Who is Red John?

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List of seven

Thomas McAllister
Thomas McAllister
Reede Smith
Reede Smith
Ray Haffner
Ray Haffner
Gale Bertram
Gale Bertram
Brett Partridge
Brett Partridge
Bret Stiles
Bret Stiles
Bob Kirkland
Bob Kirkland


I'm going to kill bruno heller

tried to post under the name red john, but for a second this site seemed almost as dumb fucking shit as bruno heller, and it said this login is not correct.

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On a side note.. White Collar recently ended, the storyline was all connected and beautifully ended there was no other way.. a cast and series to be missed.

I also recently finished True Blood and I have to say no matter how fucked up and mixed up the story twisted and turned it was always coherent and interconnected.

That's something BrunoFuckingHeller can't seem to do, because he's a fucking fuckedup faggot.

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jane asking lisbon about leaving, or should i say bugged lisbon
near the end of the ruse hes been playing

also how do i log on into my account so i dont have to always confirm on my email.

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Hi guys, sorry for my bad english i'm french...

To start, I really feel that all is wrong in this show.
Jane still has his alliance, he has not seen Hightower whereas we know that he had to see her after the end of RJ.

In my opinion, RJ is not dead.

We can see that jane is not natural, who plays a role to make believe that he really loves Lisbon. And it makes me think of a game (where lisbon is aware of course) to provoke RJ for a come-back...

Jane can't love an other woman..he is more than attached to his wife.

And the episode with Erika Flynn, She understand that is a joke.. So RJ can't believe at their story.. So they will have to do a marriage ( the end of the season.. ).

After, it is just a feeling but I think that Vega be related to RJ ...

I don't know for you, but I will more
 enjoy this show after the end of the season.. Because I just want RJ for the moment and when I was sure of the Mentalist's end, I would not watch the episodes in the same manner..

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Theory #18560 • By redjohnmotherfuckers
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ps i hope we get a sex scene with jane and lisbon

ps the please choose only gave me three options, otherwise i would have chosen mashburn

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Why is everyone so angry? Just saying

If you hated it i respect that but i loved it and heres why.
Season 7 seems like the writers are finally doing stuff they couldn't do before. Mainly because of Red John and the low status of the Cbi.
I loved the past and the low status of the cbi but things sometimes grow and change.
If you are being real with yourself the non red john episodes from seasons 4-5 were not that good at all. If Rj did not exist those episodes would of gotten the show cancelled by themselves. Volker? Come on

Season 7 is fun. We get to see stuff we always wanted to see.
Like jane and Lisbon together.

Why is everyone being so weird about Jisbon? I feel like i am in 2nd grade and all the kids think Jisbon has cooties. It makes sense for Jane and Lisbon to be together after all they been through. I can see if they did it real cheesy lovey dovey but they are not doing that at all.
I think Jisbon provides great convo between The two. No more Lisbon mad at Jane for 1000 time and Jane pretending like he doesn't like her.
No more 2nd grade shit!

Having these two together makes the show more interesting.
There a cool couple for fuck sake.
Hearing them talk things out when for years all they did was hide their emotions is great Tv people!

Erika Flyn vs Lisbon was better this time around.
Lisbon pretending to be psychic while Jane tells her what to do was the shit!
Other reasons why i like this season.
Abbot is a great actor. Bottom line.
He plays matchmaker for everyone.
Every time he talks i think its cool.
He is the man.
Cho is also the man.
Cho is more involved in the show now if you haven't realized.
He is my rock.
I am waiting for a Wiley centered episode to come soon.
That dude can act his ass off too.
The killer in tonights episode was a great actress as well.
The show stepped its game up really. Upgrades is cases, technology, setting, story lines for crimes, etc.

It has no more tricks to hide behind and is finally being honest with us.
Enjoy it as a funny witty cop show.
If you want Brett Partridge to be Rj then just watch Dexter and calm the hell down.
I am a fan of the mentalist, who else is?

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I must admit this show is now a real bore.  I've always felt that Patrick Jane is Red John, some type of split personality slash bored physcopath that could hypnotize people into doing terrible acts to amuse himself.  Anyway, did anyone else notice at the end of "Orange Blossom Ice Cream" on the roof top scene that when they first show the table and chairs it is sitting on the outer ede of a Red Circle (you can only see a small part of it) the when the camera scans to watch Patrick and Lisbon looking at the fireworks the table and chairs is sitting dead center of the Red Circle and the Number 5 is under the table,  When you look at it the way the 5 is partially obscured it looks like Red Johns calling card may be winking.  Then when the camera flips around from behind the table and chairs is just sitting on regular floor with no Red Circle or 5 to be seen anywhere.  If this show makes it to the end without getting canceled I think who Red John is will be totally left in doubt.  Any input on any of this???

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