Who is Red John?

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List of seven

Thomas McAllister
Thomas McAllister
Reede Smith
Reede Smith
Ray Haffner
Ray Haffner
Gale Bertram
Gale Bertram
Brett Partridge
Brett Partridge
Bret Stiles
Bret Stiles
Bob Kirkland
Bob Kirkland


Red john is smart and sadist
through the series false leads to red john beeing male, which makes obvious assumptions the smart killer would disguise herself as the oposite gender
She is a mentalist, always close to jane, knows everything he knows at the same time hiding in sight, she has connections to every suspect also, and police intel.

Sadistically she subconsiously show herself as the killer to torture jane for her own pleasure
leaving hints that jane leave in the air, and acumulate pain
initials teresa lisbon , TL, Red John, RJ
the letters S and K are alphabetically aparting their initials, which stands for serial killer.
it is certain that teresa is redjohn, however, her motives remain a mistery for me, why Jane? Whar's the real motive for teresa to pick on Jane?

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Yes I do believe it is associated with bung. Thank you. You need to believe me it is CBI Ron.

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Thomas McALLISTER Crowley

Blows my mind how real to life this show really was.

The Blake Association is real

Men in positions of power who think of themselves as above God = True Satanism 
"Do what thou wilt"

Gaining power and influence though blackmail

Using trauma based mind control techniques on their female sex slaves (Lorelie)

Lure a lie-
using your sex slave as a Vegas mistress to blackmail and control people...

Remember how Red John was part of scientology (visualize) at one point?

But he broke away and created his own cult ?

Just like the people in the NXIVM sex-cult in real life ...

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Theory #18939 • By pranavk1992
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Redhead Red John. Knows Jane and each of his movements. People dying for her, especially her boyfriend. 

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Alicia Witt as Rosalind Harker could portray a fantastic Red John character for the Mentalist Show; giving it a glorious story.
Imagine what a great potential the scene would have,
where Patrick would find out to his astonishment,

that Roselind Harker isn't blind and is Red John!
Ok now I have it, going with the concept that Red John (so she)
is a supreme hypnotic & psychological manipulator,

who managed to infiltrate diverse fed organizations,
by making some of it members sub to her and such in time
establishing a multilayer-complex-sect-like-organisation

with many diverse & devoted members,
that we got later to know on the show as the Blake Association.
One episode starts, that Jane gets informed by his CBI friends,

maybe Lisbon or so, who talks & shows photos to him
about the (supposed) former lover of Red, John Rosalind Harker,
being killed by Red John.

Patrick only gets to see photos of the autopsy or something like this.
Then Jane starts to think that Red John was scared that trough her
he could track him;
so Patrick still thinking its a man, like also the audience. Then somehow in the end of the episode Patrick admits
he cant beat Red John, he is to good for him;

this to the pleasure of Red John, who observes Janes moves.
In the end of that episode Red John contacts Patrick with a letter:
,,I am glad you finally understood.

(& writes on) Maybe we can unfold your understanding even more"
& gives Patrick with the letter a invitation,

where he will finally meet with him & of course advising in it
Patrick to come alone, without his friends.
Then in the next episode of the show we see how Patrick
accepts the invitation, seemingly tricking his friends,

that they don't get to know what he is up to & they can such stay safe,
as also, because he is willing to sacrifice himself to kill Red John

& knows that his friends wouldn't allow him to do so,
but its the very possible outcome if he wants to succeed in killing Red John.

So Jane goes on some hidden street very early in the morning (like 4 AM), so its still dark. Then he sees a noble car standing alone, which blinks.
He goes to it, the door opens, he gets in.
In the car are two members of the tiger organization;
one sitting on back sit with Patrick,
checking him for weapons
but not finding any & the other member drives it.
Patrick unusually don't trying to talk & manipulate them,
just being still and looking at the window. Then the driver says:
,,So we are driving to a special place for you.
Red John said you would like it". They drive to the graveyard,
where Janes wife & daughter have they're graves.
The car arrives, Patrick goes out & smiles to himself.
Accompanied by the 2 Blake association members, he sees from behind,
in the distance at the grave of his family, a figure standing.
The members are convoying Patrick to him and as he getting closer
the tension about revealing Red Johns identity is rising.
Then for example he could be the Sheriff or also this rich guy
or some one completely different, but dressed in a elegant black suit
with something red on it. The supposed Red John turns to Jane
and says: ,,We have now 2 options.
One, you knee & i can make you to meet with your family
( in very dark sarcasm) or you join me and became a high ranked member, because i rely enjoyed your determination and sharp mind.
I could show you a world you couldn't even imagine existed."
Patrick says to him:

,,I have to admit you transformed me, so i have to look what I have become" & gives the supposedly real Red John his hand.
They shake hands & John starts to talk more to Patrick
what part of he became now & so.
Jane doing like he would be shocked & amazed by the revelation

& asking some things on it, such prolonging the conversation;
but then after a while Red John starts to cough, and spills blood,
then sinks to the ground.

