Who is Red John?

Theories of Stoopkid (372)

Can you imagine of Richard Heiback is getting his revenge on cbi? I would turn the show off immediately.
I will post the picture of the CBI agents on the list in the comment section.
Do we know anything about any of these people ? Check out the comment section for the the pic...

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This show is the king of misdirection.
Just when you think its a boring new beginning then BLAM! They get u.
We went through a few filler episodes and people were flipping out.
You need fillers but i admit i was getting annoyed as well.

This new list changes everything .
Why was ardilles bleeding from his nose ? Maybe he was tortured but for what info?
How did van pelt get that info? Where did it come from? I mean was it on ardilles phone or what ?
I dont get how she achieved this info if anyone knows please fill me in.

We have no idea which murders where done by the REAL RED JOHN.
We assume Partridge was killed by him due to the phone call but like i said earlier that was a two person job.

For f sake can jane talk about what happened at his house?
Haffners threats to Lisbon rung a bell in my head when i saw the new list of targets.
VISIALIZE is behind this somehow and the show has not even mentioned them! Making them look more guilty .
Who is running their show ? Styles ? Haffner ? Cooper? Farragutt? Red john?

Janes master plan is slowly coming to the checkmate aspect of the game.
The mentalist is great at misdirection thats why NOBODY knows whats going on.
Is Kristina Freye still staring at wall?

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This is a repost from a few days ago...
I wanna know what people think of WHY Red John only acts through Patrick??
He has killing career before Jane but it seems that after he killed Patricks family he is limlited to PJ related issues...

Red John is a popular serial killer who is suppose to have a huge ego and much fame with his followers .
Weird thing to me is that Jane did not create or start Red John to be a killer.

But it seems that Red John only makes a move as it pertains to Jane.
Like he only cares about killing and being Red John ONLY if Jame or somethting involving Jane is a factor.

**Red John after Jane started at CBI killed :
~Jared Wrenfrow -janes witness
~Red john copycats- to save janes life
~Bosco and his team- for jane to get his case back
~Madeline Hightower(failed attempt)- framed for killing janes suspect.
~Wayneright- Fired Jane and stopped Jane from doing his job.
~Panzer- Jane wanted Ref John to kill him
~Lorelie Martins(maybe dead)- Janes biggest witness.
~Sophie Miller - Janes psychiatrist
~Janes happy memory- Nuff said
~Kira Tinsley- Dated Cho also a Jane suspect.
~Brett Partridge- All a ploy to trap Lisbon
~Lisbon- Taken and marked obviously Janes girl.
~Janes House- Who knows who died and what happend.

**When Jane killed Timothy Carter the world thougt Red John was dead.
So what does this ego maniac do?? Nothing !
He waited until Agent Darcy was snooping around to prove he was alive !
Basically he waited until someone was questioning Jane to prove he was alive .
Most likely knew that jane knew he was alive .

****MY POINT :
Red John only does his ghastly deeds if it somehow relates to Jane.
Otherwise he seems to not have any other agenda.
He would take his 401K ill and retire. Argue on this theory or rate it.

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I re watched the episode where jane gets hit with a baseball.
HILl mentioned it earlier about the flashback to janes carnie days.
It had the girl dying with cancer that jane gave the magic healing crystal too.

My point deals with when the Grace Van Pelt Rigsby and the suicidal woman scene at the cemetary.
Grace got very emotional and told a story about her sister who commited suicide and how she did it for herself and Grace was pissed at that.
Grace later tells Rigsby she never had a sister. rIgsby does not believe her if you ask me.
She was very convincing to say the least.

My point is that this episode using both the Grace scene as well as the dying girl with cancer scene, was without a doubt showing them together for a reason. Yea i know bruno is a horrible witer and it means nothing.
*I do not think Grace was related to the little girl in any way. This is a classic case of show a major clue but put in a dash of misdirection.
Jane said that Grace had a very traumatic experience in her past that she never told anyone. Fischer got the same verdict from Patrick.
-The first person Patrick shake hands with was Grace and her face when she saw him for the first time read "i know this dude very well". Ive been made fun of for using facaial expressions as clues . But actors communicate mostly by nonverbal actions, so yea.
The question is , who the hell is GVP? Did she have any siblings or maybe any relatives in the show ?
Who was Amos Van Pelt and why did olaughlin say "tell your dad he is rembered " with a very very serious somber face. For a football coach? Its a game .

