Who is Red John?

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Bret Stiles

Bret Stiles
Suspected in 550 theories


Magic revealed :)

I stumbled upon a picture where VISUALIZE logo overlaps RJ's SMILEY 
and thought " Damn ... I wonder what the picture would look like if the two triangles were placed somewhere else "

The result may be a mere coincidence - but i'll leave you to be the judge of that :)

Tyger Tyger


the link contains the original picture i found at top
and one i modded below 

( i couldn't find the source pic in higher quality so pardon the low res effect )

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Best scene in the series so far 3:13 to 3:23     

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If Timothy Carter was a fake Red John than why can't McAllister be a fake Red John?                                             get over it???  it's only been 3 episodes and the season isn't even half over you funkin dumb cunt                                       I bet you watched episode 11 with all your cats and was captivated by the Jane romancing the blonde story and was so shocked she was the murderer you dropped your knitting needles           you have the balls to come on a web site called WHO IS RED JOHN? and call the people who are posting theories about who Red John might be pathetic     go fuck yourself       better yet stop hoping for the Jisbon storyline nobody wants and go suck a bowl of dicks              



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Hi guys..the Red John ending and the shows new direction, is seriously depressing me right now and there's only one thing that could save the show for me. Bring HIM back!!! Here's some food for thought...Thomas McAllister went to Brett Partridge to copy his DNA, well what if Bret Stiles and/or Ray Haffner also done this. Stiles was by far the most interesting and charismatic character, with the best background story eg Visualize etc, but is boringly killed and straight away forgotten about, mentioned maybe only once or twice? If RJ/McAllister was a member of Visualize would he so willingly kill his god like figure like that? I reaallly hope he is brought back and we get a Jane VS Stiles battle in the finale AND we actually get answers with some history and flashbacks. At this point I'd even settle for the people's choice, Brett Partridge, rather than the pathetic, balding sheriff who is terrified of pigeons, phones 911 and is that stupid he even has an incriminating tattoo, which he somehow reveals to a person who could identify him!?!
A good storyline, I think, would be to have the Rigsbys working on a Visualize case and to stumble upon evidence that Stiles/Haffner is still alive. Or what if we see Grace secretly meeting Bret, the great mind behind the RJ persona and her boss the whole time, and they begin plotting another elaborate plan to torment Patrick once again. Also, one final point is I thought Kirkland was a brilliant character this season, and the whole twin twist would have made a really interesting storyline, but no, the writers just seemed to give up and lost their imaginations after this episode... Please Bruno, don't leave it this way!!!!

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When Jane picked up his phone while looking at 3 bodies with a pool of blood in front of him.

My reaction : http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/500x/44444727.jpg

My reaction after watching the whole episode : 

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Wow Guys!! What an awsome plot twist! A white girl was the head of a massive organization..................and was bossing around latino drug lords like a dog. What has this show come to? If this kind of crap keeps up then this show is seriously dead. Most of us are looking into clues for RJ in every episode but i didn't see anything unusual in the last ep...................... Other than Jane say nobody knows who i really am.

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OMG, this was the worst episode I've ever seen!! So boring, uninteresting, total disappointment..Even the Red John episode was better, LOL. At least that one had Rigsby, Van Pelt and the old team..I'm devastated about what this show is becoming!! Horrible, boring, average! Very upsetting.
Even Jane wasn't enough to keep me interested..Come on guys, I can't believe anyone liked this mess...
Bring back the 'old' people, Partridge, Stiles, Haffner, Kirkland etc..Otherwise this show is dead.

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