Who is Red John?

Theories of bettyboo (66)

I'm beginning to believe its not bertram. But hey one thing to mention the LIST the encrypted list? What is it why is it there? Is it the list of janes and that's just evidence he is red john or is it the REAL LIST. Bertram seems high up in the ranks of TT why is he. Why didn't they ask Reede About Bertram and his ranking? Why he wasn't killed. Imagine if they pulled a stunt and it was Reede all along? Somehow he escaped. 

Maybe it is bertram. Maybe he was going to get out but then changed his mind. I can't believe I am saying this but I actually want partridge as Red John. I think he is dead but at this point I will take the twist. And why are we told there is no twist but then we get spoiled that there is.
My heads spinning I need to rewatch to see what happened.

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 my emotions are all over the place. 
ok ok ok so I knew he was Red John but what kinda reveal was that? Where was PJ emotion or there discussion about Red JOHN being Bertram. 
Haffner the sheriff, Stiles...they all died too quick for me. I can't really believe it. I was still hoping that the sheriff would be alive at least we would feel a little torn with the two final suspects. We all knew Reede Smith was not RJ because he never acted like him. I didn't believe Bertram was red john from those scenes though. I felt kinda disappointed even though I thought he was make a great RJ and he does but the lead up is awful for some reason. I kinda felt the reveal to be almost surprising. I didn't feel that here. ANd how the hell does Bertram come out of hiding next episode because he LOVES PJ. I don't feel that and I don't get it. he was going to kill him. Where is our awesome serial killer. I actually didn't expect to be disappointed because I knew it was bertram but still....something is not .

P.S now I'm beginning to believe it might be partridge hahahahaha not really.....

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I don't believe it for a second but I just want to point it out...
REEDE SMITH is the only one bar Kirkland that we have seen kill someone. HE is the only killer. The sheriff isn't technically a killer because he was doing his job. Reede is a cold blooded killer. 

just saying..still don't think it's him but he is NUTS

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I don't know about you guys but I am super excited about tonight however I have changed my mind now about us knowing who he is at the end of tonight. I don't think that will happen or it will be misdirection mind you I think the promo about the truth uncovering a bigger lie is just the Tyger Tyger organistation so maybe there is no misdirecton.

Anyway I'm not from the USA so I will be watching a live stream so could you please tell me about how many hours there are left till its on. We recently changed our clocks back so I no longer know what time it's airing. I don't want to miss it.

GOODLUCK EVERYONE! Hope it's worth the years

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Probably already seen but still. I was going to rule some of them out.

The "three dots" tattoo appears to be the mark of Tyger, Tyger members. FBI Agent Reede Smith (Drew Powell) has already revealed his Tyger association to viewers when he killed Bob Kirkland - who was also a Red John suspect. Connect that to the trio's meeting in The Mentalist Season 6, Episode 2, "The Black-winged Redbird." Smith definitely has ties with CBI Director Gale Bertram (Michael Gaston) and Napa County Sheriff Thomas McAllister (Xander Berkeley). That established, is Bret Stiles (Malcolm McDowell) in the clear?
By extension, is Ray Haffner (Reed Diamond), who attends the Visualize cult that Stiles leads, also in the clear? These questions are being asked because the sneak preview for The Mentalist Season 6, Episode 7 says, "It's down to the final three suspects." (Scroll down to watch the sneak preview video.)"I wouldn't throw it out," The Mentalist writer told TV Guide about the idea that Visualize men Bret Stiles and Ray Haffner are no longer under suspicion. He hints that viewers should go easy on ruling out anyone before Episode 7 airs "given the nature of our show and how we twist things around, and Red John as a character, how sort of capable and deceitful he's been able to be all these years.


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ok so if there is two dead and three left then the three on the board are probably the ones that are left? Does that make sense. That rules out my choice Bertram. Why are the three on the board. Anyway its going to get interesting when we find out whose dead. People's choices are going to change very quickly. I wouldn't have much of a clue if my choices are wiped out. AS it is these are my choices.....


Bertram is super creepy. Why did he whistle after talking to Jane and Lisbon? It's a weird time to whistle before a phone call.

Haffner...really doesn't seem like Red John at all not in the slightest which is why he might turn out to be him AND the fact that he is close to Stiles and stiles is very much associated in some way with RJ. His past mentor I am guessing and that is why he adopted his style from visualize. I actually would really like Red John to be Haffner. I would be thrilled. But it's based on very shallow reasons.

Sheriff- hmmmm not sure I would believe this. he is not really a powerful figure. He doesn't look like he has any influence over anyone or could have influence. The first time we seen him he was scary but not a stalker kinda way not like Red John not charismatic or influential enough to be RJ.

Just to mention some things about the others...

Reede after watching the last episode I think that he could pull it off but I still wouldn't want him to be Red John. I would be disappointed. But he was cocky in Jane's house and remember Red John would not want to kill Jane so the whole gun thing could have been put on.

Stiles- if he was younger then I would believe it was him but it's not. Someone who was close to him and adopted his stile. His ego and personality are very much like Red John. I'm guessing that note was from Red John so it's not him.

Partridge- not sure what people are seeing here. His Entrance was great really brilliant. The imaginary and ambiance with him around was great but he is not Red John. He doesn't have any of the characteristics. He was weak and I didn't see him wanting to be friends with Jane, jane insulted him yes but I didn't see him looking up to Jane, more like he was looking up to RJ and his serial killings, anyway it's not him. I'm pretty sure on that. There are clues and it's possible but there are clues to all suspects to be honest that are much stronger.

Kirkland twin: ya the twin thing was really odd? I felt it in the show a few times but maybe its a really elaborate red herring. There are loads of them. I don't think any twin is coming out of the woodwork . It's a cop out.. The whole tie thing might be a mistake. I have seen a few mistakes on the show for example...the red snapper episode where cho is trying to remove the air vent he gets the screwdriver from that man and gives it back...the next scene you see the screw driver back his hand again. Maybe the tie is deliberate to throw us off maybe its not I don't know I haven't looked at the scene again.

Marshburn: heavens no. RJ is on the list.
Ellis Mars: What on earth was that episode about. Hideous and not Red John. Maybe planted byRed John to bring notice to TT but awful choice.

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