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Another hiatus ! Killin me !!!!

But the show is heating up and its weird that all the main chatacters were on that list with a bunch of random people . Who were they?!?!
I beleive when haffner gave a warning to the team that they were pissing people off in high places that has to do with this "hitlist"

No doubt this will all go back to visualize . They havent spoke of haffner or styles at all which means they are saving it for the end.
Dont worry people , they cant drop any bombshells until the last few episodes .
We still have like 8 or 9 shows left and they are all gonna get crazier and crazier !

Jane has abbot trained like a dog with his caesar milan checks he gives him.

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I have a lot to say about tonights episode but I am going to stick to one very subtle thing i have noticed.

*Does Jane have Abbot under hypnosis ? Sounds crazy and pointless i know but I have seen on more than one occasion patrick giving Abbot that pat on the arm like he does to people he is manipulating.
Have you noticed it as well?

-The first time was when Abbot comes out the woodwork and shuts down CBI. I have said all along that Patrick wanted Cbi shutdown. But when they first meet Patrick does the same arm pat to Abbot and it struck me as odd the first time i saw it. I need to go back and see if he did it more other than tonight and the first meeting

--It is very odd that Patrick went from being the Fbis most hated/wanted man to the BOSS! Jane is literally calling all the shots and Abbot has not butt heads with him at all.
--Why? The show tells us Abbot gave into Jane demands because jane MAY have hidden names of BA members.
Abbot says he caught them all but still falls for Jane's trick. This is Abbot, the same guy who laughed at Jane's paper demands and SUDDENLY HANDS OVER THE KEYS TO THE FBI TO PATRICK FOR HAVING MAYBE NAMES THAT PATRICK HAS NOT EVEN DISCUSSED WITH HIM YET??!?!?!? You would think the second Patrick left prison they would have to discuss the other names he had right?

-This show is the king of all misdirection. There are so many mixed signals and the possibilities of truth are endless. The show is going on another break and I think we are done with these little "filler" episodes. Yes they are important but they are just stepping stones to the big things that are about to pop off. You know walking dead has episodes where they just talk then episodes where all bloody fucking hell fire and brimstone errupts. 

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Red John is a popular serial killer who is suppose to have a huge ego and much fame with his followers .
Weird thing to me is that Jane did not create or start Red John to be a killer.

But it seems that Red John only makes a move as it pertains to Jane.
Like he only cares about killing and being Red John ONLY if Jame or somethting involving Jane is a factor.

**Red John after Jane started at CBI killed :
~Jared Wrenfrow -janes witness
~Red john copycats- to save janes life
~Bosco and his team- for jane to get his case back
~Madeline Hightower(failed attempt)- framed for killing janes suspect.
~Wayneright- Fired Jane and stopped Jane from doing his job.
~Panzer- Jane wanted Ref John to kill him
~Lorelie Martins(maybe dead)- Janes biggest witness.
~Sophie Miller - Janes psychiatrist
~Janes happy memory- Nuff said
~Kira Tinsley- Dated Cho also a Jane suspect.
~Brett Partridge- All a ploy to trap Lisbon
~Lisbon- Taken and marked obviously Janes girl.
~Janes House- Who knows who died and what happend.

**When Jane killed Timothy Carter the world thougt Red John was dead.
So what does this ego maniac do?? Nothing !
He waited until Agent Darcy was snooping around to prove he was alive !
Basically he waited until someone was questioning Jane to prove he was alive .
Most likely knew that jane knew he was alive .

****MY POINT :
Red John only does his ghastly deeds if it somehow relates to Jane.
Otherwise he seems to not have any other agenda.
He would take his 401K ill and retire.

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