The 2 bodyguards around are in panic. Patrick smiles & says:
,,I have prepared a poison on my hand, because for all the time,
not only I tried to figure out how to find you,

but also how i could manage to kill you,
because i knew it would be very hard & you would use guards
and so i came up with this method;

also i don't care if your man will kill me now, most important to me is,
that you will be no longer able to terrorize anyone more!
Also i am very sure,
that without you as leader your organization
will surly also fall apart." It looks like Patrick really killed Red John.
Wants to knee on the grave,
to be executed near his wife and daughter. Then one of the bodyguards, who didn't really panic before, says:
,,Oh Patrick did you really think I wouldn't be prepared for
one of your tricks, you should by now know,
that i am greater at this then you.

This man was just a decoy used to deflect your possible attack on me."
So this bodyguard who was sitting with Jane in the car is now supposedly revealing himself
as the real Red John.
With this looking like being the ultimate turn of events,
making the audience now really believe it is now the real one.

He goes on with his talk: ,,Now know Patrick that you killed the wrong man, as also even a innocent one
(maybe revealing it was b movie actor who was tricked by Red John
to think that he was making with Patrick a scene for a thriller movie).

Failing again in front of your family!"
The supposed really real Red john says:,,Now time to say bye bye"
and points a gun on him.

Patrick looks shocked & angry, saying:
,,You cant, please give a man before execution one last wish
John says: ,,The time of playing is over
Then we hear a shot & the camera goes of scene, filming the clouds
(its already being bright like 5 AM) suggesting Patrick was shot,
but it was fake ammunition.

The camera swings back & we see Patrick is still alive.
Then from behind, his shoulders are touched by a female hand
who says to him in a tender voice:

,,Say Patrick, how did you feel. Did this twist torn you soul."
He turns and sees Rosalind in a sexy red dress with open eyes (not blind) looking on him.

Jane saying:
,,so You are..(don't saying the name Red John but implying), but how!?", Rosalind: ,, I think you can imagine",

,,You infiltrated the feds & also some members of
the medical department-autopsy & faked your death!"
Rosalind: ,,How sharp, that's what i always liked about you;

also you know i am very captivated by you; but i hope you got it by now.
So I will take you to my residence,
but before maybe you want
to say a last goodbye to your wife & daughter
. "
Patrick smiles at her and turns to the grave & knees
and makes a praying position,
then speaks out loud:
,,I am so very sorry that i directed attention of this very crazy & bad person on me & such you, leading to your cruel deaths.

It demolished my heart but i sworn on this hateful void of my heart,
that i would use this dark power to devour your killer & Finally i can do so!

Even if giving with it only a little bit of salvation for you."
Rosalind-Red John is astonished about this gesture
that's implying he didn't give up
& thinks he can do something about her. Then boom, we hear loud shoots. Patrick's friends from a far sniped,
hitting the two bodyguards in the head, instantly killing them.

Then quickly Patrick grabs the gun from one of the bodyguard on
the ground, Rosalind still in shock & he points the gun on her.

Patrick:,,Oh you didn't expect this outcome, honestly i also didn't",
She smiles & says: ,,Indeed it looks like you surpassed me!

So you had a back up plan with your friends sniping."
RosaLind:,,So you figured out i would like to meet you here?"

Jane:,,That was the key to it all. I thought what could you use
to manipulate my feelings. How you want to sink even deeper in my mind.

Then i knew, the only one that is left for me,
on which you would think you could & surly would be able to do so; breaking my mental guard,

would be the grave of my wife and daughter.
Yeah you thought that between this extreme tension
of my hate towards you & love to my family,

you have the setting to confuse & manipulate me;
even putting such a show on.
So that how I knew that is the place you would meet me.

Imagine, after i was driven by your subordinates to the grave,
how joyful it made me, because I knew i would be now able to kill you,

because even if my hand trick would not work,
my friends would be a fail safe & so or so, you wouldn't get alive here.

I was just surprised the bodyguard wasn't it.
Glad that my friends didn't shoot at him & so making you escape.

