Who is Red John?

Theories of bettyboo (66)

Even if they made an extra episode explaining everything that they missed just to please fans it still wouldn't matter because RED JOHN IS DEAD. The most boring uneventful death of all time.
That was probably his mother protecting him with the knife. Jane did say on the TV that he was most likely living with his mother or his sister in a bungalow...anyway where was I'am getting off the track of stupidity...

The episode has come and gone, there is no making up for this. I mean on the Hitler video it asked about it being on a DVD. WHAT!

This is a three minute youtube video and there is more talent in this video then the whole mentalist put together  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmP4Xzt0rN4&list=FLr7AHSWpLR-Jqez2-Dsqu3Q&index=3

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Hang on Did Jimmy Gadd actually apologize for fans spoiling the episode for other people lmao. That crock of crap? That's called deflection. WE should get an apology from Heller telling us that he sorry for that dull, unimaginative and half arsed episode. He should be damn sorry for his laziness. He should be sorry that his episode is so bad that people actually believe that it's a comedy, that it couldn't possibly be the real one. He should apologize for lying in interviews, for saying he had a plan when he didn't. 

If he doesn't apologize then I will. I'm sorry fans of the mentalist that your loyalty was not rewarded. That we didn't get the quality that we deserved. That Heller's profile of Red John wasn't near as imaginative or developed or as intelligent as ours were. I'm sorry for the actors, it was the material they had to work with. Berkeley thinks he will go down in history as a super villain but it's been tarnished by the joke that Heller revealed as Red John.

Mostly I'm really sorry that I can't buy the boxsets and sieve through the clues and say " Ah that is why that happened, that explains that" or I can't say " wow that was genius". 
Before this I thought this as one of the best shows that I had ever seen. I mean the clues were so carefully thought out placed ( or so I thought). If you googles something anything it would lead you to the word red or something similar. Wow I thought. But now I know that that was all in our heads.It that was just coincidence, it wasn't planned, it wasn't carefully thought out, it wasn't a  masterpiece. It was a crock of shit. There was no plan. There was no twists no turns no master profile of red john. Anybody could throw in a few red herring to confuse people without anything behind them or them leading to anything. It was all in our heads. It was us that were the geniuses making out Heller was a genius but when the time came to prove he was....lol...he fell flat.

I'm sorry it was such a disappointment.
The super villain that was Red John was just shat on by a pigeon.

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I vow never to watch anything That Heller does ever again. I can't after that. 

They should have treated the episode as a funeral. They should have alotted the time for going back and revisiting everything, the farm, Patricks family, maybe some stuff we hadn't seen before. RJ watching Jane on the news for the first time. It should have been a tribute to Red JOHN. Again he was the backbone of the show. it's makes no sense that it was all wasted. They obviously thought that Red John was not important enough to spend the time on.

 His Story should have been told. There should have been great imaginary, we have seen it before right. The pilot, Patrick standing outside the barn and the light showing the smiley. Well the same thing should have been done for Red John. They should have paralleled some of that stuff with Patrick Jane. just like Patrick was standing outside the barn they should have shown a flashback to Red John just after painting the smiley. They should have explained the cutting of the women's throats and related it to a back story maybe with his mother or a sister. Why does he seem to have a hatred for women mainly and left the copycat man killer alive?? They should have shown him using his skills, sneaking up on a victim or getting someone to kill themselves. it just takes quick flashbacks and it's about fitting everything tightly together. I am telling you I could have done a better job then Heller did.  

What they could have done was build him up as a god in the flashbacks where he was in his own territory surrounded by his followers. A skilled serial killer, smart and cunning. They could then stripped him of this with Jane having gotten the upper the hand with his phobia and shown that under it all he was just a man with no followers behind him. 

That's just me though. Wasted potential with this whole story.

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Someone made a good point below about nothing being said about the leaked episode. Well firstly they don't want everyone to know. The worst thing would be drawing attention to it then everyone would be in uproar. Saying that though it leads me to something else....

I have to bring this up.
I don't get the media. Every time they get their hangs on an episode-They seem to not want to criticize it. Is there something going on under the table. Is it because they fear they wont get the episode in advance if they don't have ALL nice things to say. This means you can't really trust in anything they say because they always have good things to say about it. Is there ever any constructive criticize. 
I mean speaking of one site giving out that people were giving their opinion on the episode, they were blaming the people. WHY ON EARTH HAS NOONE WROTE AN ARTICLE ABOUT THE LEAKED EPISODE AND THE RECEPTION IT IS GETTING??? There has to be some media out there who isn't bribed by an advance screening. AS someone said there has been no reference to it. And the blame lies with the CBS leak not the people who watch because it's human nature to want to spill the beans and tell people not to be too hopeful with the episode. The CBS I understand but the media is a whole different Kettle of fish. There has to be a reason for it. Are they afraid of backlash or something. 
It's obvious from on the sites that the majority of people hated the episode and expected more but nothing is said about it at all.

It's not a fake though. I am certain its the genuine article.

P.S Strictly for Partridge fans. I wasn't a fan but now I wish he was the REAL Red John compared to what we had gotten. This video is hilarious I love it. You probably all seen it anyway but still.


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Something has been bothering me. Since RJ hates pigeons so much how the hell does he function at all. How does he go to town. Everywhere PJ and lisbon went there was bloody pigeons so how did he follow them around. How does he have christmas dinner. Is it just pigeons or birds in general I would imagine turkey would be hard to stomach. How does he live out in the country with all those birds. 

No in all seriousness, I don't imagine The sheriff drawing the smiley. I would have liked to have seen some flashbacks of him drawing it and with him in action. I would have liked to have known about the carnie days if he had any connection. I would have liked to have gotten to know him better before he was strangled to death. I would liked to see him interacting with stiles and lorelie. I'm sorry if I am asking for too much Heller but didn't you think that we may have wanted to dwell a little on this character before you ripped him away for good. I don't want to see Jane in action, we see him all the time we don't get to see Red John. What about the one twin he killed. What about RH and the sheriff,  how odd a pair they make, I guess she blind so it doesn't matter. 

I would have liked a series of flashbacks with him killing someone. Maybe show him getting ready before he saves Patrick?? That would have been ace. It's like there was absolutely no gimmicks in the whole episode, nothing to dress it up or make it complete.
Does anyone get what I am saying
The normal way to end something like this is to either have PJ tell him how he figured it out way back to visualize OR to have the sheriff tell him about his history. It's like they deliberately left that out and THAT IS WHY THIS EPISODES LEAVES A BAD TASTE IN YOUR MOUTH. It's incomplete.

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Lets have a minutes silence to mourn Red John as we know him, the evil doer who gave us chills like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ns_DWnqrEdI&noredirect=1

The badass with connections who did this


Or in general lets just mourn the opening scene which looking at it again the visuals are no longer recognizable from this new episode RED JOHN


Alas my friends I can't believe it's all over. It will never be done again 


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Is it wrong I actually prefer the sheriff as his own character then as RED JOHN. He was by far a better character, smarter stronger. 
No amount of convincing can make this any better. They could have done the whole show a series of flashbacks and it would have been waaaaay better then the heap of junk we just watched.
I think they didn't want to put any effort into it at all. The flashbacks to the farm would have been too much effort. It's like they didn't have the budget for it and really tell me this

Who ENDS A STORY LIKE THIS MID WAY through a season in only one episode and introduce completely new characters almost in the same episode. Who signed that off. Why didn't they do this properly. 

why why why why why why why.

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