Who is Red John?

Theories of lukastef (8)

ive been watching all episodes with brett stiles. Just wanna say that it would be so good if it ended like this. We know that RJ was a member of visualize. So probably he learnt how to manipulate people and how to create a cult like bret stiles did. Maybe RJ was a good man once and bret stiles brainwashed him into killing timoty faragot ( he ran visualize before stiles) and killing that cop that created a false report on that case. So RJ became evil and wanted to go away from visualize so he killled that man on visualize farm so he could get kicked out of that cult and create his own.So stiles knows who RJ is but he wont tell anybody because RJ knows what he did to thimoty faragot. If RJ was caught visualize would be destroyed so he wont tell who he is. I always imagined something like this you guys too bad that stupid heller didnt explain RJ links to visualize and how stiles knew where is kristina frye. I created this scenario in my head so i can be satisfied i hope you guys like it

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Guys if you are skilled in writting pls write a book about mentalist. I would write 3 books each consisting 2 seasons. I would put RJ related episodes in the book and episodes with important characters such as brett stiles , partridge mashburn ,Frye and all other 7 Rj suspects. I would rewrite everything and then i would change whole season 6. This series means a lot to me and they took a crap on it i wish somebody writes 3 books so i can be satisfied. Everything would be the same except season 6.I think a fan who is crazy enough to write books can think of far more better ending than stupid heller.

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How i wish they refilm season 6. Everything was perfect until season 6 . Characters are perfect main antagonist is perfect story is perfect and then they throw everything down the well. If i would refilm season 6 i would make brett partridge red john because at least he is creepy and his smile reminds me of red john smile. He may be the most suspected red john but to me he would be the best at it. I wish they answered how and why red john started killing tell us something about his background,  explain his link with visualize and tell us how Stiles knew where kristina frye was. Only then i would be satisfied and then i would even watch the rest of crappy mentalist and i would even watch fischer without complaining

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you pick your favourite RJ suspect and i will invent a different story. I bet its gonna be better story than the shit you all had to witness. So the story begins with RJ being a teenager. he had a close relationship with his father who thought him everything. One day his mother kills his father for some reason and that develops his hatred for women.His mother goes to jail and has a death penalty. RJ then becomes a member of visualize and meets stiles. Stiles tries to cure his traumas but with no success. He sees in him a dark angry man. However RJ learns many things from visualize cult and grows smarter and smarter. one day in 1988 stiles sends him on elliston farm where he gets into a fight with two other members. since he cannot control his anger he kills them both and draws a smiley face. he escapes visualize, stiles now knows his identity. Over the next 10 years RJ gains followers, money , power. He picks followers with troubled past like his and among them are michael kirkland who later dies because he wanted to betray him.Rj also creates blake association so he can escape the police . his identity is only reveald to bertram.In  1998 he starts killing again women because he hates them. he learns about jane and his happy memory from barlow family ( they are also his followers). He knows about the list of seven because he does everything jane does. Jane and him meet at the park jane kills him. Rain starts to fall and jane starts to cry but at the same time he smiles so his face looks like RJ smiley face.

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i hope jane does not kill Rj with a gun i hope he beats the hell out of him.

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it would be awesome if mentalist continued for a couple of more seasons with another mysterious villain. I like the idea someone posted about villains name blue bob. I dont know why but that idea made me laugh so hard thank you for that :D, i hope red john is either mashburn or bret partridge

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Guys i have found out about the conspiracy behind the mentalist show.
Red john is a real person because visualize is a real organisation
masked by the name CBS. You can see for yourself , visualize and CBS
both have same symbol. That means Red John is someone real so my guess
is that Red John is no one other than Nicholas Cage himself. he fits
rosalinds profile and his last name is cage which sounds like prison ,
and Red John will be in prison when he is discovered.

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