Who is Red John?

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Brett Partridge

Brett Partridge
Suspected in 1k+ theories


In a tweet from Karl Sonnenberg: "Production meeting time for 622. Written by Bruno Heller, directed by Chris Long. Not giving out the title on this one."



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Brett Partidge isn't dead!!

When he was exposed as dead, seems like if he hasn't importance. Nobody go deeper, Nobody ask about him. Just say: It's dead and that's it. A little mysterious don't you think?
There is a lot of theories, and since Patrick kills Sheriff McAllister i drop off all my thoughts and i say: Go and FckUrself!!! 
But now, I see that Mentalist is going Down, so they have to return RJ to the play, I think that when RJ really dies, it must to be with Jane too. Just like Moby Dick.
Glorious!!! A dignified dead for both. And in the end Show Patrick near his wife and daughter!!

Well back to the topic.
The theories that i followed before was these:
Brace of Partidge it's a Blake's paint(Artist with a lot of influence in this drama), in which we can see a couple of partidges tied by the legs hanging head.
He works at the forensics area, he could easily fake his death.
He appears in the pilot episode. No one is better to be the arch-enemy, that the guy who appears rarely and since the beginning.
The voice!!! it's obvious that is Partridge's voice, the writers don't thought a lot when Sheriff McAllister made the voice. That part I think was stupid. Taken from their sleeve.
Patrick said once: "Red John would not risk getting caught just to tease me"then why this time was so easy to catch when five seasons before was so fucking hard.
And there is a chapter from season #5 when we can see how Brett can predict an answer of Jane. He is behind to Jane and only says quietly the words that Jane is saying at the same time. Like if he had wanted that Jane said those words. Who can know a movement of Jane before he do it, only the man who is one step in front of him always ;)

I hope someone support me, because frankly, I'm disappointed by the moment of the serie.

And excuse me if i wrote something wrong. I don't speak english very well.

Thanks to all, Happy Hunting!!

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White As The Driven Snow 2 sneak peeks on comments.

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I'm pretty sure we're deadline with Bret Partridge. His dead was to easy and why was his skin gone..?? Why did Jane ask the others who they think it was, but no one asked Jane?

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great episode, bit wierd that Jane doesnt seemed freaked out one bit. he seems very calm considering the face that ex cbi agents seem to be getting killed off 1 by 1, hmmm....

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All the theories conspire against Partridge:
     -RJ voice is really similar to his
     -William Blake, author of "Tiger Tiger", has a painting "Brace of Partridge"
     -He works at the forensis area, which can make him fake his death 
     -He is very misterious, smart, and has an admiration to RJ
     -Lots of other theories tha you can find on the web

Bruno Heller is a genius. He wrote all the series long, do you really think that the end os the series will be Jane at the FBI doing nothing? No, RJ will be back
The bug on the CBI former agents is obviously a RJ thing. He will be back
This new FBI agent, Jason Wylie, is probably a RJ follower. He is too smart, just got on the FBI special team, and gives RJ Janes informations.

In a few episodes RJ will be back, and in the end, it will be revealed to be Brett Partridge

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Hi guys,
so i watched episode 13, but still can't understand the relation to the ending of episode 12.
I mean they don't show how did Rigsby manage to get out of the dark place where Ardiles was killed. 
And then, I don't get it, is the creepy warehouse, at the end of episode 13, with Laroche, the same place where Ardiles was killed??

Can someone please explain to me, what's the relation?


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