Who is Red John?

Theories of Stoopkid (372)

Why would Haibach wait 2 years to seek his revenge!!!!!
His thumb gets cut off and he wait 2 years to do anything? NO.
Haibach started his revenge with Grace Van Pelt
He only started because he was made a suspect by the fbi.

Ardilles was murdered by someone else. Who would want him dead?
This is something to think about at least..

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I love how people tell me to "get over it" when they themselves cant get over it!
If you still come to whoisredjohn.com then YOU ARE NOT OVER IT!
Time is not an issue at all, they did all that they did in episode 1-8 right?
Why not do it again? Realistically all you need is one episode really.
Haibach was not behind the hit-list i am 100 percent sure of that.
These are the suspects to look out for

Cooper- creepy
Haffner- if alive
Fischer-hired by someone other than abbot to watch jane. FACT
Wylie- odd fella
Frye- does she talk yet?
Markus Pike- he is mar

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I cant even leave my house today i am so embarrassed ;) Just playing, this shit is not about me you gosh darn trolls!!
Haha I am a writer believe it or not. I like to write and honestly don't care about being right. I was just trying to entertain you guys and I hope I succeeded in that.
But I liked the episode. It had my heart racing and I thought It was executed well. Could of been better yes, but i am not picky.

I know you guys don't want to hear this but Haibach was NOT behind the cbi hit-list. He simply reacted because he found out he was a suspect again and the last time he was a suspect bad things happened to him.
No way he stabbed Ardilles like that!
No way he had the technological wherewithal to tap all those phones.

We are still in for a huge surprise later in the season. The writers for episode 22 wrote every red john episode together.
Jane said "we need to break the pattern" and thats exactly what the show did. We all though red john was behind this and he wasn't but fear not because there is a much bigger darker force behind this whole big hit-list thing.
Seriously all those random names on the list Haibach has never even heard of those people let alone wanted to kill them all!
Keep the faith :)
My new list of suspicious suspects:


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People have it twisted.
If red john is dead it really is not that big a deal.
People think i will wither away and die! Haha
Its a tv show people and this website is called
Whoisredjohn.com so i post about clues regarding red john.

There are so many hateful people on here . So filled with anger and dismay for me and the show.
Everybody calm down!
Formerman needs to be committed and have a talk with sophie miller .
If you dont like the show go away! Stop watching it and move on.
Instead you stay on here trolling telling me to move on!
Don't worry about me i will be fine, i love this show and am just happy its still on.
Get ready for some twist and turns because mentalist finales are usually wild!

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How I See It.

Gvp and Rigsby planted the usb in Bertram's secret room. Bertram wouldn't have a dangerous usb that could throw him and all members of the BA in jail. And even if he did have it he would not forget it ! But it was hidden and he had no idea it was there.
Rigsby wanted Cho to find it. Gvp said "o sometimes people give them as gifts" haha ok but not when its found in a secret hideout room! That convo was all planned between Rigs and GVP. Red John wanted the BA shut down and was NOT a member or leader of it.
Jane wanted the Cbi to be shut down we all saw that. But why?
All we know the camera wanted us to know that Rigsby and Van Pelt were highly distressed about Cbi being shut down.
Then Jane had a Usual Suspects moment when the tea cup fell and broke. Remember when that happened in the movie?
Keisar Sose was right in front of his eyes this whole time!
Tonight's episode is going to be crazy and i feel bad for people who quit on the show because us true fans will be heavily rewarded tonight and in the future.

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Holy shit sunday is the last episode for both Rigsby and GVP!!!!!!!


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This site is alive again!!!!
So many great posts from people with OPEN MINDS!
I have not seen this site like this since everyone was convinced that Brett Partridge was Red John.

So it looks like we have 2 major suspects:
Grace Van Pelt and Wayne Rigsby
Who woulda thought that after all this time crazy ass stoopkid was right ?!?
And yes i will expect apologies from certain posters who called me horrible names and stalked me for months.
But your ignorance only made me stronger !! Jk its just a show ! But what a great show it is!!

Jane is using Haibach just like he did in the Panzer case.
It makes red john think Jane is on the wrong trail but wow is RJ wrong.
Jane has been waiting for moment for years now!

So my question to you is ...Grace or Wayne ?

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