Who is Red John?

Theories of Stoopkid (372)

Macalister is NOT Red John reason #1748385

Why on earth would Macalister show up at Patricks house knowing darn tootin well what was going on amd submissively let it happen then set off a bomb?
Then let Patrick live and fake his own death just to appear a day later to frame Bertram and himself and kill Patrick?! Lol
He coulda just killed everyone Janes house and handled it there instead of getting surrogates and all that noise.

Also Jane said the scene at his house was theatre and what ever seemed to be true then the OPPOSITE was true.
Well the opposite of what happened would be that Red John was not even on the list and planted the bomb.
Macalister faking his death wasn't the opposite of what happened at all.

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Could Jason Cooper be timothy Farragut ?
Even if he is not him, i believe Farragut faked his death with the help of styles .
Faked his death and created his own underground church.
The bleeding eyes of the red john smiley face is the darkness that seeps out of the visualize eye.
Visualize is the light and red johns church/cult is the darkness.
Harnessing all the negative evil energy and actually using it as opposed to getting rid of it or hiding it .
Do what thou will in other words.

I always thought if Faragut was alive or one of his children were alive they would kill Styles for revenge. But them i thought maybe styles helped out .
Styles seems to be connected to rj somehow. He knew where to find Kristina Freye too.
I also realized that Visualize must be enemies of the BA.
Visualize has its own cops that they control that are not BA.
Its odd that the fbi aka Ba was gunning for Styles right before his "death". Hmm?

Also Linus Wagner is back!
He killed his partner Tannen who was a plastic surgeon. He did so because Tannen was going to expose him for using money to feed African children. I DONT BUT THIS REASONING AT ALL!
There had to be another reason he killed him. Maybe Red John got a nose job and Tannen found out something he shouldn't have.
Two more weeks !

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William Blake: "Last Judgement"
Reminded me of red johns speech in the limo with jane.
Basically if you are passionate about something it is not a sin. Being dispassionate in life will get you banned from the heavens above.

"Men are admitted into Heaven not because they have curbed & governd their Passions, or have No Passions, but because they have Cultivated their Understandings. The Treasures of Heaven are not Negations of Passion, but Realities of Intellect from which All the Passions Emanate Uncurbed in their Eternal Glory. The Fool shall not enter into Heaven, let him be ever so Holy. Holiness is not The price of Enterance into Heaven. Those who are cast out Are All Those who, having no Passions of their own because No Intellect, Have spent their lives in Curbing & Governing other People’s by the Various arts of Poverty & Cruelty of all kinds. Wo Wo Wo to you Hypocrites! Even Murder the Courts of Justice, more merciful than the Church, are compelld to allow, is not done in Passion but in Cool Blooded Design & Intention.
The Modern Church Crucifies Christ with the Head Downwards.
Many persons such as Paine & Voltaire, with some of the Ancient Greeks, say: “We will not converse concerning Good & Evil; we will live in Paradise & Liberty.” You may do so in Spirit, but not in the Mortal Body as you pretend, till after the last Judgment; for in Paradise they have no Corporeal & Mortal Body—that originated with the Fall & was calld Death & cannot be removed but by a Last Judgment; while we are in the world of Mortality we Must Suffer. The Whole Creation Groans to be deliverd; there will always be as many Hypocrites born as Honest Men & they will always have superior Power in Mortal Things. You cannot have Liberty in this World without what you call Moral Virtue, & you cannot have Moral Virtue without the Slavery of that half of the Human Race who hate what you call Moral Virtue".

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Guess what Grace, its pretty normal for sane people to mock the occult. You're not normal.
Grace was too good for Visualize because she is a member of visual-dies. The church ran by satan herself. A lot of historians and religious experts believe Satan was a woman. The divine feminine energy that has been suppressed throughout history. The church was anti-female and have held women down for centuries.
Kristina Freye and her "church" hated the male dominated BA. They were corrupt as the sky is blue. Red john has a moral code and has always reminded me of the joker in some ways. Fearful symmetry in that jane and rj are similar. In that red john does not care about material gain just like the joker and NOT like the BA.
Although their code is messed up and sadistic it is still important to them. Shit , Kristina Freye took red johns side about why he killed Janes family . "You lied about him Patrick, he was punishing you".
Jane lied about him?! What sane person would say that? She sounds like Bosco's secretary..

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I have a red barn theory that id like to share with yall.

The bodies found in the barn were bound and tied up just like red john victims but it was way back in 1988. If red john committed those murders then we would of seem more murders like that before 1998. Serial killers don't usually take a 10 year break after their first kill..

I believe red johns friends or family were the ones that were killed but by somebody else . And this tragic event most likely created the monster of red john. Could it of been grace van pelts family or friends or maybe haffners ? I have no idea but i am pretty sure red john did NOT commit those specific murders due to the timeline.

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Ok people were almost there !
A few more weeks and the show finally comes back!!!

Here is my list of people to look out for because Macalister was a pawn. He may of been innocent too since jane was so hurt by killing him. Jane just wanted it to be over with because the real plan was to get cbi shut down .

Grace van pelt- red john loves hacking her computer and her dark past will hopefully finally be brought to light. She digs visualize yet didnt join? Maybe she has her own visualize-like cult she attends? Does she kill her own hubby? I can see it since she cant even say "i love you" back to him.

Wayne Rigsby- i know he seems to be the opposite of red john and i have a feeling he may be killed soon since on twitter two weeks ago he said he just shot his final episode . Carson springs and being beaten by his father as well as having mother issues makes him a red suspect. But mostly Carson springs and his Gabe Nyland connection.

Cbi ron- everyones favorite jobber . A jobber is a lower level wrestler thats just there to be there . But season 6 the camera loved ron and showed him everywhere ! He drove away when he saw van pelts bf with a gun and his voice is very red john like. He may of answered Lisbon's phone when jane called her too. Check that scene out ....

Styles, Haffner, Cooper- the visualize boys are always great suspect especially if styles and Haffner are alive. Red john always seems like a visualize vigilante as opposed to the BA.

Kristina Freye- she left her house and packed a bag and seemed sympathetic towards red johns ways. She went on a talk show while being captive and is most likely faking her trance like coma . Roll tide.

Rosalind Harker - is she really blind? Is she playing us all and not just red johns booty call? We shall see...

Fischer- Spied on patrick yet Abbot had no idea where patrick was , so who hired her ? And what happened in her dark past ?

Wylie - coyote reference leads me to believe he may be a hunter like RJ. Seemed socially awkward then found patrick on his own time and was given access to everything ! Shady. Plus he learned how to talk magically .

Lisbons new boyfriend - what better person to make red john than Lisbon's lover ? Jane will be jeleous and suspicious of him. The fbi is a snake pit and the main reason why jane took the job was too investigate them !

Gabe Nyland - not sure about him but he seems to be in bed with visualize . He has power and flexes it frequently . Look out for him...

Mashburn- i never saw him as red john but ya never know .

Patrick jane - shutter island situation although i find it unlikely . Red john wants jane to join him and said "imagine the life we could lead " ...but still ya never know ...

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Season 6 was Cbi Rons biggest season. I think i heard his name and saw his face more than ever before .
Every convo between jane or somebody and there comes ron walking by .
That scene at the hospital when he said hello to bertram too was weird.
I NEVER suspected him until i saw the old episode where Van pelts bf had a gun in his hand in cbi parking lot. Ron looked at him, then the gun, then drove away! Haha it was great.

Its amazing how many places the script could go and i would be cool with it . Heller has buily suspicion in ever character on the show. Thats why were always arguing with each other on this site

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