Who is Red John?

Theories of bettyboo (66)

Hi Everyone.

I hope you all had time to mourn. I am just here to say my goodbyes and give everyone some friendly advice.
 1.Don't continue watching the show. Don't give Him the satisfaction. Don't reward him for his laziness please. It's a joke. I'm quitting now myself. If you find yourself not wanting to give up fair enough you can't help the actors are what drew you in. But having to look at Abbots face for the next season I know I couldn't do it. I wouldn't look at the show the same way again.

2 Stay away from this new show if you have any sense in your head at all. This is his new pet project. I won't be watching even though I am a fan of all things batman just not Heller. here is a snippet of what is to come from this show. Looks like there is a lot of research to it.

The involvement of Heller points to a police procedural, but Gotham could also choose to focus on — or incorporate — elements of political drama. After all, the Wayne family is tangled closely with Gotham history, and Gotham might be best served as a Caprica-style prequel, tracing the rise and fall of Gotham City’s dynasties, and the origin story of how the once-magnificent city decayed to the crime-ridden metropolis that inspired a superhero.

Heller will probably just pull it from his ASS because he is lazy. I don't see this doing well at all. He would need some great actors to pull this off. He was lucky with the mentalist that he had Baker. Anyway stay well clear.

3. Anyone who says that the episode was amazing, great blah blah is either really ridiculously young and in love with Baker or they need psychiatric help. no seriously, you either are not the full shilling or you have an IQ of 5. There is also the possibility that you are in deep denial because you don't want to let the show go...either way you need some help ..go sort that out.

4 I will visit back here every now and then people just to read not post so continue the site. It's fantastic! So is the www.red-john.info. It was hilarious!

I hope someone here has the talent and ambitious to produce and write themselves makes something better the the piece of crap we watch last night!
Partridge fans it should have been you!!! Hugs!
 I wish you all luck people!
Stay cool!

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Can someone competent please take Simon Baker and the team away from Heller and the other writers who didn't say a word about this crap episode, and please can they make a good serial killer movie that is actioned packed and thrilling. Just think guys this was it, this was the only Red John we are ever going to get. The mentalist is going to become Rubbish from now on and we only get one Baker. There will be noone like him again.

I don't understand what they were thinking in the writers room......

Heller: "okay guys, this is it, the big reveal that we hoped would never come. we have a budget of ten dollars and 5 cents, lets see what we can come up with" 
 "Anyone have any ideas?!"
"Heller :Anyone at all"
Heller: "Anything, come on people. I can't steal all the storyfrom profiler"
Mentally challenged writer dude spots a pigeon: "Um Pigeons......Pigeons" *claps hands*
Writer doofus 2: we could have Van Pelt and the team in the car and she can like start hitting her head off the window to get attention of this other guy and am we could have a map but not a real map a paper...um..map and...um I could play Abbots stupid side kick.
Heller: "We need to think of a really good way of Patrick exposing Red John, so hit me with ideas"
Heller: "anything"
Heller: Ah screw it! We will just have Red John expose himself in a church.
Heller: " there's something missing. We are missing action...we need more action guys but I'm down to my last 5 cents, I'll ask baker will he run for a 5 cent pay increase. We can have them running, lots of running. Running from the park, running to the church, then hitchhiking ya that will be different, then more running until simon can run no more, then just when they think all the running is over, there will be more running, and now red john will be running and patrick will be running, a woman screaming will be running, there can't be enough running, and then boom right when they least expect it grandad falls through a glass door and then he starts running and patricks still running, but not just normal running, running with a phone in his hand and then Red John falls and can't run no more because he tired of running and then we will have patrick catch up to him. Then after Patrick kills red john ..get this there will be RUNNING but not just normal running something spectacular....I got it running in slow motion.....and he runs and runs and runs and runs to south America....the end!

Heller: There is something missing.........We can't have Red John just accept death, he needs to fight, he needs to do something, this great master of survival....he needs to ring the emergency services

* Jimmy Gadd returns from a toilet break*

Jimmy: What did I miss???

