Who is Red John?

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Brett Partridge

Brett Partridge
Suspected in 1k+ theories


not accusing anyone, just had a question.. remember the episode when jane thinks he sees his daughter and she says to him something like "do they know who you really are?" Just wondering if that ever got answered 


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If you want The Mentalist to not be cancelled. Vote for it here to be saved: http://uk.eonline.com/news/511431/save-one-show-2014-officially-begins-vote-in-round-1-now

Keep voting till the pol ends(thursday). Thank you!

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So I just stumpled over this:
 In an interview about Season 5 renewal, Bruno Heller has stated that Red John's identity will not be revealed for two seasons, so yes, it is confirmed that the dead man from 4-7 is not Red John.

Does this mean Red John is not dead?

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Okay this is just commin' out of no where. But could it be possible that RJ is still alive and kills Van Pelt and Rigsby, because he gets mad for the CBI thinkin' him dead. 

Van Pelt and RIgsby are also already meant to leave the show after season 6.
Could this be a possibility?

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I think that who killed Ardiles are the people who Haffner said. Remember this?


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I think Red John is dead, this could be a new killer, or even maybe Red Johns Son perhaps? it kind of brings back alittle bit of the thrill back but i still mis Red John :(
any good theorys you can skype me porn.queen.2

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If Mcallister is the real Red John, maybe it's possible that a other killer appears later. Imagine someone who imitates Red John, who sign too a bloody smiley. Maybe Red John's son. Him, he could be Mcallister's son and wanting to revenge the death of his father, no? :( http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131211031861/thementalist/images/5/5e/Fbi_agent_jason_wylie.....)

If Mcallister isn't Red John, for me, it's Brett Partridge ( or Stiles ).: https://scontent-b-mad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/t1/554428_10151444533345607_502628388_n.jpg

Before the episode 8, i trought Red John was Michael Kirkland, Bob's Brother, and he had to change identity and face, and had become Brett Partridge...it would have been cool, no? 

So, good night, and sorry for my english very bad....

Tiger, Tiger...

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