Who is Red John?

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Ray Haffner

Ray Haffner
Suspected in 875 theories


Here are some good videos on youtube to watch 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EECBjnasoEk ray haffner has rough strong has hands when they show the suspects remember he was the only one they showed lifting weights. If you lift weights all the time you will develop rough strong hands. Weird that they showed him lifting weights. Red john drinks tea with his left hand and on the cell phone with the left hand. 


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDWPD8lvt9Q good one to watch too even though it has spanish 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liUBD1ck_Lc with some music lol

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Looking back, I can tell that Ray Haffner was by far the most capable suspect of being Red John.From his very first moments on the show he appeared to observe Jane and how he works, he was friendly and helpful.Then it comes the interest for Lisbon which is more than obvious.Haffner sees Jane as a rival at this point.In addition Haffner is the only one of the 7 suspects who has links on both BA and Visualize.He is handsome, seductive and he seems to have a dark persona in the background.He was at the barn 25 years ago.Lisbon doesn't get killed by Red John, and the only possible explanation is that he has a crush on her.He fits the age, the body type and the personality. Also, for those who say that Rj is McAllister and he didn't kill Lisbon because of the pigeons, remember that at the barn, the smiley was painted on the outside.For what reason?Red John could have painted it inside.My guess?Haffner fears spiders, and in this room there could be a lot of them.So, he was afraid to finish his work and get out to do so.In addition, to answer on the previous theory over Haffner, we can assume by the way McAllister acts at the church that he was hypnotized to believe that he is RJ.

Still, there are a lot of things that puzzle me and kinda cancel this theory:
Haffner seems to be naive.Observe how easily Jane tricks him with the little book.And how easily Lisbon understands that he is a member of Visualize.Of course those could be done on purpose, but that is hard to tell.

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Red John spares Lisbon at the end of the first episode of the 6th season. But he doesn't just let her go, he puts his mark on her. It's as though he is marking his territory. He is sending Jane a message that she is his.
We all know which one of the seven suspects like Lisbon. Ray Haffner. He had previously proposed lisbon a job offer and when Lisbon rejected it in the name of work, he was quite irritated and accused her of liking Jane. Clearly, he has a crush on her.
In the second episode of 6th season, he visits her and while leaving says
"I like you terasa, I really do . And one of these days, you and me, will have our time."
And in the episode where he warns Lisbon and Van pelt, he was definitely warning them about the BA and did not think telling them to back off before Red John gets them was necessary. Red John doesn't like the BA as he killed Brett Partridge. There is absolutely no reason for Red John to be a member of BA. Sure, he could control them and get what he want done (cleaning his mess). IHim being a member of BA just doesn't seem right.
But of course, if we take Ray haffner as the Red John, some things still don't make sense. Like why would McAllister tell jane that he was Red John?Did Red John blackmail him? I don't see Red John telling McAllister " If you don't get killed by Jane, I will kill you" .
But, well, Ray Haffner still makes more sense than McAllister.

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The Mentalist official page on twitter: Do you trust Haffner? Weigh in w/ the CBS app & get backstage extras when U Sync #TheMentalist http://bit.ly/Z1Khw6  http://ow.ly/i/4whsz

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Before I start, I want to remind certain viewers that this is a show. Real world logic does not (read: DOES NOT) apply.

Trying to psychoanalyze Red John or any of the other suspects and claiming "this is how it is, therefore Red John is this person or he is alive or he is dead" -does not- work, and you are guaranteed to fail if you do this, as many of you will realize if you dig deeply into the older theories. We can only use what the show has granted us, and to a very limited scope. You cannot extrapolate two steps ahead from gathered information like you can in real life, which is why the mysteries in these kinds of crime shows are always so difficult to crack.

Worst of all, Heller can change his mind at any given time about -any- part of the series. He has demonstrated this clearly enough in his interviews about Red John. It is a contrived work, so leave overly extravagant theories to yourselves.

Also, people have been throwing around the word 'misdirection' without realizing what it means. Misdirection is usually followed by a enthralling presentation that leaves you wondering how said performance was done; a distraction that obfuscates the true method behind a great performance, or trick, or deception. Honestly, I can't say Heller has taken any regard to this. The things he has done thus far isn't 'misdirection', it's 'pulling things out of one's ass'.

