lots of free time... and especially alone time.

Hunter Ethos:  Jane usually discovers the killer by determining who had the right psyche to commit the crime.  This held very true to McAllister.  The man loved to kill.  When Jane asked him what he hunted, he replied, "Anything with a face..."

Sophie Miller's Description:  The Sheriff is middle-aged but in good health.  He had the most calm and confident posture of any of the suspects.  He's very charming.  Most importantly, he has a real phobia, Ornithophobia, the fear of birds.  This was eventually his undoing.  Jane had noticed this at the Church in Napa when the pigeon flew by his head.  

The Handshake:  Lastly, we never saw these characters shake hands on screen, but I am sure it happened, just not in the conventional sense.  The first time they meet, they play rock, paper scissors, a game during which you shake your hand three times before revealing either rock, paper or scissors.  Thus, that is the moment the two shook hands.  

All in all, the Sheriff made the most sense and I was satisfied to see him be Red John.  I seem to recall everyone up in arms a few weeks back when everyone thought it was definitely Reede Smith. At least that didn't happen, right?


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Ok lets begin with this:
Although the reveal, as an episode had flaws I do like that Xander Berkeley is Red John. Despite what people say he is one of two on the list that match the description given by Rosalind Harker (given that time has elapsed and that's why he has less hair).
The flaws in the episode itself that a lot of people are complaining about however are easily explainable, the two most common being that 1) Patrick bought in a pigeon and 2) Red John called the police. I think the pidgeon, like the gun, was already in the church, placed by Patrick earlier under the seat, which is why he sits down but doesn't take the gun until he stands again, he was actually getting the pigeon! This is why the bird wasn't found when he was being searched. On this same note, people are also complaining that Red John lost BECAUSE of a pigeon. I say 'why not?' Red John is a murderer/rapist he is obviously very psychologically damaged, why shouldn't he have an irrational fear of pigeons? Although a bit anti-climatic, I don't have a problem with it.
On the subject of Red John begging for his life, running and apologising (the blinking was stupid, I'll give you that) I thought this was GREAT. Red John is a coward! His M.O. and general evasivenss is proof of this. This is what a murderer looks like, not some larger than life para-mentalist who has ten alternate plans which come forth in one 40 minute episode so that he and Patrick have an all out contact/intellectuall war, with an eventual life shattering reveal (which some people seem to have expected).
OK, that said:
Strawberries and Cream's "Red John" reveal (Timothy Carter) was, in my humble opinion SO much better. Had they ended with something anywhere near akin to this I don't think we'd have any real complaints, from anyone.
Finally and most importantly is that things were not and apprently are not, going to be explained. This is where I'm frustrated beyond belief, these are the details we have waited years for, the who, how and most importantly why? The answers to our questions! All the events that have occured around Red John and the CBI, apparently now, they're just not that important and that is the truly upsetting part of this whole business.

I suppose the question now is 'where to next?' with Red John gone I honestly don't see what will make The Mentalist survive. I'm going to continue watching it of course, but I hope it doesn't just revert to another crime drama, the Red John aspect was the dak element that pushed everything along and were the episodes I held out for, I hope they can create something just as good to keep the audience wanting more, and honestly I hope they respect the fans enough to actually give us some answers.

If this reveal turns out to be fake again i'm not exactly going to be happy, but i'm not going to be unhappy either.

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Right before Jane killed McAllister, he revealed that he had a male sidekick. This leaves a slew of possibilities of how to continue Jae story line.

P.S. Hunting down blake members and Red John disciplines will give this show another 6 seasons to go.

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Patrick Jane carrys a pigeon in suite jacket for 22minutes. Jane could not get the gun pass a frisk but could get the flippin' bird past everyone. FBI frisk, The Bird gets by! Car Chase and bird is just chillen! The bird even goes on a joy ride with some cool homie and bird is still there. RJ croonie frisk and the bird gets by. So is RED JOHN DEAD? Will you continue to follow the show?

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McAllister was a fitting choice, at least after Partridge was ruled out. You couldn't have expected RJ to be Bertram, Kirkland or Reede Smith. It had to be someone who was introduced in S1. RJ couldn't have been introduced so late in the series.

The only disappointment was the direction. How did Patrick throw that Pigeon on McAllister? Did he bring it with him? And we are to assume that the FBI agent couldn't find the pigeon when he checked Patrick for weapons? Or that the pigeon was silent throughout the conversation.

Also that scene with the mobile exchange, and kids stealing his car. Too circumstantial.

Also, there should have been more of the RJ Voice. Eg : McAllister entering from behind "Hello Patrick" in RJ Voice while RJ background plays.

And also, I feel that at least a few more questions should have been answered.

In all, a decent episode, but with a great room for improvement.

Lets see how the story unravels now.

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