Who is Red John?

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Patrick Jane

Patrick Jane
Suspected in 673 theories


I gotta be honest before the season 6 finale i thought the Rj stuff was over.
I did not expect anything from the finale other than Jisbon.
However, after it ended i thought about season 6 and all we have seen and i got real excited for season 7.
For the same reason we all said "why kill red john in ep 8 and not the finale", we can also say why burst any bubble or end anything in season 6.
We really did not think there would be a season 7 but Baker and Heller did.
Season 7 is gonna be the best season since season 3.
Lets face it seasons 4,5,6, were all shaky.
The show can go anywhere now. The fbi setting is great for Jane to do more crazy things and all the secrets and stuff avoided and untold in season 6 will have to answered in season 7.
The writers are doing fine they are really messing with us but fear mot because this is the final season and secrecy will end.
Lorelie gave jane the list of 7. There is no trick into guessing the list so that cop out excuse is done.
Re watch season 6 with that in mind and it will be much clearer to whats going on.

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Somebody was feeding Jane clues to take down the BA.
Thru Sophie Miller and Kira Tinsley as well as the Partridge scene.
I believe La roche and Ardilles were left over BA and someone took them out too whos NOT Haibach.

There were two Red Johns
One Ba
One true rj

The ba red john hired Olaughlin to take out todd johnson who was a follower of the real red john.
Remember Johnson spoke of the "big picture" when he killed those cops?
Well those cops were Ba one of them was Hightowers bf.
Thats why Hightower was wanted dead so bad.
Why would the real Red John care about Hightower?
She was Ba and they were cleaning house.

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Its not over.
Red John is a member or ex member of Visualize.
Unlike Macalister, he actually has dogma and strong beliefs.
When Lorelie was speaking about her sisters death she said it was ok because it showed her the "true self" that visualize always talk about. Even Rebecca Anderson spoke along these lines. Living a false reality and not noticing it until it is later shattered by a tragedy putting things in perspective.
Opening ones eye to reality in a truthful manner.

The reveal went the way it did because it was an illusion. Just like Jane said anything that looked to be true on the surface was in deed false. Theatrics. There is a reason why we don't know what happened before the blast.
Its ambiguous for a reason. The leftover survivors all awoke at the same time. How did Macalister manage to wake up before, carry all the bodies, and leave before Lisbon got there.
Do you really think Haffner and Styles are dead? No way they died off camera .
If one person faked their death why wouldn't Styles do the same? The man wanted by the fbi i might add.
Why would Macalister go thru all the trouble of faking his death just to appear a day later?

Styles and Haffner will be back and are already building hype around it.
If Heller knew there would be a season 7 since Baker was signed to a 7th season, why would he reveal all on season 6? Season 6 was one big lie or deception thats why its the number 6.
Season 7 will be truth finally filling all the plot holes. Holes are usually filled in the shows last season.

The Jisbon thing is over and done with and now it must be destroyed. Red John never wanted Jane dead.
He wants to hang out and be friends with Jane and will hurt anyone close to him.
Lisbon better watch out or she'll end up like Deb in Dexter!

My suspect list either red john or accomplice:
Patrick Jane- long-shot
Ray Haffner- boy is he gonna be mad Lisbon is with Jane
Fischer- has mole written all over her. Why did you see a
Psychiatrist agent?
Pike- stage 5 clinger. Could be the obsessive compulsive type seeing how fast
he became obsessed with Lisbon. Could seek revenge.

Questions to be answered:
Janes house wtf?
Anything regarding red john?
Who made the cbi hitlist?
Who is the fbi rj mole? Or the visualize mole or both!
Who will cho fall in love with? Wiley?

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There is a good reason why a lot of people think this was all a dream after episode 8.
It really seems like a false reality. Everything was rushed and patches together last second.
Nobody brought up red john hardly, the Ba a little, Visualize at all, and the cbi hitlist was never explained.

I think season 7 is where reality catches up to everyone. Jane is at an all time high and i glad the jisbon stuff has come and gone already. The only way for Jane to go is down.
Has everyone seem Dexter? I look at Jane and Lisbon as Dexter and Deb his sister who has incestuous thoughts about him. Which fits perfect cuz Jane and Lisbon are like bro and sis.
Dexter's lies and games finally caught up to him.
Who knows what Jane has manipulated. The guy is crazy and always gets what he wants.
He could have made the cbi hit-list and made everyone think it was haibach. Haibah only kidnapped Gvp no way he stabbed Ardilles like that.
My point is we really don't know where reality starts and illusion begins.
Jane crying after killing Macalister was weird to me only bc Jane was happy when he Killed Carter right?

