Who is Red John?

Theories of Stoopkid (372)

When Ardilles was murdered Rigsby found him in some dark place.
My question is where the hell did La Roche get killed?
And where did the info to go there come from?
I feel like they were super ambiguous about this and the whole Haibach thing was never fully explained.

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I am 28 years old.
I know your obsessed with me but like i have told you i dont sway that way bro.
And it shows your crazy when ur spamming a site while saying someone else is spamming.
Do you have a picture of me on your wall ?

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Lets say Red John is alive for fun sake.
If what i say is true and Rj used Jane to take down the Ba
then this really proves that Rj loves the shit out of Jane .
Rj does not want to kill Jane at all.
He thinks of him as an old comrade as Lorelei said.
So WHO IS HE? Is he a he?
Red John wants to turn Jane and it kinda worked.
Jane was kinda crazy in season 6 and has a lot more confidence to do anything.
He killed Macalister in cold blood and you could see the pain on Janes face when he did it.
Rj from the season 2 finale " o and Kristina has grown quite fond of you even with all your differences"
Does that sound like Macalister ?!? Particularly fond haha
It kinda sounds like Freye talking in that scene but prob not her.

I cant wait for season 7 as you can see.
I actually love the new characters and show but i love it bc i am almost positive they will revisit the Rj story line along with Visualize.
By now we all know the official story about Janes house is a lie.
It does not add up at all.
Even Smiths story about Rj makes no sense.
Rj used an fbi guy for clearance to kill a secretary who already had the clearance codes!

O on a side note, the Reddit page for this show blowssss
Bunch of close minded losers.
I love when people argue with me and just explain word for word what happened on the show or is written on wiki as there argument. Like dude, i watched the show myself a lot what i am saying is that the show is not telling us everything! Fucking reddit

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I say 100 red johns with tongue and cheek.
The name "red john" was made up by a newspaper because
Rj was killing young red heads.
The name or person red john may of never existed with just one person using others to do their bidding.
A hypnotist. I think show blatantly displays many different styles of red john.
A computer hacker never seemed to fit Macalisters bill.

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Heller on returning to the Red John story line , his followers and the Ba...

Heller: "I never say never, but I would say I think the audience and the story demands that we step away from that trope for a while".

That proves there gonna go back to it after the hiatus of lovey dovey shit.
What would you think if there was 100s of red johns?
With one mastermind pulling all the strings using others to do their bidding?
I wouldn't complain

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I read that the show starts up again in fall of 2014!!
This could change but still cool.

Like the previous poster said season 7 is an Encore season.
They didnt have to call it that but they did.
Encore most definitely means revisiting the past and going out with a BANG!
If Led Zepplen came out with an encore song at their concert they would play "stairway to heaven"
As the mentalist will play their hit single "red john".

People who think the Rj storyline is over didnt watch season 6 close enough.
Season 6 was full of deception and cons just like every other season.
To take this season at face value would be asinine.

Jane did nothing to take down Rj. He was not secrative and had a lack of emotion compared to other seasons.
*Every clue starting with the Dvd was fed to Jane. Breadcrumbs.
Rj wouldnt give Jane a list with his name on it and sit back and wait like the show wanted us to believe.
It started with Partridge "tiger tiger".
Then Lisbon being spared and marked. Because she was the "marc" in all of this.
Then there was Tinsley which was so important and the check mate among clues. How did jane get this clue?
Red John sloppily let Tinsley alive along enough to give up the infamous tattclue.
Again fed like breadcrumbs.
* If this was any other season Jane would have said this is what Red John wanted us too see!
This was a game and Jane played by Red Johns Rules.

Then Janes house. The fact we have no idea what happened still proves this will be revistited.
Especially in terms of Haffner and Styles.
No way nobody in that room including Jane did not have a plan besides sit and wait.
The gunshot and bomb are the money shot of the con.
How many people have faked their deaths on this show? 563?
Who knows what happened but Styles and Haffner are most likely alive.
Styles even said he would return.
Haffner may be dead but we have no idear.

If you watch the old eps you will conclude that Red John is NOT in the Ba.
His followers were like brainwashed Visualizeites speaming about Red Johns "plan" and that he was on a "mission of love". This is not the Ba by any means.

It is 100 percent PLAUSIBLE that Red John used Jane to take down the Ba.
Its plausible that Red John was against the Ba from the clues we have.
A cult like group of followers on a path of love ARE NOT A GROUP OF CURRUPT COPS!
Rebecca Anderson did not die WITH A SMILE ON HER FACE so that some bigwig lawyer can sit back and chill.
And no its nothing to do witn bad writing.
If a show had great writing for 85 pecent of its existance then its plausible to think it will continue with this trend after the smoke clears.

And taking 3 minutes to post does not mean i dont have a life.

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Remember there was a post about a picture frame clue?
The guy kept posting about it and i finally found it...

With Lorelie's mom Lisbon looks at the picture of Lorelie's step father .
Funny thing is her stepfather was the guy at the bar with Jane in Mexico!!

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