I didn't see you, but they did see how you approached me from behind, judging right, that you wouldn't kill me, just scare me.
Also I imagine, because of your red dress they figured out that you are
Red John. I also figured out that you infiltrated the CBS and FBI,

so i could only trust my friends, only them.
Just saying you this all, so that you know that for a long time now
i knew about my position & your capabilities
in your perverted game
& just let you think I wouldn't know your supreme position, so in this way someday you would be compelled to invite me
& now we are here & its ends with your dead."
She smiles & quickly goes at him, hugs him & kiss him intensely on his lips

& at the same time he fires multiple times on her torso or belly.
There Faces are close, She stops kissing him
& in pain but also somehow in smile,
gives him last look before closing her eyes. This smile of hers irritates little bit Patrick
but he looks in relief as also sorrow on her.

Then her hands let off his body & she drops to the ground.
Patrick see how from afar his friends coming to him.

Standing before him they say:
,,You did it; it really worked! You are a MAGICIAN",

He smiles at them back but then he turns to the grave
of his wife & daughter & with a relived face he also drops; on the grave.

His friends are shocked, calling his name. He realized that in her kiss
she poisoned him. She probably planned to kill him this way
from the beginning,
knowing he would never accept her, but he is just glad he revenged his family & can now meet with them.
& then there would be another & final episode of the show after this, showing this events from the perspective of his CBI Friends.
Ending with his funeral ceremony, where in the ending scene Lisbon speaks how she meet him & felt about him & how she saw him
& how with time she got to like him & his ways
& what he changed in her as also in her friends for the better;
ending in the words,

that he was a wonderful father for his family.

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The Blake Association were a "do what though will" Alister Crowley type of cult/group.

They were cops, judges, fbi, and ELITES running drugs and HUMAN TRAFFICKING out of Napa Valley...
Human trafficking and sex slaves like Timothy Carter style...yea..
They got lower level members through blackmail or making peoples problems "go away". (Reed Smith)

Red John didn't have magical powers.
He preyed on people with troubled backgrounds..

If he couldn't blackmail or pull rank he would use trauma based mind control to make his more cultish followers do as he pleased..(the women who are obsessed with him, who would die for him) Always women too right ?
I don't remember a guy ever calling him their God...

Sexually perverted trauma based mind control..aka breaking them thus owning their mind 

Jane knew what he was saying when he called him sexually perverted..

Lorelie was the classic example of this..

Her sister was sold, died in captivity as a slave.. 

RJ "broke" Lorleie the way Harvey Weinstein breaks his actresses..

Rj used LORE el LIE as a Madamme type HANDLER in VEGAS in order to LURE girls into RJs coven of mental slaves...


Bruno Heller broke PEDOGATE before Wiki leaks !!!

My biggest problem with he Rj reveal WAS that I couldn't get passed a "serial killer" like Red John also being an illuminati type Boss leader of the Blake Association..

But when you research the big time serial killers in reality, they all say they were working for other high end group of men who paid them to find victims ..

The RJ "calling card" of the smiley face and the toes painted was only a RED HERRING..

That wasnt his M.O.
He wasnt a serial killer in the "Dexter" sense...

Dexter has an MO when he kills...Rj killed and ordered tons of people killed in all different types of ways.

In fact, in the mentalist show, Rj killed more people in other ways besides his typical M.O. calling card...

The details were irrelevant like Jane implied...

The audience was looking for a creepy Brett Partridge type of guy as the Dexter-like serial killer..

Nobody ever expected a Napa Valley Sheriff who also was a MOB BOSS!!!

He had sleeper agents or "red John-doe's" all over..
His pawns like Reed Smith or Bertram knew someone had dirt on him and that they had to listen to RJ or they would be exposed...
Thats Washington DC in a nutshell..

Check out this real life story from Napa Valley as a random coiqience too...

"Cult-like mystery surrounds Napa shooting"
Register Staff Writer
 Nov 14, 2007 

-Stu P. Kidd

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The real Red John just went over most people's heads,
because that is what he always did within the context of the series. He is the
dark alter ego of Patrick Jane, and while RJ is aware of this, Patrick Jane is
not. At the end of the series, Red John wins.

The "official" resolution requires you to accept
that there are true psychics. S05E22 is the key episode that actually spills
the truth about Red John. Red John kills a happy memory that Jane never told
anyone about. How he knew is just an unanswered question, you say? No. Heller
saw to it that he provides an answer to that very important question - an
answer by Thomas McAllister, his FINAL WORDS: that he is a true psychic. We all
know what Jane ALWAYS said throughout the series about true psychics. Even
Heller does not believe in them: “Jane feels very strongly as I do that psychics
don’t exist" (quote from an interview with TV Line). Jane knows that this
question is unanswered, but he decides to believe he finally has Red John and
"the rest is just details".