Season 7 will be bloody. I sure hope it is too.
There is nothing else for the show to do then to revisit the past and what better time to do it then the encore season.
I bet you Heller and the team knew for a while they would get a season 7.
It was up in the air for us fans but i am sure Heller and cbs had it planned out.
With that being said why shoot your load too early? Save it for the true finale .
Season 7 will cover the plot holes. Styles and Haffner will be back. That tweet was not just a joke its all publicity.
And if Haffner is alive you know he has a few skeletons in his closet. And if he finds out his crush is with Jane he is gonna be pissed!
No way Macalister set off a concussion bomb. Knocked himself out and was able to get up and carry all those bodies himself and make a clean getaway before Lisbon showed up.
In reality he woulda been knocked out as long as everyone else especially since they all woke up at THE SAME EXACT TIME. Weird.

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I need aspirin to check this website..Complaining, complaining, complaining..

Get it out of your systems in the next couple of months so we can be back in 6-8 months (whenever season 7 starts) with a new attitude. Honestly, I've never seen such a depressing website! It's really getting boring and laughable.

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Wha goes up must come down...

Jane is at an all time high. He killed his nemesis and got the girl of his DREAMS haha this could all be a dream.
This reminds me of Dexter. Dex always got what he wanted (mostly) and used people like toys just like Jane does. Pretty much everything Lisbon yelled at him for when he got caught lying in the finale.
Season 7 will be Jane slowly down-spiraling. Maybe he has a mental breakdown bc he is RJ or maybe it just all catches up to him. Dexters finale was the first time we saw Dexter as a bad guy or in the wrong. I think this will happen to Jane in season 7 and things will hopefully get dark again.

We all know the actor who plays Haffner said him n Styles will be back and although he kids, i believe him.
I see season 7 as the encore season where all the familiar faces will come back. Maybe Frye and Mashburn possibly or even Lorelie if she is still alive like the picture showed us.

Question: when Lorelie went to go kill Rj and got caught it seemed she was back into thinking he did not kill her sister again right? She seemed cool with him and happy with her fate. So who killed her sister? The BA of coarse.
I still think Lorelie gave Jane the list of 7 and that Jane never had a list but we will have to wait n see.

I think there were two Red Johns and nobody can tell me otherwise. The clues call for two completely different styles and reasons for murder.
When i saw the season finale i thought it was all over BUT thinking about season 7, i have an intuition "things will heat up". Haha

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My seventh sense tells me the reason for the unfortunate turns of events on the Mentalist, including, but not limited to: the lame RJ reveal, the contrived getting Grisbsy off the show yesterday stunt, and the puke worthy hook up of Jane and Lisbon -- is due to Simon Baker.  Yup, that's right, Simon Baker.  
My theory is that Baker: 
1) wants to be the main romantic lead, working more on chasing skirts than serial killers -- but he doesn't want to lose his status as being "Patrick Jane" by quitting the Mentalist to do different projects -- so therefore, he has to change The Mentalist to suit his interests. 
2) Baker's been extremely jealous of Owain Yeoman, who was getting to make out, grope and get naked with Amanda Righetti for years [that's why he probably demanded that Red John send him a chick LOL]
3) Baker's secretly attracted to Robin Tunney, and after the Lorelei love scenes, he just couldn't take it anymore -- the sexual fantasies about Tunney were really starting to get to him....[not to mention he's been married to the same woman a LONG time, which is not easy for an actor at the height of his fame to do] 
By changing the direction of the show, and exploring Jane's "romantic side," Baker could get more than just his ego stroked, and the wife can't get mad -- because it's his work! 
So, I think Jane kissing Lisbon, and the whole Jibson thing, was like about 80% Simon Baker's doing.  When Heller took on the new project, Baker realized it was the perfect time to influence, manipulate and try to change the direction of the show.  I bet he used the Jibson fan base as proof of what America really wants and for good measure probably fought hard to end the RJ story, saying that the RJ storyline is for "ghouls" anyway.  LOL 
HOWEVER, Tunney, on the other hand, I think, doesn't even remotely find Baker attractive, AND loves his family, his wife….and as she has said in interviews she "would like to think she can keep on having dinners with Baker's family" without it getting awkward. [when asked about a possible Jibson hook up by the press] 
Welp, unless Jane's doing the longest con in TV history, Tunney's gonna have to have dinner somewhere else because it's ABOUT to get awkward LOL

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