Who is Red John?

Theories of bettyboo (66)

I still don't believe it's a fake episode. I don't understand why people do either. I think it might be denial. Well this happens all the time, they drop the ball on on a series. They released this already  to the press. They have an article in TV guide about it. 
Even if it was altered to change the RED JOHN just the look and feel to the episode is still crap in my opinion. 
I don't believe for a second there is anything else coming our way. I wish there was and hope there is and there isn't too many disappointed fans

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Okay I finally watched it. Thank god it was driving me crazy. 
First thing I will say that THAT IS THE RED JOHN EPISODE no fake the press have seen it. THe clues the spoilertv lady gave were correct and all added up with the  "your boyfriend" etc

Now onto talking about it. The sheriff was a good choice I must say. Great ACTOR poor material to work with. Poor Reveal. 
Mostly POOR VISUALS. Guys I know now why there was a huge fanbase of partridge for Red John fans. I mean look at the visuals of the first episode. Hell even look at the scene where Red John saved Patrick it gives me chills. NONE of this episode gave me much feeling at all to be honest except thinking god Bertram is a big OAF that won't shut up. 

They should have had more of a show to it. 
Even when patrick was crying I didn't feel much about it. It wasn't as good or heart wrenching in other scenes. I also felt more sorry for Red John.
The voice they should have dubbed it instead.
All in all I think that Partridge probably would have made a better Red John in the end. but then again it wasn't the red john it was everything else that let this episode down big time. This was the episode where there should have been loadsa of smart twists and turns throughout the whole thing with maybe numerous red john and just when we think we had our red john BOOM it turned out to be someone else. They had years to plan this. What the hell happened. Why was it such a let down. it should have been movie quality not boring. AND GOD NOT CHEESEY, some of it was actually cheesey. Heller pull up your socks for heavens sake

I think when Heller said that people will be disappointed because he is "Just a MAN" I think what I really meant was that HELLER is just a man. A man without a plan. He obviously didn't have one.

It's could have been great! Well my friends I think I will spent a week on here then it will time to say goodbye! Hope Heller knows this exists this page and sees how we reacted. I don't think his heart was in it when he finished the story. Maybe he wanted it over and done with. Maybe too many people complained about it dragging on but it was rushed I feel. Anyway I'm dragging on now. Great site here kudeos to the maker. There is a few bugs in it lately though. Please fix it if you can.

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Hmm guys I highly doubt that that was a decoy. They were doing a good job of fooling us as it was why would they bother wasting time and resources making a whole episode. Anyway I still haven't watched it wish someone would download it so I could watch it through a different means. 
I don't get it though, was it too rushed. Had Heller not ALOT to work with.I mean all those clues that he put in and the red Herrings were just rubbish and not thought out well at all. He had no master plan I think he interview was probably because he knew he didn't have one and was pretending to have one.  

The sheriff was an excellent choice but to not follow through with everything else Makes no sense. Are they not embarrassed about it?!

I wouldn't want to be Hellers twitter account in the next coming days..eeeeek. 

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Aaaah I wanna see it so bad! SO I can judge for myself. If it's the rough cut then you probably shouldn't have watched it it may not have been great but wow Heller Rushed the damn thing. listened to too many people complaining about it being drawn out.

He did tell us there was no tricks or anything I guess. Was Red John at least charismatic and were they good together.

Anybody know how we can watch it here out of the US??

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Wow so the comments on here it's clear that Heller really failed which would be bloody hard to do since we laid all the hard ground work in our theories here. God I wish I could look forward to watching it now but I can't after hearing this. US peeps are the luckiest to be able to watch it and get it over with.
I still go with McAllister though all the clues add up

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Something is bothering me. Before you all jump at me. I believe it's McAllister or Partridge that is Red John but the comment that Heller said the comment about NOT TRICKING THE AUDIENCE makes me feel that Bertram is still in the running. 
THAT and the fact that in the sneek peek Jane is still talking about meeting Bertram - that means that is was INFACT BERTRAM IN THE CHURCH.
It's just a niggling feeling that is all

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OKay after swaying to Ray Haffner for a brief period of time ( Jesus christ Bettyboo!). I really change my mind after I rewatch scenes of each suspect lol, I have finally settled. Okay so we are told by people who have seen the episode Legit, that the clues do add up to Red John. That means that RH description is correct. So this is why I believe that the sheriff is RJ and Yes they did spoil it for us but nevermind. Partridge, Bertram, Stiles, Kirkland and twin brother. Reede are most likely not Red John for obvious reasons...Death, arrested etc.... That leaves the two suspects Ray and the Sherrif.

First things first, I had a hard time with the description because somethings don't add up exactly but you have to use logic. I doubt that Ms R.H would get the height wrong. it's the one thing that doesn't change and she can't see so she uses touch to determine everything. It's pretty certain that that Red John is LESS than six foot. This rules out Ray Haffner who is over the 6 foot. 

The hair was the problem for me and the only problem to be honest. But as we know Hair comes and goes. The sheriff probably had the hair back in the day and it is short so I wouldn't let that throw me off too much. He has hair and it's short nevermind about the balding.

Now onto the positive things.

Knife possibly for Hunting anything with a face Check
Smell of nail pine and earth CHECK
Friend of  whats his face Dumbar dude... Probably he is a sheriff after all makes most sense don't see Ray being friends with him.
Bertram's alias Thomas with wine, etc.
Gentle bumbling voice Check
There from the beginning CHECK
Wears a RING
AFraid of Something PIGEONS CHECK
Seems to be partial to Patrick saved his life CHECK
Asks patrick to call him TOM personal CHECK
Kind of shook Hands CHECK Rock scissors paper
TATTOO CHECK ( we haven't been told that Redjohn doesn't have the tattoo only that he has)
Spent a whole episode with him and he was ONE STEP AHEAD
Law enforcement back in the barn days turned a blind eye to things maybe that is why he joined them.
Blood thirst Hunts. Quiet on his feet. Right size not soft. Would have rough strong hands out in the country.
Likes Patrick and saved his life
Other things:
GOOD CHEMISTRY ( we have been told it's good)
Patrick Mentions him first when he awakes after the bomb. He also focuses on him again (flashback) from the dream when he was knocked out by bomb.
How is he supposed Dead from the bomb


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