Who is Red John?

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Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


I will concede it's lame that they didn't tie up or answer any questions in another way (Flashback, or what have you.) With so much build up and so many questions it's upsetting to fans to be left completely hanging with this many loose ends. I won't say it's 'bad storytelling' but it is certainly cruel and perhaps lazy storytelling for the diehard fans who have spent so much time and effort piecing together clues that ultimately never even mattered.

Now let's explore lazy and cruel storytelling. After all this time, the answer to your questions is "He had a vast criminal organization at his fingertips and was the leader." This explains everything and doesn't show you the specifics of how it's done. Both lazy and cruel to people who want to see it in action, to understand and appreciate the intricate complexities of a fluid story that is seamless all throughout its existence.

With all of that being said, I still I enjoyed the
final Red John episode. To elaborate further, the fact they didn't give
Red John the ability to grandstand in front of Patrick was fitting. The
way it was shot, and how it all transpired was very appropriate to how I
think the creator had always envisioned the downfall of RJ. Patrick got
vengeance and RJ got to be the pathetic worm after all of this time. RJ brought down to a human level and extinguished after 10 years of torturing and leaving Patrick in wonder, the tables FINALLY turned. It's just a bit of a shame they didn't do more to satisfy more diehard fans.

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What a bunch of haters a_holes... Does every series have the obligation of being written as you order..? If you guys have such a wonderful ideas why are wasting your talent here... you should be writting scripts for Hollywood as of now.

Personally, I loved the last episod, not because I suspected of McAllister, in fact, I thougt Red John was Bob Kirkland. What I loved about that episode, is that I never saw that one coming. It completely surprised me. NO ONE event remotely believed that McAllister was still alive, and the fact that in the end, McAllister was Red John, demonstrated the genius (evil one in this case) of the character. And the final scene, where Red John flees injured, and crawles, and begs, its just wonderful... I really enjoyed seeing that sonofab___ch falling... and the look of relief in Jane's face.

But, as always, after seeing the episode, EVERYBODY have writer delusions, everybody thinks they can do it better.

Good one Bruno, looking forward to see what else do you have...!!

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Everybody is disappointed
with RJ, and if they give us a new one, won't be enough still... we are really

Spanish version (there is
many Spanish speakers here!)

Todos estamos disconformes con la revelación de RJ, pero si nos dieran un nuevo RJ tampoco nos alcanzaria,  somos muy insoportables!!

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Hi guys.
I have to agree with most
of you concerning the Red John reveal. The "final twist"
was rather disapointing. However, i believe this was kind of a
obvious result of a trap Bruno Heller set up for himself the moment
he chose this "7 names list" plot device in order to build
up for the final reveal. Yep, Smith or Bertram couldn't be Red John
so someone had to come back up from the dead (Visualize farm clue
excluded Partridge for me right away due to his relatively young
About the final confrontation, some may call it ridiculous
some may call it poetic. I believe it fits both Patrick Jane and Red
John characters. Revenge is all that matters for Patrick. As for Red
John, some people here seem to share some of these mentioned
"delusions of grandeur" about this supposed "evil
genius". He's smart, he put a lot of work in this "Blake
association", he may share some similar skills with Patrick (or
tries to mimic them at least, with the list con and other creative
tricks, hypnosis skills, etc...), but in the end of the day this is
all a great “act” and he ends being just a coward and a deluded
sociopath seeking for some appreciation. Patrick always was the
smartest man in the room. He was just outnumbered by Red John's corrupt
network in the law enforcement. Hiding the shadows while Patrick is
exposed all the time also gives him a position of power in this game
from the very beginning. I truly enjoyed the final moment in the
park. The pigeon moment... not so much. Red John may not be the ultimate
genius some people like to think he is. Still, falling for that
pigeon trick was  dumb of him (maybe due to arrogance but
still.....). Nevertheless, the pigeon was the way Bruno Heller found
to send the message that Patrick had it figured out before the
meeting with Bertram. (Given that he knew that Mcallister had bird

