Who is Red John?

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Bret Stiles

Bret Stiles
Suspected in 550 theories


The other thing that has been bugging me is the fact that we've been taking Rosalind at face value. Whose to say that she A: is really blind and B:doesn't work for RJ?? Since when does RJ have romantic getaways with random women and listen to classical piano?? He's shown us that all of his moves are calculated, yet we're supposed to believe that finding Rosalind was a mistake?? I think that leading Jane to her was his way of starting up the game with Jane, to see if he was clever enough to be a worthy opponent. If this is true, then we can assume any physical description given by Rosalind would be false. This would also explain why Jane never excluded the suspects from the list that didn't match her description, nor ask her to try and identify the remaining suspects. It would also be a shocker but not unrealistic. Tell me what you guys think.

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 I've always thought it would be Brett Stiles but this theory does make sense too!! There are 5 remaining suspects assuming the 2 dead ones are really dead, and I do believe they are dead. Here's my take on the remaining 5.
Assuming Rosalind is correct in her descriptions of Roy Tagliaferro obviously Bertram and Reed are out. I don't think it necessarily excludes Brett as age would be a bit difficult to gauge being blind. We have to assume that Red John is both intelligent and powerful. The Sheriff played dumb in the first episode and was overly clever in his last episode, I imagine he's somewhere in the middle, but he doesn't have the power or influence to be RJ. Bertram fits the power and intelligence mold, and also likes to quote William Blake yet doesn't fit the physical description. Reed is neither clever nor powerful and doesn't fit the description. That leaves the two most likely suspects as being Ray Haffner and Brett Stiles. Ray I thought was a bumbling dolt in his first appearance yet has proven to be clever conniving and resourceful in his recent episodes. He certainly fits the appearance Rosalind described and seems the most physically capable suspect of carrying out the murders. I also wouldn't be shocked if he had a tattoo, where as a tattoo on Brett Stiles seems far less likely. The negatives would be an affinity for classical piano, and the fact that he seems more a follower than a leader. I can't imagine him being smart enough to match wits with Jane, let alone be a top of the "Tiger Tiger" power pyramid!! The last thing is he doesn't have the same talent for reading people like Jane does, which makes it doubtful he could manipulate Jane the way RJ so masterfully has. Which brings us to Brett. Maybe this is what the Heller meant when he said fans will be disappointed, because Brett is the most obvious. He fits the Power mode better than the rest of the suspects. He clearly is the most Intelligent of the suspects. The physical is right on except for the age description by both Rosalind and Sophie. Rosalind's can be explained away by the obvious fact that she's blind, but whose to say that Sophie met the real RJ. I doubt that the real RJ would be so careless as to leave real clues in her therapy sessions. She could've been talking with Ray, on behalf of RJ. If either Brett or Ray is RJ, then it's not a coincidence, they're working together. They could be father and son, or master and student, but they're connected!! Brett is on a equal mental plane as Jane and appears more than capable of manipulating him and others. It would also explain why he knew that " Red John was planning a little surprise for Kristina Frye" and where Jane could find her. If Brett is not RJ, then he certainly knows who is and the Visualize organization is the key. It seems to mirror the Tiger Tiger organization. Lastly some final thoughts.
Lisbon did have a weird smile on her when Jane revealed the final clue (tattoo), almost like she's seen the tattoo before. If Brett and Ray are in it together, maybe Ray put the bug on Cho for RJ, and killed the girl as cleanup

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Strange facts :

- Don't you think it's weird that, while Stiles has been missing from Vizualize for some time (before the announcement of the seven-suspects list because it's been since Lorelei death), Grace managed to bug his phone ? She managed to localise him (and bug his phone while he didn't see that) when people like Jason Cooper didn't ?
Does this mean Grace is somewhat connected to Stiles, since the ep in which she helped him an listen to his tips ("exhale the red smoke in you, Grace") ?

- Don't you find the reactions of Lisbon really weird, in 6x05, at [37:49] and [41:08], when Jane understands and discovers something about Red John ?
Plus, isn't it weird that she isn't driving at full speed to come on the crime scene of Red John, while she's always doing her best to protect people (even murderers on the fake list of Jane, cf. 6x04) ?
Plus, isn't it weird that Robin Tunney made the mistake of saying to journalists that, now that she knows what happens in 6x08 where they find Red John : "I was even more surprised that if I would have been Red John !" ?
To me :-  either it's true, then the surprise is explained by the fact Red John isn't on the list (HOW can you be surprised of someone that is on the list and has been a suspect for a long time now ?) but is someone that was well-known in the show, like someone from the team or something like that (how would we suspect someone that appeared such a good person ?).
- or she is Red John herself and tries to lie to people (unlikely, but ...)
Is there any other way to be surprised by someone you searched for such a long time ?

- In 6x05 at [37:20], Jason Cooper : "I don't know what you're talking about. But all I can say is that, if someone bugged you, it wasn't me."
=> What a nice way to not say "It wasn't Vizualize" but "It wasn't ME". The Me doesn't include Stiles at all. What if the blondie spy was engaged by Stiles, recognized him as Vizualize and believed she worked for Vizualize, while actually it was Red John ?
So far, we can be sure that she didn't know of his real identity (Red John) AND that she didn't know his name (wouldn't have pointed something like a tatoo if she could have told who he was).

- Like a few people said : There is no evidence that Red John IS the one that bugged the CBI (except the fact that the killer of the blondie used the knife of Red John). Was he that careless before ?

Let me know of your point of view in your comments, please !

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Red John recited the whole poem.

"Tyger Tyger" is only for the Reed Smith, Bob Kirkland, Todd Johnson, and some selected bunch of "suspected red john operatives" that are dead to trace

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I don't accuse Stiles (even though he does seem really likely) but I'm not able to post without accusing anyone
Just a thought, not really accusing anyone. Seeing next week's episode promo, if Jane is going to search each and everyone of the suspects for a tattoo, and supposing only Red John has that tattoo, then the mystery would be solved by the next episode. But seeing that other episodes focus on the remaining suspects, I'm thinking that maybe some or most of the suspects have that tattoo because they're part of they Tyger Tyger conspiracy, which is why Jane won't be able to tell who's Red John and the list will be narrowed down.

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I think that RJ is Bret Stiles.
We know that RJ is afraid of heights.
Kirkland and Partridge are dead.
Haffner is afraid of spiders. (we saw that in the hotel room)
McAllister is afraid of birds. (we saw that on the roof of the chappel)
Bertram was send by RJ and that mysterious organisation to find out what Jane knows.
Smith said to Kirkland before shooting him in the back that the organisation is recruting mid and low level agents too. So he is one of the recruited making it impossible to be RJ.
That leaves Bret Stiles.
What do you think about that?

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The story is not full matched.. some thing is wrong.. dont you think ????
 some thing maked us to forget about realy red john.... the realy personality of him that makes him similar to patrick... blonde hair?  beeing mysterious?  but he has a tatoo.. so on the face of him we cant    
trust or any thing on his body.. what make a woman that she think a man is similar to another man?
his personality...
yes,he has a lot of Confidence..he is a criminnal and insane one.. he has a lot of experience in computer working.. he has a normal acting.. he has a organization in back of him... I think that organization is visualize and the REd john is brett... Brett stiles is my suspect number one...
 bUt in the fact he is still too far of the realy idenity of RJ


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