Who is Red John?

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Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Someone should close down this site already. It's completely redundant now and full of nothing but moaning haters.

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I don't know if McAllister is Red John. I continue to ask myself why Patrick says:"you're Red John. I have to say i'm little DISAPPOINTED"(Patrick though that red john was another character of the list?). And than...why the scheriff says, on the end: "I'll tell you how i got the names on your list...i know because i really have sensitive skills". What means? Scheriff!!! you're dying!!! why dont' you try to confuse or hypnotize Patrick ? Why you accept in a passive way your dead and instead you say "i know because i really have sensitive skills" ? I have the impression the scheriff(Red John, throught the scheriff) want to take to Patrick the information that the real Red John(Styles?)have the sensitive power, because this sentence have no sense in that context (Patrick not wants  to know how you have g the names but wants to kill you! So you have to defend your life, you have to try, being a mastermind, to mislead Patrick by all means or powers!!!)). The end of Red John was too "passive and poor". No signal of mastermind, but a message...

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"The game is over and I won" 

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It wasn't in this pocket it was in his jacket with the gun ripped open most likely in side back in his jacket with the gun to his back side where he could get to it that was a very good idea cause it wouldn't of been searched there and pigeons are very quiet and they come for seeds like crazy.

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Seems that everyone makes it very complicated I have a idea maybe wrong who knows but I feel from watching all of them that Red John is working with someone. Partner I feel Grace Van Pelt is the Partner to Red John I feel this for many reasons. She is the closest to Lisbon so she can get the info all the time to Red John she has access to many programs computer to help her with this she started at CBI same time Red John killed. I feel the drawing on the Wall witch I feel is like leaving your signature to the crime its wasn't about blood it was about her with red hair red eyes she is all red I think she drew the drawing. She is the most likely suspect to be in this he ask Red John is that was him do you want to know how I got the names he said no. He got the names from Grace. Do you really think a CBI would let people get married I say to that no way. Also if she was like a low person in it she would have dots on her shoulder but she must not he sleeps with her and am sure he has nothing to do with it. so there is my theory so if we end up seeing Grace in it with who ever Red John could be even though we think he is dead who knows maybe not. Maybe a lot crazy thinking but we will see.

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