I re watched the episode where jane gets hit with a baseball.
HILl mentioned it earlier about the flashback to janes carnie days.
It had the girl dying with cancer that jane gave the magic healing crystal too.
My point deals with when the Grace Van Pelt Rigsby and the suicidal woman scene at the cemetary.
Grace got very emotional and told a story about her sister who commited suicide and how she did it for herself and Grace was pissed at that.
Grace later tells Rigsby she never had a sister. rIgsby does not believe her if you ask me.
She was very convincing to say the least.
My point is that this episode using both the Grace scene as well as the dying girl with cancer scene, was without a doubt showing them together for a reason. Yea i know bruno is a horrible witer and it means nothing.
*I do not think Grace was related to the little girl in any way. This is a classic case of show a major clue but put in a dash of misdirection.
Jane said that Grace had a very traumatic experience in her past that she never told anyone. Fischer got the same verdict from Patrick.
-The first person Patrick shake hands with was Grace and her face when she saw him for the first time read "i know this dude very well". Ive been made fun of for using facaial expressions as clues . But actors communicate mostly by nonverbal actions, so yea.
The question is , who the hell is GVP? Did she have any siblings or maybe any relatives in the show ?
Who was Amos Van Pelt and why did olaughlin say "tell your dad he is rembered " with a very very serious somber face. For a football coach? Its a game .