* The only possible answer to the mystery of the happy memory is "Red John
is in Jane's head". And there are no true psychics. Just put 1 and 1
together. There is NO ALTERNATIVE interpretation that explains that.

* Also in S05E22: We learn that Patrick Jane has Irish ancestors. St Patrick's
Day in Ireland is strongly associated with the color green. GREEN JANE (bright
vowel) - RED JOHN (dark vowel). Red and green is one of the most contrasting
color pairs according to opponent process theory. The two are also
complementary colors.

* Let's continue with duality and opposition. Did you know that William Blake's
"The Tyger" has a companion poem? It is "The Lamb". The two
stem from Songs of Innocence and Experience. Duality. Harmless Lamb - Deadly

* Lorelei used to be the beloved of Red John ... and Jane.
She told Patrick Jane exactly what Red John wanted Jane to know (that he shook
hands with Red John), leading him to the seven suspects and making him
ultimately believe Red John was dead. Also, within this story arc, Red John
tries to win him over to his side, trying to unify the two sides of his

* Whenever we hear the true Red John speaking in the series, it is Simon
Baker's voice, at a higher pitch. Whenever we see "Red John", it is a
theater orchestrated by the real Red John.

* There is a precedent of Jane killing a fake Red John. Here's the official
comment by Bruno Heller: "What
you get from that scene is what you should get. The viewer is supposed to be
convinced. Patrick Jane is certain it's Red John... The thing is, Red John is a
master of the mind game. If Red John wanted to die, maybe this is how he wanted
to die. Or maybe he just wants Jane to think he's dead."  Well, he did it again, didn't he. But this
time, the audience needs to  decide
whether to believe.

* Red John is afraid of heights. A point is made that McAllister is not. A
whole episode is dedicated to that topic.

* One of the strongest pieces of evidence: The Red John Smiley itself. It was
deliberately crafted to resemble the ultimate nemesis of the show. And it looks
exactly like a smiling Jane, with his characteristic eyes. There is no way that
this is a coincidence.

* Van Pelt once said to Bret Stiles that he is "good, but not as good as
Jane".  Bret Stiles created a huge cult that worships him. Red John
needs to exceed that - McAllister certainly did not. Even Jane says he is
disappointed. If this is good art, and I believe it is, Red John must at least
be the equal of Jane - and the only person we ever met in the series that would
be a worthy adversary to Jane is ... Jane.

* Patrick Jane shows that he can be very cold to people. He is described as a
psychopath once, and he smiles a lot and drinks a lot of tea at the sites of
murders. He is also capable of killing, also by means of manipulating others
(in this case, Red John himself) - this is exactly Red John's method. Once you
see Jane from that angle, he assumes a wholly new dimension when appearing on

* Panzer is a model of a killer hiding in plain sight. There may be some
foreshadowing here when he says to Jane " that kind of duplicity, that
double life, i don't know how you do that". Jane also says Brett Partridge
must be a good chess player if he is Red John. Again, this is a hint at a
killer in plain sight, and we know that Jane, who fulfills a similar role regarding
the investigation of the RJ murders, is an excellent chess player.

* Throughout the series, the FBI believes Patrick Jane could be RJ. I believe
the new spin on the series after the killing of McAllister would have
ultimately seen the true reveal of RJ by the FBI, had the series continued.

* Jane speaking to Krystal (a dangerous crime boss that hides behind a harmless
fake identity) in "White Lines": "I never, uh, really tell
anyone who I actually am. That's why we're so well-matched. I think you're the
same. Well, uh... there's a real Krystal that you don't let anybody see."
This is one of the stronger pieces of evidence, and Red John speaking.

* In the final episode, I believe we also see the Red John side of PJ. He
blackmails the fraudulent jeweler to give him a hugely expensive wedding ring
which he gives to Lisbon - in an episode where Lisbon makes a point that the
two have to be honest with each other from now on. We also see a huge Jane
smile at the very end, and it is hard to overlook the Red John face. Jane also
says "We have to promise each other that we will always look on the bright

* The show ends on PJ/RJ having a wife and soon a kid again. A pleasant ending
if you look at it from the lamb side, a terrifying ending if you look at it
from the tiger side.

* Compare this to Lisbon's "Which side would you rather be on? Childish
naivete or defeated cynicism?"

* If you were the author, what would be the better story? McAllister or
Jane/John? Can we trust Heller to be a good author? The key question is -
are you lamb or tiger, innocent or experienced?

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