Who is Red John?

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Bret Stiles

Bret Stiles
Suspected in 550 theories


Finally I will write my own little theory here. Always enjoyed reading and overall I think this site is an awesome idea. Curious to read all of the other theories. :-)

(Sorry for any mistakes as english is not my native language :-))

So first of all, Brett Partridge and Robert Kirkland are off the list.

I don't really buy into the ideas that Partridge faked his own death or that Michael Kirkland is Red John. Seems too simple for me, and Michael Kirkland is not on the list, which I think is true, as there are just not enough episodes left to have another twist and another twist and another twist in the story.

After "Red Listed" we now know that "Tyger Tyger" is the codeword for an underground government organization, with Reede Smith being a member of it. In "Black-Winged Redbird" we also saw McAllister, Smith and Bertram discussing stuff; which leads to the conclusion that these three are all part of the Tyger Tyger Collective.
They seem to have some connection to Red John. My theory is that the revelation of Red John would bring them into trouble somehow... to quote them in a scene: "How much does Jane really know?".

Smith also killed Kirkland, probably because they don't want Jane to get information from him. I don't know if they know the identity of Red John, but I think they have an interest in Jane NOT discovering who RJ is.

This leaves two names: Ray Haffner and Bret Stiles. 

A lot of things point to Haffner. He likes Lisbon (that would explain why he spared her and just drew the smile to scare Jane), he's a good whistler (as he leaves Lisbons room), he's involved with Visualize (Stiles had information about RJ).In the press release for the "Red John" episode and the episode before, there's an actor listed as "young man". You could say that from his looks that he may play a young Haffner at the Visualize farm back in the day.Haffner also had more appearance in the show than Bret Stiles. I think it would be smart to not pick a character who hasn't appeared in ages to be RJ.

Obviously there are more facts pointing to Haffner at the moment, but there are also some pointing to Stiles.

Stiles has the connections, charisma, mental abilities and intelligence to be someone like Red John. I don't really see these qualities in Ray Haffner. Out of all the suspects on the list, Stiles is the only one I could picture being able to be able to tool Jane like RJ does.

There's also a statement of Bruno Heller saying "we would be disappointed" if we find out who RJ is. This obviously can be interpreted in a lot of ways, but one could surely be: Bret Stiles is the only one capable of doing the complicated, intelligent things RJ does to fool Patrick all the time.

To conclude: I'm really split between Haffner and Stiles. It could be both of them. If I go with the facts I must say Haffner, but somehow my feeling tells me it's Stiles.

Thanks for reading :-)

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Now Ray Haffner is the best chooise...Fooled by the writers

But how someone explain, PJ making him dumb, when CBI Team loses her jobs at the Main Team, the Team of Ray came in, but PJ set a trap and play easy Ray, then CBI Team came back.
So why Ray make himself that dumb?
I don't think so , RJ was a superior ego, he dind't accept going humilliated.

You will see, next episode that can't be him or him dieng, i'm sure about that, its how The Mentalist works, and that site too, they get the information that we have about suspects and mess things to make our minds... 

"Anyway, i heard that this actor who make BRET STILES is very expensive, who watched Heroes?? 
He only appear a few times too and when he appear again its Flashback haha.
I think that's true, but this don't mean that he can't be RJ.
He will made his appereance episode 8 or only the last..."

The tyger poem says that who created the tyger is the same who created the lamb.
It's interesting...
The Great Red Dragon, there's a paint about the 666, number of the beast.
That was see on episode 6x01.
The Great Red Dragon means to someone who have power and control. 
I think its only can be Bret Stiles or Gale Bertram...

The show is going to be excluind the suspects. I think will be in that order(according to episodes):
Ray Haffner - Gale Bertram - Reede Smith(again, now with PJ knowing the password and discovering that Reede is lieing about don't know that password)

Then...IN the 8 called Red John the last suspect appears...
And he will be

So the RJ is revealed too.

That's my thought.
See ya!

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Anyone remember the TV series 'Franklin and Bash'?

Malcolm McDowell and Reed Diamond starred in it together. As Uncle and Nephew.


Taken from that tv series.

Just an interesting fact.

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Hi again
first of all sorry for my bad english ( as i said in my thought about tiger tiger conversation ( Theory #6941  )) so i am not going to explain all the details.

this site is a free sharing place. so every one can say what ever they want.even if they think RJ is rigsby's child because he had a red toy.

As show describes red john is super smart , super psychologist ,prideful, medium built , rich , with a lots of connections and maybe even best serial killer in the world etc.

I hope they explain how Jane narrow down his suspects to seven because it doesn't make any sense what so ever . he didn't use any kind of technology ( hacking , online tracking etc) and he didn't use anyone's help. only thing he said was they could be in all R.J crime scenes seriously? how?

lets take a look at list (without over thinking):

according to show suspects are down to five so kirkland and partridge are dead ( i said without over thinking )

Reede is too fat And as everyone knows on tv shows business you can't say your show is gonna last for four years so introdusing red john in fourth season is kind of absurd.same goes to bertram and haffner.(for the last time don't over think)

bertram : Jane easily in (S3  E1) made him talk garbage on tv . he lost in poker game and honestly in haven't seen a single cleverness in him( yes i know he is the director of cbi ) .

Haffner : same as bertram, jane easily played him . i know in this season everything is pointin to him but jane made him look like a complete fool . and don't forget he played so poor that even lisbon  realized he is from visualize

Mcalister: Xander is a great player ( no doubt ) but still i think some one from a random episode becomes a main suspect !? and i trust you remember rock, paper scissors game.

if you want you can say red john is miss leading jane but if he can kill an innocent kid because jane disrespected him well think real hard if he is gonna make a fool of himself.

finally Stiles : He is too old but why he is still on the list? character wise he is the only one who can be red john . he has all the charisma and money and brainwashing skills and etc . he never acted stupidly , scared  or out of control . But he is too old 

I have a lot to say about changing red john and story which caused all this paradoxes and loose ends but i hardly wrote this much in english 

thanks for your time , i know most of you disagree with me and i'll be happy to see your comments

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Now Ray Haffner is the best chooise dind't it... Yea i think that is he too.
But how someone explain, PJ making him dumb, when CBI Team loses her jobs at the Main Team, the Team of Ray came in, but PJ set a trap and play easy Ray, then CBI Team came back.
So why Ray make himself that dumb?
I don't think so , RJ was a superior ego, he dind't accept going humilliated.

You will see, next episode that can't be him or him dieng, i'm sure about that, its how The Mentalist works, and that site too, they get the information that we have about suspects and mess things to make our minds... Clever...And funny too.

Anyway, i heard that this actor is very expensive, who watched Heroes?? 
He only appear a few times too and when he appear again its Flashback haha.
I think that's true, but this don't mean that he can't be RJ.
He will made his appereance episode 8 or only the last...

And Patrick Jane at the time will discover the password "Tyger Tyger", so that new model of hunting starts. 

But now its goona be excludind i think in that order:
Ray Haffner - Gale Bertram - Reede Smith(again, now with PJ knowing the password and discovering that Reede is lieng about don't know that password)
Then...IN the 8 called RJ


Thanks, good luck dudes.

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I would say red john was created to put the currupt police on blast.
I think the tiger tiger is a gang of currupt cops that has nothing to do with red john.  RJ was using jane to shed light to the police. I think the police are trying to cover up for red john bc its going to expose them

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Has anyone seen a scene as ridiculous as the scene when Reede smith and that driver saying tiger tiger to each other. honestly at night , middle of the nowhere , two grown adults instead of goodbye or any other thing saying to each other tiger tiger!! 


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