Who is Red John?

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Bret Stiles

Bret Stiles
Suspected in 550 theories


bret stiles fits red john but then i realize that red john could be a name of a group. since bret stiles is the leader of a cult he could be the leader of red john if it is a group.

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bret stiles is the father of lorelay martin, on the last episode where lorelay finds the trouth about who killed her sister theresa whent to the house of lorelay and in a flash you can see that bret stiles with lorelay are in the frame, theresa asked if that whas the father and her mother says yes. lorelay knows her (posebly steph) father very wel. there is a episode where patrick jane says that bret whouldn't hurt a fly. bret gave the lokation of that red head psykick jane fell in love with in season 1, where she thinks she has lost her soul beceaus bret played with her mind into that fase of losing her soul. al the victoms that know red john execute them selfs in extreme situations whitch sugests that there mentaly ill, like the people in the institution of bret stiles.
anyone not convinced?

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I'm not accusing bret,I didn't get all the options on my phone...so here's what I think...I think Rj is ellis mars But he had some major surgery that transformed him into kirkland..if you go back to watch the show you'd find out that ellis and kirkland have a little resemblance and they have the same mannerism...so that's what I think

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( not accusing bret stiles. Computer wouldn't let me chose anyone). Ok so I think that it is possible that we have seen red john on the show but if so he is someone none of us have thought of. I mean all of our suspects are to obvious and are just there to through us off.
As for Kirkland, he is definately not red John and is probably out for his own sort of revenge. Also all the info he got on that last episode is bogus. Jane smiled for a reason. Bret stiles is way to obvious. Mashburn too. But honestly I don't think we have seen red John yet. I think it will be someone from janes past that he hasn't seen in decades, possibly a relative.

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Everything points that Red John is Bret Stiles. He is powerful, well-connected (he manages to free Lorelei form a federal prison), we know that he possibly killed someone for his cult. Knowing the location of Kristina Frye is another reason, because he wants Jane to suffer and Red John "killed" Kristina Frye (not physically but he destroyed everything she meant).

Like Lorelei said, Red John and Patrick Jane are very alike, but no friends. Bret Stiles manipulate the persons from his cult and even Van Pelt. If RJ is Bret Stiles the way he gets to Lorelei (kills her sister to make her vulnerable and manipulate her) is similar to how he gets to Van Pelt (sacrifice O'Laughlin to make Van Pelt vulnerable)

Everyhting points to Bret Stiles, BUT something isn`t right. Why would Bret Stiles come to the farm from "Red Barn" and the others would called him "kid". The age isn't right: in 1988 Red John would be somewhere between 15-30 years old, that means that now, RJ is between 40-55 years old, but Bret Stiles looks older than 55 years old. And also Rosalind seems a very young woman and she would have said something if Roy was a lot older than her.

And another reason: why would the people from Red Barn called Bret Stiles "some kid". From how we know, Bret Stiles was always the leadear of Visualize (because he allegedly killed his superior). Even if he wasn't the leader he was a very important person in Visualize and he wouldn't pass from the farm known as a "kid". And also, the priest who told Jane that some kid painted the smile, surely knows that Bret Stiles is the leader of Visualize and he would have reacted differently.

That's what I think. Although there are very powerful reasons for us to think that RJ is Bret Stiles, the "Red Barn" episode makes this theory implausible. Such a complex script couldn't be so contradictive. 

Sorry for my mistakes :)

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i think RJ is him, bret stiles because of some reasons
1st. they have ever met before and shoke hand each other
2nd. they have same caracter on manipulating and lying.
3rd. stiles knows RJ so well, he knows what RJ plan (season 1)
4th. stiles has  very large connection (exmple he can help PJ to release lorelei and so many). RJ must have large connection
5th. RJ must have a relation with visualize as we known (from season 5)
6th. RJ dont want to kill PJ by some reason (such as RJ feels that they could be come friend), we know that stile also dont want to kill jane because of the same reasons...

it's my theory, but we still dont know...

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Red John seems to be a narcissitic and really intelligent Psychopath.
Wikipedia says the following points are typical characteristics of such psychopath:
-Glibness/superficial charm
-Grandiose sense of self-worth
-Pathological lying
And thats exactly how I and I think most of you see Red John.. No weaknesses, a bit intimidating, powerful.
It would be a dissapointing finale if a person like Bertram, Minally, or also Brett Pettridge (he can't be red john: http://youtu.be/k26u5EOWWTU ) was Red John. The only person having those charcteristics so far is Brett Stiles (and Jane but he isn't red john; would be too dissapointing, too).
There are enaugh episodes with him that the audience will know him, he is a good friend and competitor of Jane and Jane and Bret know each other for longer.
Thats of course no proof that he is red john but maybe proof that the other suspects are unlikely red john.

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