Who is Red John?

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Reede Smith

Reede Smith
Suspected in 124 theories


Sorry I don't know all the seasons/episode numbers to reference here, but didn't Roy Tagliano (Red John) supposedly travel around in a pick-up truck? Wasn't there a pick-up truck stored at the cabin where Lorelei took Patrick to hide out, she said it had belonged to Red John?

Did anyone find it coincidental that Reede Smith drove up in a pick-up truck when he killed Bob Kirkland? 

Is it possible Kirkland killed Brett Partridge, assuming he was on the "list" Kirkland had? Kirkland is torturing Partridge when Lisbon shows up, pushes Partridge in the closet, hides in the other room, tazers Lisbon from behind, drags her off and paints a copy cat face on Lisbon to cover up the murder?  He has the voice to be a pretend Red John on the telephone with Patrick and he has no reason to kill Lisbon....

I find it coincidental that Kirkland uses a tazer on his victim, drags him off and tortures him...... 

the pick-up truck and the tazer have me wondering.....


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Name significations :

Bret Stiles : Stiles = to Steep ascent  Bret comes froms celtic language , bre means something higher than you , T represent the bridge or the passage between heaven and earth . To become god

Gale Bertram : Bertram means bright raven which represent the perfect occult Messenger and secret keeper . So he receives orders from Stiles and calls the shots.
                        Gale means : Happy God; Father in rejoicing ( satan and stiles are happy )

Brett Partridges : the second T here shows us that he is connected to stiles , partridges represent Satan who wishes to steal all souls from God just as the partridge steals eggs from other nests. Wiliam Blake painting shows 2 birds , so 2 killers. His main task here is of course to clean the scene but also the ritual aspect.

Reede Smith : Reede is related to the color red ,blood
                        Smith means he works with metals , forging Swords , knifes.
Also : Roy is related to the color red , ruddy , blood
          tagliaferro : ironworker or a nickname for a strong or ferocious fighter

Ray Haffner : Raymond means a protecting hand
                      Haffner  means a potter , Pottery is made by forming a clay body 
God blessing ?

Thomas McAllister : Thomas means twin , mcallister comes from alexander which mean protector of men , he wants to be a good cop.

Red john : John means Yahweh was gracious ( for the souls) , the red here is linked to the red devil,sins desires of sex, money and fame . So Red John is satan's will done by a cult.
Stiles is the face , the killers the eyes , the Messenger of the occult secrets the mouth.

Patrick Jane : Patrick means noble man  and janes means Jehovah has been gracious. I think thats why he doesnt kill or let Jane die , because in death he cant have him.

sorry for my English , if sometimes its not clear just get the whole idea and look into it im sure u will have better words than mine to explain.

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Red John
Roy Tagliaferro = means in italian 'cut iron'
Reede Smith = maybe rather 'blacksmith'

I think there is a connection between all of this names.
Reede Smith can act like a one of the Tyger Tyger member, but in fact he can be Red John himself.

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Reed Smith ain't no Red John, but he is part of the corrupt law enforcement ring -- code name: Tyger, Tyger. (I'll maintain Blake's spelling since this is what we've been going on up till now)

It certainly looks like Bertram, McAllister, and Reed Smith were discussing matters related to this when they were having their little powwow in 6.2. The question is... (questions are...)

Is this also a RJ thing? If so, to what extent do those who are in the Tyger, Tyger ring know that they are collaborating with Red John? If not, then why does Red John quote the first stanza of Blake's poem to Jane when he rescues him in Red Sky at Night? 

There certainly are other elements one could add, connecting RJ to Tyger, Tyger. Perhaps, too many to list here (although I'm sure someone will eventually put that list together for us). But let's just name a couple of obvious people here: Brett Partridge (forensics); Todd Johnson (cop killer). 

Based on other details related to these two characters, it is hard to argue that Tyger, Tyger ring is unrelated to Red John (even though Kirkland mentioned to Smith that he was not certain that there was a connection, but he does not know all the details we know). So it would be very unlikely that, say, the Tyger, Tyger ring is trying to pin some of its murders on Red John. However, it does not mean that everyone in Tyger, Tyger is in on the Red John connection. Although some people clearly are aware of it. 

<strong>Plausible</strong> = <em>Not all Tyger Tyger ring members are RJ devotees (devotees pledge devotion and sacrifice to RJ)</em>
<strong>Unlikely</strong> = <em>All Tyger Tyger ring members are RJ devotees</em>

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This is a link to my previous theory, which analysed each suspect.

I just wanted to talk about the physical description we have been given of RJ. It is from 5 years ago now and in that time a person's physical appearance could easily change.

Sheriff McAllister

RJ could be balding and that could explain why the Sheriff would be a viable suspect as his personality and traits already match with what RJ would have. Also, it is implied that he has a fear of pigeons from 6x03, however, the pigeon phobia could be a red herring.

Reede Smith

I believe people are looking past Smith too easily. Everyone is saying he is too large to be RJ but it is possible that RJ has gained weight during those 5 years. This is the type of thing RJ would do to deceive everyone, change his physical appearance! Furthermore, he seemed like the guy with the most authority in the meeting with Bertram and McAllister, plus he is a good whistler.

Thanks for reading my theory!

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If this guy is RJ i would feel cheated, all the clues from all other seasons don't in any way imply that he could possibly be RJ. 

In the season 2 finale RJ is shown as an average built man, not an overweight man !

Dr Miller says that RJ is in good health, Smith is in no way in good health!

And many others !

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