Who is Red John?

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Ray Haffner

Ray Haffner
Suspected in 875 theories


I am getting that old buzz back for the mentalist! Not because of the episodes of the new beginning though,they have been very normal, very average episodes. But the fact that nothing has been explained regarding the Red John saga and the fact that Red John hasn't been mentioned once in the new episodes, leads me to believe that RJ is not dead and will return. I would be really happy if that happened, because it really gives the series a meaning. At the very least I hope the series finds a new main storyline pronto, (even if it is not RJ) in the next episode, because this crime of the week stuff is pretty standard and old. 
By the way, I didn't hate the fact McAllister was Red John ( at the moment at least) ,I hated the episode and the way they went about the reveal. It was bullshit as we all know. But I liked the fact that they chose a guy who was different from the other suspects: He was the only one who was relatively friendly with Patrick. I thought their scenes together were very entertaining and had good chemistry,apart from the terrible 6x08 episode. Bertram was a boring byrocrat and Patrick never liked him. Jane almost got Haffner fired. He thought Stiles and Visualize were a brainwashing cult. Smith was almost a stranger to him. He didn't know Kirkland very well. Patrick was very rude to Partridge. He never joked around with Partridge. But of course none of this mattered really in the end because the episode was crap.

I hope Heller makes up for it. I am still rooting for Haffner to be Red John and I would like the visualize connection explained.

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     I'm now 100% that McAllister was not Red John           are you convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that McAllister was Red John?    I'm not ....not even close          McAllister didn't act like Red John he acted like someone who was being forced through BA to impersonate Red John and kill Jane .......instead his fear of birds gets him shot and he starts crying, runs away  and collapses          claims to be a psychic???? ...........fuckin calls 9-1-1???   LMFAO                     look back to Timothy Carter   when he was "playing" Red John he told Jane he was going to retire and he was giving Jane advice about moving on and forgetting  but instead Jane shot him dead in public      Red John wanted to give him some peace of mind and help him move on     by the end of season 4 Red John wants Jane to join him       and when RJ planted a fake Red John on the list of 7 knowing that Jane would probably get the best of him and think that he got his revenge and move on with his life and find peace and finally be happy   and Jane did ......for two years         why did he really come back?   he knew Abbott was going to fuck him over   he wanted to work for the FBI      I think within the two year time jump Red John reveals himself to Jane now that Jane has his guard down and is relaxed      taunts him and just leaves  while Jane vows to hunt him down   The Real Red John just laughs at him      gone             then after a few more new beginning murder of the week episodes   there will be a flashback episode that shows what happened at Jane's house before the explosion and what really went on during those two years      the rest of the season is Patrick Jane and the FBI vs the Real Red John        the average viewers and the Jisbons get to see a RJ-less Mentalist for a handful of episodes      and the creative team behind the show get to do something new       but let's face it Red John is The Mentalist  and without him there is no show       I can feel the set up      there is no way they can keep up this new beginning story till the end of the season without Red John coming back      RJ sent in McAllister as another Timothy Carter to give Jane some peace of mind       I think the Rigsby's have something to do with this and when Red John returns Jane will have the FBI behind him and not the corrupt CBI that RJ owns      

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I think Red John is more than one person(Stiles/Haffner or Partridge/Kirkland)  or a group of people(a sub-cult within Visulize)        mark my words one of the FBI team is a RJ disciple      I don't believe RJ would have the BA tattoo  that would be idiotic              I've always suspected Van Pelt of being a RJ disciple and Visulize member             

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There is something strange about the The Red Tattoo episode of season six. Why would Haffner tell Lisbon, "there's a lot of powerful people jane's pissed off, not just Red John" when warning her to stay away from his affairs, and then "I just hope you remember I tried to help" as if there is something more going on, and if so, why are the writers suddenly ignoring all of that? A better question would be: which 'powerful people' (since the blake association is apparently dismantled), and how exactly does Haffner know? Incidentally, this is also the episode Jane happens upon the 'clue' that leads him to the supposed Red John.

I used to believe the RJ saga was over, but now, there are just far too many inconsistencies to support that conclusion. It is also incredibly strange that they completely strip the following episodes of any reference or real closure to Red John or the arc. It just happened and went the same way it did with Timothy Carter, and even then, he was referenced for a few episodes thereafter and given a proper closure. Either the writers have suddenly lost all their talent, or Heller is setting up something incredible. From the bottom of my heart, I do so hope it is the latter.

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WoW       What the fuck was that?   How did this show go from the smartest and most suspenseful show on network TV to this fuckin nonsense ?    Without RJ this show has turned into The Mentalist Lite        Was anyone suprised that the woman Jane was hitting on turned out to be the killer? Lisbon and Fisher having a girls night out ? every scene with Fisher is awkward    In the CBI Lisbon was a super cop but now she is in the FBI she acts like a dumb small time sheriff    the best part about this "New Beginning" is Cho    actually showing some personality and skill now that he's not shackled to that goof Rigsby             I think there is a reason the Rigsby's aren't there   they find evidence RJ is still alive and I hope they are both killed           this is all just setup for RJ's return     shit's gonna get real    can't wait to see the FBI back up Jane and go after Red John  

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there's so much they haven't shown us  like what happened before the explosion or what Jane was really doing during the two year time jump and why he is really coming back to work for the FBI                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Jane and Lisbon walk into Abbott's office and find Abbott, Fisher, and Whyle  slaughtered   blood everywhere  RJ smiley face on the wall RJ music plays   season 6 ends          Everyone would go fuckin bonkers                         I hope Heller and Simon Baker are using A NEW BEGINNING as a long con on the audience   giving interviews with their fingers crossed behind their backs   knowing they are going to give the audience a huge suprise and one of the best moments of the series                                                                                                                                                                                                        

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I think it's a Haffner/Stiles team up               I've always thought RJ has a strong connection to Stiles and Visulize                       Stiles seems to be the only one on the show who knows who he is                               and after the weak McAllister reveal I'm convinced Stiles and Haffner are still alive and it's more likely Haffner is Red John and Stiles is the one who discovered him at the Red Barn and is his mentor      Haffner\Red John runs BA for Visulize                    how awesome would it be if Malcolm McDowell narrates the true Red John story through flashback and after that Haffner turns around and slashes Stile's throat and paints the RJ smiley face     then gets away   

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