Ah, come one. At least admit Heller has a small sense of humor! You KNOW he did this scene on purpose knowing The Jisbon Flatulent Brigade would be PISSED!!!!
Ah, come one. At least admit Heller has a small sense of humor! You KNOW he did this scene on purpose knowing The Jisbon Flatulent Brigade would be PISSED!!!!
Correction to my last post, I meant episode 4*.
Episode 5 was pathetic. It's literally an embarrassment to the entire series. This show isn't worth 45 minutes of air time anymore, just cancel it now...
So, here is a quick theory. RJ is alive and PJ knows that RJ is alive. So now that you have clicked implausible, let me explain.
- RJ wants PJ to love Lisbon. He want them to be together, maybe he wants to kill another woman that PJ loves, maybe for other reasons, I don't know. He forces PJ to confess his feelings by using Marcus Pike, He sends Pike again to challenge Jane with the "what could you offer her?" act. The chick in lebanon tells Jane that his relation with Lisbon isn't real love. Seems to me that someone wants to make sure that Jane loves Lisbon.
- Why did Jane ask Lisbon at the end of the black market episode to leave the FBI, even though he certainly knows that she loves her job? One explanation is that he knows that RJ is alive, and actually knows what his goal is.
- Red everywhere: red shirt, red dragon in the logo of a classic car, red helipad labels (with a dining table in the middle), and many more objects. Also, color changing gems, with color-changed episodes. Why name the episode "black market" when it could have been easily named "pink diamond"?
- PJ spacing out sometimes when he is alone, like he is thinking about something. He sits there on his couch, thinking, especially before confessing to Lisbon.
I don't know, seems to me like some of the ingredients for a decent plot. However, don't get your hopes up, after all, it is a show by Bruno Heller that we are talking about.
You guys are idiots. You're worse then jisbon fans.At-least they're civilized and I'm sure some of them enjoyed the Red John arc.This site was made to honor Red John. Instead, intelligence has left everyone's minds. Don't comment unless you have to something valuable to say. Instead some buffoons here are talking about left nuts and about making fun of Bruno Heller. This is the epitome of retardation! #Pathetic Scum
What will you baboons be doing when the show is over. GROW UP FOR FUCK SAKE!!!! Truth be told, tho I sound barbaric, I'm right.
I bet 100 dollars that the following is true.
1.) Red John is dead and will never return
2.) Brett Stiles is dead and will never return
3.) Visualize is obsolete and will never return
4.) Yeah, Lazarus might remind us of some stuff, but in the end he'll be arrested and jisbon will get married.
Obviously, Lorelie is dead. If you think otherwise, then you should be in a mental institution. Also, what will you guys do, when the show's over. The website will probably here for a long time so will you idiots still be here talking about RED DEAD JOHN!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! I PITY YOU ALL! BLOCK ME NOW. SPAM ME NOW. Next spring, next summer, next fall, I wonder what you will be doing then.
Maybe Red John did win tho in the end. He gave Jane, McAllister to give him closure.
What a fiasco, not even in a nightmare I imagined this show would be this bad ... let's wait for a remake in 25 years ... a darker, hardcore approach to this kinda stolen idea ... at least I'll watch it with me grandsons as a "Red John vs Patrick Jane" ... to hell with all the filler stuff ... Bruno Heller, u bloody cunt ... so the rest of writers (?) ... what kind of job will this people get now ? ... being a part of "The Mentalist" should be like some kind of curse now both for actors and crew ... wasted 'em all ... all the whining jisbon fans enjoying such a repulsive piece of shite ... this has to be the worst episode I'd watched (but then again, since ep. 08 all of 'em had been garbage ... fuck this crap ... I'm not watching this sack of vomit never again.