That said, perhaps a little leeway is in order. The best that can be done at this point is to attempt to determine whether Red John is alive, or is truly, irrefutably dead. An upcoming episode, 'Grey Water' is purported to have the first references to Red John since his 'death'. If he really is dead, let's just hope heaven smiles on us and he reads this, because there is much he is going to need to explain in that episode. I personally am giving him a chance, at least until the end of this season, to repair the travesty he's created, and this two month break isn't really helping him either. I hope he takes this time to reassess his series.

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Remember Haffner warned Lisbon and Van Pelt about an imminent danger caused by Jane? Back then I thought he was warning them about the Blake Association, and I thought Haffner was Red John and an ordinary member, and that he was warning Lisbon out of love. Now that I know he was neither Red John nor a member of the Association, I can see the possibility of there being a new threat.
Haffner was either warning them about the Blake Association or not. If it was about the Association, one might wonder how he knew about them while he was not a member, and why keep it a secret. The second possibility, If it was not about the Blake Association, then who was Haffner talking about? Add to this his persistent efforts to collect info on the Red John case and his frequent references to "a client"! It didn't look like Stiles was interested in the Red John case.
Haffner was the only suspect other than McAllister who had a complete pre-RJ sixth season episode dedicated to him. Could be an indication of a new plot.

Or there's always the possibility of things not making sense at all!!! You know it's rather interesting, our obsession with details comes from Jane's obsession with details. For five seasons we had been taught to be as sharp as we can, then suddenly "the details don't matter"!!! That was a very stupid move on the producer's part, even insulting.

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Over 6 seasons, there are two important things we learned about Red John that I want to focus on.  1) He has a connection to law enforcement or government.  So either he is a law enforcement agent, politician, judge etc or just a powerful figure who can pull a lot of strings.  2) His "disciples" demonstrate an unwavering loyalty to him.  They will do anything and everything for him.  This resembles fanatical or cult-like behavior.  Sure sounds like Visualize to me.
The Blake Association is not a cult.  It is about covering up crimes.  There is no belief system, just pure corruption.  Visualize is more spiritual/religious.  It talks about self-help, change, a new life etc.  Red John's followers (such as Rebecca Anderson, Lorelei Martins, Sheriff Hardy, Timothy Carter) are more similar to Visualize members than Blake Association members.  So Red John sounds more like a Visualize leader a BA leader.  Not so fast, I am not accusing Bret Stiles.  I am accusing Ray Haffner.

Bob Kirkland: works in homeland security.  didn't act like an RJ follower when he died.
Brett Partridge: works with many people in law enforcement and government.  was a member of the   BA.  seemed afraid to die, unlike RJ followers.
Gale Bertram: knows countless people in law enforcement and government.  was a member of the BA.  didn't act like an RJ follower when he died.
Reede Smith: fbi, member of the BA.  he spoke openly with law enforcement, something RJ followers don't typically do. imprisoned, again, RJ followers are killed are broken out of prison before long. 
Bret Stiles: visualize leader.  He calls Red John a "perfectly unpleasant sort of fellow.”  Lorelei's "surprised they didn't become lifelong friends" statement doesn't fit with Stiles.  Jane and Stiles help each other and are the most friendly toward each other than any of the other suspects.  Bret also said, "I know more than you or RJ will ever know."  That sentence makes the most sense if Haffner were Red John.
Thomas McAllister: sheriff, member of the ba.  didn't act like a RJ follower when he died.  the things he talked about with Patrick in the chapel don't resemble any past conversations Patrick had with Red John. 
Ray Haffner: former agent of the CBI, visualize member.

Haffner is the only one from the 7 who has a clear law enforcement and visualize connection.  I feel like he never really believed Visualize teachings, but instead used some of them to manipulate people.  He saw how Bret Stiles had power over people and he joined Visualize so he could learn to have the control.  He was pissed that Jane had more power over Lisbon's feelings than he did.  He is offended easily like Red John.  That's why I think he is RJ.

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