Who is Red John?

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Reede Smith

Reede Smith
Suspected in 124 theories


its OBVIOUS that kirkland dies in next episode ... like ..REAAAAALLY OBVIOUS. he doesnt appear as guest star in next episodes, he dies. confirmed reaally, jane isnt using that shirt that the man being cutted his finger is using. kirkland dies. also kirkland is not red john so why would he need the suspects and also why does he wants the info after knowing the list (whe lorelei is dead). its redundant.

partridge dead

stiiles not middled aged and nothing with the description,

bertram received order from smith, smith told him " its your job to figure it out" , red john taking orders from somebody?? not a chance. discard bertram.

only 3 plaussibles ... mcallister, smith, haffner. ok heller told that red john will be like waldo, obviously red john is not mcallister, waldo will not appear in an entire episode ... and he is not appearing in other episodes (not confirmed) BUT ITS CONFIRMED THAT DREW POWEEL IS APPEARONG N EPISODE 8 ... CALLED RED JOHN. 


he has never been fooled by jane , haffner have been fooled by jane in his first appeareance.
smith is red john.

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PJ knew someone was trying to find out about his stuff so he left FAKE material.  

Kirkland obviously was behind it and got a fake list and in 06x04, he is going to find out his list is fake and he is pissed.

Someone else had earlier specified that Kirkland was trying to find Red John himself and the torture threat of PJ makes me think that he lost someone to Red John and is intent on killing RJ himself.  So he is torturing PJ to get the real list.

Bruno Heller has confirmed that RJ is on the list of seven so now it seems that it's not Partridge or Kirkland.  I wouldn't be surprised to see Red John save Patrick from Kirkland.

My best guess is that RJ is Reede Smith, but that's based on the earlier theory by someone else:


My main point was that I don't think it's Kirkland based on what we just saw.

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I first thought it was Ray Hafner but then I re-watched S6E2 and saw a a few things that made me think it was Reede Smith.

1) In lisbons dream he is holding the knife in his left hand.
2) In the scene with Sheriff Mccalister and Bertram in Bertrams office - when Jane leaves the room Smith says to Bertram something(I forgot what he said) but it sounded like he was talking with authority and Bertram answers to him.  Also Mccalister didnt say a word.  
3) When Jane left the office he whistled (I know this is weak but thought maybe its a clue)

This isnt evidence but a thought - in the last episode of last season when the suspects are revealed and the pictures are placed ono the desk his is the one in the middle.   I think maybe the suspects surrounding him are the closest accomplices/disciples etc.  Partridge was at the right end.  Id be curious to see if Stiles(whose picture was at the left end) is not a major accomplice

I havent followed as carefully as others so maybe someone can help w evidence of my theory of Reede smith

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In the 'Red John' Episode 8 the only two guest characters are Reede Smith and Gale
Bertram. So either they decided not to include the real Red John in the guest characters or it has to be one of them.


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I personally think it's Reede Smith. I know he isn't exactly everyone's guess because of his looks and age in 1988, but in 1988 Red John only killed 2 people. It wasn't another 10 years until it started again. That means he would have been 22 In 1998.

My main point is that if you remember RJ holds his cup left handed, if you go to Lisbon's dream, you can see Smith holding his blade with his left hand. When RJ saves PJ you can see easily that he wipes his blade off with his right hand, indicating he is holding it left handed.

In Lisbon's dream, Haffner is the last one they show, but he is holding his blade right handed, then slices Lisbon's neck with his knife in his right hand.

So is it possible that RJ is left handed only? You can go to where RJ is painting on Lisbon's face, it's hard to tell but he is drawing it with his left hand, but when he wipes the blade it's with the left hand, so could this show that it isn't red john who wiped the blade?

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I don't think that Reede Smith is Red John. Reede Smith is too fat to be Red John. In my opinion he's Red Johns "Friend" in the FBI. I think he was the guy, who told Red John about Janes Plan in Episode 4x24 "The Crimson Hat" and he was very nervous, when Jane said he's very close. Remember that Smith asked Bertram how close Jane is.

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After the list has been revealed, I rewatched some episodes from season 1 to take a closer look at the suspects listed.  As Heller said, RJ is someone who appears just in background. In season 1, we meet partridge and mcallister only. These two were really creepy and can be red john but there is one guy that really intrigues me and he appeared in the last episode of season 1. So here is the photo of that guy   http://i.imgur.com/J6RqcLF.jpgb. 

So here is a crazy idea. In that episode, cho and rigsby were following a lead in a shop where the elephant was bought. The shop owner invites them to take a look in the cctv footages for the past 5 months. As they enter the shop, this guy shows out of nowhere and looks at them (cho and rigsby) like he was spying on them or something. He had like a 3 second appearance in that episode. The point is bruno heller could have not shown that guy at all. The background could have been just a plain view and what that guy did was just literally walk through the hall and look what the title is all about "Red John's Footsteps". I know the title could mean the story line of the episode where they found a lead towards red john but it can also be literally just footsteps from him. 

 So i checked his clothes and he is wearing a sunglasses, undershirt, jacket, slacks and a black leather shoes. Come to think of it, if you are a federal agent, it would be easy to change your top but not your pants. The jacket and sunglasses was a disguise so that when we see that guy again , it wouldnt be obvious that he was in season 1. The face and the body build just fits Reede smith. The hairline may make us doubt but i think its easy to fix with some camera tricks as well. Red john could have used some of his affiliates to portray as red john in the episode where the tyger poem was mentioned. 

Anyway i know its really a crazy idea but im gonna have to continue rewatching the episodes as soon as im available and look out still for those 7 suspects.

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