Who is Red John?

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List of seven

Thomas McAllister
Thomas McAllister
Reede Smith
Reede Smith
Ray Haffner
Ray Haffner
Gale Bertram
Gale Bertram
Brett Partridge
Brett Partridge
Bret Stiles
Bret Stiles
Bob Kirkland
Bob Kirkland


It was not the final ending I had hoped for or not the ending I wanted.  They should have ended with at least 3 different alternative endings like the movie CLUE.  I also will not watch any more TV shows that are created/written by Bruno Heller.  Rest in peace-the cast of The Mentalist.

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    For five seasons this show was constructed and written with thought and meaning in the smallest of details.  Everything had its place and had a purpose and as we watched we felt like we were a part of something special. Sure there were things that maybe seemed out of place at the time but they were there for a reason, we assumed. It was like watching a master carpenter working on a beautiful piece of furniture or a great painter working on a masterpiece.  Every motion had a deeper meaning and it was up to us to be involved and ponder what could be next.   Then the last 2 seasons.....  No meaning... no purpose... no direction,  but yet we still tried to find the meaning or the purpose in what we watched.     To me the master carpenter that took 5 yrs to construct a beautiful table and just as it was almost done ready to lay the magnificent top to finish an heirloom decided to run down to Home Depot for a piece of plywood and nail it on for the top and go all done...  Or Imagine the painter who has labored for 5 yrs with every brush stroke and just about to complete a masterpiece like the Mona Lisa and looks down sees a box of crayons and decides to draw a smiley face and go all done.  WTF did I just watch.

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To be honest I don't know how to feel about the finale. I always was a Jisbon fan/shipper but presumed that it would be in the very last scene of the show. I always thought (hoped) that red john would be caught in the last episode. Instead, we got this sherif crap and wedding bullshit.

This show was truly amazing and could've been the best in the history of tv shows. I've never been so emotionally attached to the characters of a tv show, truly a wonderful cast from Jane all the way to Van Pelt.

This show has been a part of my life for 7 years and it's sad to have witnessed what it had become. I guess all good things come to an end whether it's the end you hoped for or not.

We knew this show would come to an end, but the way it did that simply baffles me. How once a great great show, a piece of art really, becomes a soap opera crap.

Anyway, I wanted to say that is been a pleasure to read all your theories and thoughts about this show and I applaud all of you who sticked together until the very end whether we liked it or not, through good and bad.
It's been a real honour and I thank you all for this.

To end on a slightly better note I have one last theory ( solution if you like ) on how this show could maybe be saved and keep its dignity. So here goes, and remember guys, there's always hope, false hope but hope nonetheless.

Some other network picks up the mentalist for a season 8:

Season 8 is 4 years after "Jisbons" child is born. Red john obviously is still alive and upset that Jane moved on, so to teach him a lesson ( again ) he kills his child. Jane and Lisbon go after RJ one last time as husband and wife to get revenge for their child and since Cho is in charge now he reassembles the team including Rigsby and Van Pelt.

Oh and did anyone else spot CBI Ron at the wedding ???

Thank you all so much :)

God I will miss this show

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I don't think "The Mentalist" is a fitting or appropriate title anymore [for what this show has become in the end].

So, I came up with a few ideas of my own that I think work much better:

"The FBI Bride"

"Three Fake Psychics and a Baby"

"It Happened One Night By a Duck Pond"

"The Lady Cop and the X-Ray Vision Tramp"

"The Deadliest Pigeon"

"How to Get Away with Killing Four People" …..or "One Flew Over Extradition"

"From Here in a Normal House...to an Eternity in a Shack"

and my sentimental favorite:  
"The Man Who Threw a Pigeon, Choked a Chicken…and Settled down by a Duck Pond" ...also called "Three Birds of a Feather…"

The saddest part of this story ending…that didn't even get ONE MENTION…completely forgotten….has got to be….
'The Loneliest Couch"  

Gosh, I really do feel sorry for that ole faithful leather couch -- and I've really come to see now that the relationship Jane had with that couch was one of the more profound relationships of the whole show.  Don't you think?  LOL 

Please add your own ideas….the more the merrier.

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Good thing is now we shouldn't have any more RJ-isn't-dead theories from Stoopkid

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