Who is Red John?

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Bret Stiles

Bret Stiles
Suspected in 550 theories


There's no reason to believe that any of the descriptive evidence that we've seen so far is accurate.

Why? Because all of it is based on the assumption that the person described was actually Red John. The thing is, we've never actually seen Red John do anything at all. We've seen his disciples do a number of things on his behalf; what makes any of the situations that brought us the "clues" that we have any different?

Let's not forget that Jane killed a fake Red John already. The imposter was so convincing - from the details of Jane's family's murder to the call from O'Laughlin's phone - that Jane shot him, actually thinking in the moment that he had Red John in front of him.

So, doesn't that call into question everything from the relationship with Rosalind Harker to the three dot tattoos? And since we now know that more than one character has the three dots, doesn't that suggest that a disciple, and not necessarily Red John, hired the detective? What evidence do we have that it was Red John that personally sought the information about Jane from his doctor?

Incidentally, the detective and the doctor both ended up murdered (or left for dead in the case of the detective), but they weren't killed in typical Red John fashion. One beaten, one beheaded - no smiley faces. They were killed, like so many others, rather unceremoniously - just like everyone that could have provided information about Red John and his organization.

For the sake of keeping it simple - Red John runs a vast, well-connected cult, Bret Stiles runs Visualize, a vast, well-connected cult. it's not really a heavy lift.

In case that's not enough, here's a few more reasons why Stiles is the most logic suspect:
- It doesn't make much sense for Red John to punch a clock. A day job means responsibilities and obligations that would be unavoidable. With a legion of followers to command and a lot of fairly complex projects in the works, regular employment doesn't seem viable.
- Visualize has the means and resources to easily assemble a vast network of insiders throughout all levels of law enforcement, from local, to state, to federal. A member of any single law enforcement agency would have far too stunted a reach to recruit in the other agencies.
- Kirkland's brother apparently got help with his drinking from Red John; Visualize is a self help-esque organization that specializes is things like that.
- according to Haffner, Stiles has Visualize members study Jane (suggesting that he has some kind of psychological insight), which raises the question of what they're being taught and how that information was gained (for example, might he have gleaned some information from Jane's psychiatrist?).
- the episode that Stiles and Visualize are introduced in was called "Red All Over" (probably the least persuasive argument, but possibly suggestive).

and lastly, but in some respects most importantly:
- Malcolm McDowell is a legend. If you created a show that was to culminate in the revelation of a mastermind, serial killer after several years of close calls and red herrings, wouldn't you jump at the chance to make that killer be the guy from A Clockwork Orange?

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After watching the last episode I have come to the conclusion that RJ is Bret Stiles... the Tyger Tyger is the next chapter after his dead. PJ already killed a man thinking he was RJ, I don't see PJ "killing him again". Red John will not die by the hands of PJ but because of his disease... however, at episode 8, they will both officially meet right before he dies

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After seeing the last episode, it's interesting to mention the kind of personality that has red john, i mean he is the most powerful man into the tigger tigger organization and therefore a confident one: into the logic of the three dots, i agree with those who said that that is only for the members and not for the lider, and most important of all the idea of knowing that he wouldn't be in danger if he comes, and the only person who doesn't arrive with a gun was Bret Stiles.  Nevertheless, I believe that Red John (Bret Stiles) is seeking for a successor and that's why all of the crimes have been committed for random members (and because of the illness of Stiles too), and the successor is the one who spoke with patrick's doctor.

But if it's not.. hopefully it will be something good in terms of the conections and clues across the story.

P.S: It would be fun if someone from the CBI like Van Pelt or Rigsby is Red John or of the bad ones.
P.SS: The same with Patridge.

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Its totally Bret Stiles after this episode,

The three dot tattoo is a misdirect, clearly ....Three with the tattoos are his mignons who carry out his killings because he is in no physical shape to do so.....

All law enforcement agents except Bret....there has to be a reason.

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Hi guys! i´m from Brazil, and I don know the time that the new episode will be in the internet to watch. Can someone please tell in how much time will be released in the internet? please don tell me the time in USA because i don't know de diference betwen Brazil and USA.


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On a new sneak peek Bret stiles is gone missing. So I think he knows patrick is on his tracks, better bail the f out before they catch him.

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Oh my God I keep changing my mind I have not got a clue who is it but I'm thinking Bertram for sure now. These are the reasons. The clues we are getting aren't reliable, what is reliable is what came from the directs mouth and what we have seen ourselves. Gale wears a wedding ring which we see on red john siping tea. He was very close to partridge murder scene he was there very quickly. When the three tyger tyger members were in the room and PJ came in and told them that he had a clue on RJ. Betram was behaving odd in front of Reese and. The others. He wanted to discuss red john in private ... why. His comment about being many things to many people. Might have meant he is apart of the tyger tiger group but also is red john and maybe the tyger tyger group don't know about him or maybe they do. The poem and connections.

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