Who is Red John?

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Bret Stiles

Bret Stiles
Suspected in 550 theories


Lets say Red John is dead. Lets say he was Macalister.
I know it pains me too...
The show never mentioned Visualize after ep 8.
They are saving it for this year.
Lisbon even hinted at his return if you remember that..

Visualize had tons of cops on the payroll.
Thats how Styles knew where Freye was.
Thats how Styles always knew Red John stuff.
This is how Styles knew the Fbi was coming down on him.
And that is why Styles faked his death to evade them.
Styles might be Janes dad and used Macalister to torture Jane.
Or maybe Styles is just a high up Ba member.

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good to see a little discussion back at this site.  good thing they are bringing it back in November.  I don't think the site would have survived if they had waited until after the holidays.

in my opinion, what really made this show great, and it was a GREAT show at one point, was thet elements of misdirection and surprise.  no matter what heller or baker or anybody else says, it was always about PJ vs. RJ and what kept us so glued was the fact that we never knew the next time we would see a red smiley.  yes, we could guess that season finales would probably involve RJ, but we weren't sure how or when.  and we were always pleasantly surprised a time or two during midseason.

but in season 6, they began advertising RJ.  there was no surprise factor.  just a whole bunch of BA and RJ crammed down our throats and so convoluted and sloppy that it was all just a big ruined mess.

so, you take a hero who bases all of his powers on the art of misdirection; and you take a villian who uses mindgames and the element of surprise; and you are left with a season that clearly doesnt add up.  the only logical reasoning for the actions of both the hero and the villian from last season, is that it was the ultimate chess match from both sides, and both wanted the other to think that it was over and that they had won......

so despite the preview that showed on my tv last night while i was watching football, and almost caused me to spew my dinner in chunks all over my living room at the site of the 2 lovebirds watching fireworks,  this season could be set up to be an epic finale to a great good vs. evil battle.  wouldn't it be great if the fireworks display ended with a giant explosion in the shape of a red smiley!!!!


i am not delirious.  i understand that a series finale with a RJ return is a pipe dream.  but that's the point of this site.  so if all you want to do is piont out the fact that the RJ is over, please just go away.  go back to your mom's basement and play batman arkham origins on your overclocked pc.  dust off the dorito crumbs from your undershirt and maybe google a little bit about personal hygiene.

The point is, i still think there is a chance for REDemption.  i believe they intended for timothy carter to be RJ, but then back tracked to save the show.  I believe they intended for McAssface to be RJ...but have left it unexplained enought to back track again if needed.  So unintentional or not, there is room for a great ending.

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New serial killer in the area: Lazarus.
Will appear in 07x12/07x13


Good bye Red John )':

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Discussion question-What is it about The Blake Association that ruined the Red John storyline? I've heard that theory a lot but have never really understood the reasoning-Would love to hear it.

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Oh my god! Stiles is aliveeeee, I saw it! But the link of image is not there now, i cant find it in another place :( Something darkness is happening, T7 have some fucking surprise in the last episodes, I'm totally sure.

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New photos of BTS 07x10

Back in cemetery :)





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For God's sake, bring back Bret Stiles!
If the writers, producers want a great season with lots of excitement, they should at least bring back someone important from the past.
They could easily arrange for Bret Stiles to be alive, hiding somewhere in England, enjoying his money and the fact that everyone thinks he is dead, lol. 
They could have one last adventure with Jane for old times sake. 
One can dream, right? :)

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