Who is Red John?

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Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


red john end is not logical at all ... there's alot of question  :
1- why red john didn't kill lisbon
2- red john could have killed jane in any time he wants but why he didn't
3- how could red john be that stupid and get closer to jane then got shot
4- lorelei said red john and jane are very similar but as we have seen jane is way smarter than red john and that's not logical because red john should be as smart as jane
5- why red john hired only one gun man .. if he hired 2 or more jane won't be able to do it
6- why red jonh took too long to kill kira tensley if he used a knife she would be dead is seconds
7- at last i want to say something ... Am I the only one who thinks bruno doesn't know how red john knew about the suspects list ?

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I just found out that the serial killer in the Profiler is called 'Jack of all trades' and he is a sheriff in a small town. Can you believe this?? Bruno Heller completely ripped off their idea!

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Really really really bad screen writing Heller!! Xander Berkeley is an amazing actor and he did a good job during the circumstances and Simon Baker as well..

I have during the years been a very loyal fan, I have always loved the scripts, twists and developments in the series. I especially find the fake RJ reveal Timothy Carter amazing - it was brilliant writing!! Very very brilliant - top class..

But this season my expectations were high - we all thought we were to watch the same quality as the previous seasons - but nooo way.. I cant stop being provoked - its the worst screen writing in tv history, even an amateur could have done a better job.

I sincerely hope what we have seen so far this season is a biiiig twist to piss us off - cause they did a pretty damn good job making us feel betrayed.

How is it possible for such good screenwriters to lose their talent suddently, and humiliating themselves like that?? They already payed the cast so why make it soooo hurrible?? Maybe the show should just have ended with Carter as being Red John = satisfied fans!!

Sorry my bad english, i am danish..

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So, when Bruno Heller once said that we would see a glimpse of the real Red John at "Strawberries and Cream", i can only guess he was lying? Because even him didnt know who was Red John back there ¬¬'   

So many unanswered questions, no RJ background story, i can only GUESS Partridge was killed because RJ didnt want the information about the frozen body with anyone else but him. What the hell happened in Jane's house... i give up! Heller did fuc$%¨& up this time. 

At lease Xander Berkeley is an amazing actor, great Red John, with no background and a shit script :/

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Ok so obviously the final episode was a complete let down for the majority. 

People are disappointed who RJ turned out to be, people are disappointed in how RJ was portrayed (a bit clumsy & cowardly). As was I.

However the most disappointing aspect for me is the complete lack of explanations to so many things. I was hoping for an episode of flash backs and clarity, where all PJ/RJ's tricks & moves that led up to the finale would be revealed in some fascinating way which would have me thinking "Ah, now I see...!". Oh and the sloppiness in how many times the identity was leaked before the episode - mainly the promo clearly showing RJ as McAllister & killing any big reveal is pure idiocy really.

I can take RJ being whoever, I can take him turning out to be a coward. But at least give us the explanations to what happened in the build up, how did RJ get the list of 7? How did he create the blake association? How did he set up PJ house/what happened in the house? How do all the RJ clues add up to fit McAllister? Where's the visualize link to McAllister? What's RJ background story? How & when did PJ figure out its McAllister? How did he get a pigeon into the church? Who was that random woman who attacked him?

I'm sure there are many other questions as posted by others too.

If there is an episode that comes up soon explaining the whole RJ storyline & giving the arc some sort of closure then I will STILL be happy with that. If this does turn out to be the last we hear of RJ, with no clarifications on what the hell happened, then I will be utterly disappointed - it will just feel like all the build up, the clues, the mysteries, have been dumped & left unexplained because the writers can't be bothered/never bothered to think up a story that actually made sense so they decided to completely ignore making sense & just decided to finish the storyline and move on ASAP.

So in summary I'm disappointed in how the episode gave no clarifications into any of the main storyline questions, but all I'm asking for is that these questions are answered at SOME POINT in some way & aren't just completely ignored, an episode to clear up the RJ mystery then I will be happy & the show can move on with some dignity.

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Besides potentially disappointment I got a question to one thing Heller once said after season 6 premiere.

Heller said:

"Things look very bad for Lisbon at the end of that first episode. What I can tell you is that there is a very cryptic clue in that last sequence of episode one that will eventually explain — when all is revealed — what happened to Lisbon and why," Heller said. 

What is that cryptic clue? I don't understand.

Well, we know what Lisbon happened. McAllister knocked her out and drew the smiley on her face.

But why? Why did he spare her? I don't get it.

What do you think?

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Oh guys you've got it wrong.McAlister is a psychic because he managed to know the list even before Jane!

He didn't manage to predict the trick with the pigeon that got him killed though.

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