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GoodLuck people,
Wish I could say I am optimistic but let's face it I don't think there is any way in hell that this episode it any different or any better then the leaked one. Well at least we can all come back here and vent. 
I guess the real person I should be saying goodluck to is Heller...he is going to need it..eeeekkk

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In a SLY WAY -  A song by Frank Sinatra

And now, the end is near
And so we face the final chapter
My friends, t'was never clear, I'll state my case, of which I'm certain
we were fed, a bunch of lies, red herrings in each and every highway
And more, much more than this, it was a mind game.

Regrets, more than a few
But then again, too much to mention
I did, what I had to do, and saw it through, without comprehension
He never planned, each charted course, each careful step, along the byway
And more, much more than this, he did it in a sly way

Yes, there were times, we were sure he knew
When he bit off, more than he could chew 
But through it all, what Heller spout 
we ate it up and spat it out 
we watched it all, he dropped the ball, and did it ina sly way

I've puked, I've laughed and cried 
I've had my fill, of serial losers
And now, as tears subside, I find it all, so, amusing
To think he called 911, And may I say, not ina tough guyway 
Oh, no, oh, no, not him, the pigeons flies his way
For what is a serial killer, what has he got?If not his knife, then he has naught
To do the things he truly feels and not the wussy of one who kneels
The record shows, Heller's episode blows and the pigeon flies away.

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HELLER GO BACK TO WRITING SCHOOL..LOOK HERE ..MYSTERY WRITING 101...THE BASICS....THE BASICS HELLER!!!!!  http://terribleminds.com/ramble/2012/05/08/25-things-writers-should-know-about-creating-mystery/


13. THE LONGER THE MYSTERY PERSISTS, THE MORE SATISFYING THE ANSWER MUST BE All that being said, you shouldn't drag out mysteries if their resolution isn't satisfying. You can’t spend 300 pages or two hours just to get to, OMG THE KEYS WERE IN HER SHOE THE WHOLE TIME. *crash of thunder* The longer you let a mystery hang out there, the more satisfying the mystery — and its resolution — must be. How to gauge this? Hey, you just gotta go with your guttyworks.


21 Mysteries and endings. A tricky subject. My essential advice: answer all mysteries by the ending. Every last one of ‘em. The audience wants those answers. The introduction of a mystery is an unofficial promise to answer that question. But. But! Sometimes, that’s just not in the cards. (See: Stephen King’s The Colorado Kid, which is a story as much about the subject of mystery as it is about the mysteries present in the story.) Sometimes it’s good to leave folks hanging on things. Because when you do that it’s like the book is still open. The story is ongoing. They remain a part of it — entrenched and unable to escape. MOO HOO HA HA HA. (But only savvy storytellers need apply!)


24. We begin with a question. We lead with that — because that’s the fishhook in the cheek of the audience. And the way we tell the story is like leaving a trail of breadcrumbs — not whole loaves, just crumbs — for the listener to follow. We say things to get attention, to lead the audience in with us — “Man, Jenkins fucked up bad today!” — and the listener is all like “WHOA WHAT’D THAT ASSHOLE JENKINS DO NOW?” As Admiral Ackbar would say: “It’s a trap!” Oh, but what a wonderful trap storytelling is.


25. Being a storyteller  you need to find  the audience — who is willing to trust you with (and stick with me here) a complete lack of trust. They’re willing to say: “I trust that I can’t trust you,” and then they let you perform whatever deviant manipulations you care to visit upon body, heart and mind. Same thing with creating mystery in your story: mystery is one way you show the audience that they can’t trust you but, at the same time, that they trust in this implicit lack of trust. They know the questions you pose will be troubling. They know that the answers will have consequences they did not imagine. But they trust in you to answer these mysteries, to manipulate without making them feel manipulated, to not leave them hanging upside-down with a ball-gag in their mouth and a My Little Pony-branded buttplug up their… well, no need to be redundant. You and the audience have a contract (though no safe-word): they trust that you cannot be trusted. Mystery is one of the sexy tools on your sexy Bondage Batman tool-belt. What? You don’t have a sexy Bondage Batman tool-belt? Amateur.


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Guys dont forget to leave your brutally honest review on the website http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3196216/reviews-enter after you see the same episode. Please don't hold back on the honestly but keep it clean will you and non violent.

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is this an article????
Bravo for this one!

I'm off to read

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