Now about the clues not building up... Well I believe
most of them actually build up for him pretty nicely. Physical
descriptions (Rosalind, Sophie Miller) suggest us that he is a middle
aged caucasian man with soft voice, short hair, good posture. (checks
for Mccallister, also checks for some other suspects).
Rebecca Anderson's death scene strongly suggests that Red John is in
fact a cop. Most likely a ordinary cop/small town sheriff keeping
contact with institutions such as CBI. Thus being able to enter CBI
dressed as a cop and poisoning Rebecca. (Meeting scene with Bertram
and Smith proves that the sheriff visited CBI grounds more than once)
Dummar Tanner and Todd Johnson's cases also build up to this. Last
one is also a clue for Blake's Association (Manipulated by RJ to do
some cop killing. Most likely cutting some possible lose ends??)The
fact that he needed many inside contacts in both CBI and FBI all over
the series suggests that he wasn't a CBI or FBI member himself.
the strong law enforcement connection was always there. All this
builds up for a regular cop profile. Excluding non-cops, law
enforcement higher ups, CBI and FBI regulars.. this leaves us Haffner
and Mcallister. Haffner was never a regular cop.. more like a
security tech expert but still he could be RJ. Nevertheless, some
episodes, like Red-John's footsteps for example, give me the feeling
that RJ is a country-side man, and a bit older than Haffner.
the Visualize part. I agree with everyone, Red Barn clue and
connection to Stiles weren't explained and that's disappointing.
Kristrina Frye.. same issue. However, Red Barn clue works as a age
limiter, kinda excluding Stiles (Visualize "leader"
himself) and most likely excluding Partridge (too young)

is mar(c)" He is many? (Blake's Association) He is Macallister?
He his Marshall? All work.. It's still disappointing that Bruno
figured his final RJ only after disposing that clue. (maybe it fits
all his previous possible RJs or the best RJ candidate by the time he
showed that clue)

William Blake's Poem: It asks a question
about creation (who CREATED the Tyger?)
It follows another
question asked by RJ tp Patrick "Do you know who i am?"
Tyger here is no more no less than Blake's association. "Do you
know who i am?" "Do you know who created the tyger?".
It's just RJ bragging again about this corrupt law enforcement
association he CREATED. Patrick doesn't understand at that point given that he
doesn't know anything about it.

“He has been here from the very
beggining” Mcallister check.

About people saying “that dumb
scheriff that lost at rock paper scissors could never be RJ”. It's
just an act... I believe that if you say this you are kinda losing
the essence of who RJ is. He doesn't want the spot light for himself
(like a Stiles or a Bertram) . He likes to lay in the shadows, which
works good for the “mithology” built around him.

About beautiful women like Lorelei
falling for that “old man”. Well.. there are things far more
interesting than looks for women like her I guess.. (power? maybe
hyponsis.. who knows. Sadly not much explanation is given)

How did he find about the list? Well,
how did Jane deduce the list himself? With all these resources at
hand couldn't he perform a elimination process at least as good as
the one as Jane performed just with his memory work and some limited
research resources?

I believe that everything would work
out better if there was no list at all. Finding about “blake's
association” first and then reaching RJ could work out better. The "poem" about RJ being it's creator would work as the main clue, instead of the "handshake" clue. But
it would also take longer. And, as some mentioned here, they were
kinda forced to rush the ending of the RJ arc.

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Please, i want to know your thoughts about something. That scene at Jane's house, we could hear someone screaming "Wait! No!" and then a "Shot". WHAT THE HELL happened at Jane's house? 

For what i could understand, or that was the concussion bomb that knocked everybody out, or Heller did another shit job not explaining who was shoted and why. Ok, McAllister put the frozen body at the scene after Jane and the other suspects were unconcious, and then leave the scene with that black car, that im just wondering, WHERE THE HELL he got that car?? If it was really him, of course. 

I know there is not really an answer to that, since Heller didnt explain, but what do you think? 

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Please stop making a big deal over McAllister saying he's psychic! He isn't, he was just trying to buy time to stay alive!

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Come on guys it's over. I don't like that it is McAllsiter and I respect your opinions but how long will you keep accusing other suspects!?!? ESPECIALLY Partridge! The guy is dead 7 episodes from now and people keep accusing him.
When will this ever stop? I'm betting there will be people accusing BP even when the show is over. Get Over It.
YES the RJ reveal was lame (to most of us) but it is what it is and the show must go on. There will be a twist over the next episodes and this is what the shows ratings will rely on.
RJ is over.

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