Who is Red John?

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Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


I've just finished watching the first two seasons of Nikita. For those of you who don't know, the main villain was a guy called "Percy" played by Xander Berkeley. Before The Mentalist I had no idea who Berkeley was, and his portrayal of McAllister didn't impress me at all. But now I can see what talent went to waste in The Mentalist. I defy anyone to see the first two seasons of Nikita and still claim that Berkeley was incapable of portraying Red John. He was the best choice for the role. His portrayal of Percy was so brilliant that it made me suspect it was what persuaded the producers of The Mentalist to cast him as Red John in the first place. There are bits and pieces of Nikita on YouTube, but they don't convey the full package, you need to see the show completely to understand what I'm saying. It's like their portrayal of Red John was a failed attempt to resurrect Percy. I don't know what went on behind the scenes, but I do know Berkeley could've made a perfect Red John had there been a better storyline.

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Even though I really really think it's over, but for the sake of fun this is how I would call the last episode of this season which would mark the hunt for Red John to continue for another season. Simply called: Redirected

Also, my guess on who killed Ardiles and LaRoche and is spying on ex CBI members would be Susan Darcy.

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A light just came on in my head about why Kirkland asked Jason Lennon if he knew him.  Since he and is brother were twins, he was trying to find out if his brother was Red John.

This still doesn't explain why he killed him.  If he really wanted to know Red John's identity, Lennon was still the best source of information. 

I watched the "Red John" episode last night and am more comfortable with McAlister being Red John.  However, if the meaning of some of the clues aren't explained during the rest of the season, Bruno Heller's reputation will be vastly diminished in years to come. 

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The episode 'Red John' was disappointing in my opinion (bit late) but i know most agree, just the way the show had built Red John to be a clever, manipulative, powerful and scary man, they unmask McAllister, granted in the episode he did look the part in some ways, the 7 names on the list weren't hard to narrow down,  Smith was too young, fat and just didn't fit the profile, Bertram was too tall (going on what we learn from Rosalind Harker's description), Styles was too old, and dying already.. Partridge was too obvious and predictable, and Lennon didn't recognize Kirkland so that ruled him out. So straight off the bat we are narrowed down to two suspects, McAllister, and Haffner. 

Personally I (and many other i presume) thought Haffner to be RJ, he was fitting of the profile given from Harker, and he seemed the more likely out of the 7 (once Partridge had been eliminated). So when the remaining 5 revealed the tattoo's, and Haffner didn't have one, that left McAllister, and frankly, probably the public's least wanted suspect to be RJ. 

The worst part of 'Red John' episode was when Partrick was about to kill him, and he begs for mercy, i mean cmon.. 6 YEARS, 6 years we've been waiting for this moment, and probably the most notorious built up character on TV lies there begging for his life? Have to say i was very disappointed, the man that we've been waiting for for 6 yes turned out to be and old sexually perverted man. As most of you guys know, Red John is obviously a dangerous psychopath/Sociopath, and one thing we know about psychopaths, is they feel no regret, no remorse, they lack morals and empathy, this is why i found it so much more infuriating, McAllister lay there showing remorse for killing Jane's family, a psychopath would not feel that remorse he claimed. 

As much as it pains me to say it, i don't believe Red John is coming back. We will never feel those butterflies in our stomachs upon seeing a smiley face on a wall and the infamous red john music playing in the background. The mentalist is my all time favorite TV show and will be for a long time, the end to red john may have been somewhat anticlimactic, but the 6 seasons of Jane and Lisbon solving cases together was enough for me, Van Pelt and Rigsby doing their thing, and Cho.. well, being cho! I would have loved this series even if Red John wasn't a part of it, but obviously it wouldn't be nearly as amazing as it has come to be. 

I guess it's not over yet, The mentalist is back on March 9th i believe, and i'm lookiong forward as much as ever, there's a new criminal it would seem, i guess all i can hope for is in the final episode the  camera will turn around on Jane and there will be a smiley face on the wa

P.S you guys, Linus Wagner is going to be in the second episode back, why? i have no idea, but i assume it's going to be good. (for those who can't remember who he is: Wagner is the doctor in the Pilot who framed Red John)

ook time to write this so i hope i get some feedback from you lot! Thanks for reading! ..:)...

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Was anyone else pissed of with the list of 7 suspects we were given ?

I mean, you could exclude most of them straight away.

Smith - To fat and not seen enough
Stiles - To old
Kirkland - To creepy, not seen enough and Lennon didn't recognize him.
Partridge - To creepy and the popular pick - its never the most obvious guy.

That left just 3 people and this was before season 6 started !!!

Terrible suspects chosen !!!

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It is over. I have officially lost faith that Red John will come back.

This has actually turned out to be a good time as I have turned to better series like Sherlock and True Detective. Watch these and you will love it! In Sherlock the guy has said he has a plan and his clues actually come together and brilliant writing! Something that Heller has given up on.

We should start a new page called Who Is The Yellow King Killer?
True detective puts the mentalist to shame! Better not **** it up like Heller to the mentalist.

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