Who is Red John?

Theories of Stoopkid (372)

Theory #16896 • By Stoopkid
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So last night i watched "red johns friends".
Besides rigsby being adament that cbi helps jane thus helping red john by getting jared wrenfrow out of prison so rj could kill him, i literally stared at "he is mar" for an hour.

I concluded that the girl prostitute wrote the message as she died. Unles rj wrote it.
It hit me that she most likely doesnt speak english and that the "h" could of very well been two L's in spanish.

Has anyone out there looked at it that way?
I searched long and hard for spanish words that resemble lleisma but found nothing ...
Anybody have any ideas?

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The Mentalist is the only show that can make literally every character seem like the bad guy.
I am never trolling when accusing certain characters. The truth is, heller made everyone look guilty .
I mean i can make a compelling argument that patrick
Is red john all the way to cbi ron being red john.

Lets lighten up on this site.
More people should post.
Lets stop the "debunking" because this isn't a 9-11 conspiracy its a great suspenseful tv show .
Im simply trying to keep this site alive because lets face it , we all love talking mentalist.
I cant wait to see jane start dating and make lisbon jeleous as well as the other way around .

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This is my first partridge post.
The popping of the partridge cherry.

I started watching a lot of old episodes and it seems like red john has access to a lot of frozen dead bodies.
This could easily point to macalister using partridge. But there is always that chance that macalister is another 1 in 9,837 red herrings in the show.
I hope this show doesn't end like dexter. Lisbon is cooler than deb tho so well see.

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"You're very much like him ya know ? The way you can look at someone and see right through them"
"He is a very good man, he is on a mission of love and enlightenment"
--two quotes by the secretary that killed
Bosco and his team.

***Does this sound like macalister at all ? Does it sound like its anyone from the BA? Love and enlightenment does not sound like a secret police force. It sounds more like a religious cult .

Brett Styles can read people and see right through them or it could be some other visualize member with the same powers to read people. Dont worry guys, macalister was hypnotized, that is why the bird scared him so much because he was in a trance .

---remember when rigsby was hypnotized and jane took him to a playground ?
Rigsby had a fear of swings or playgrounds and started crying his eyes out and freaking out as well.
My point is that someone who is hypnotized seems to be vulnerable when it comes to their fears.
No way macalister never encountered birds while on the job and i highly doubt he cried like a girl when he saw them.

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Question: who is going to take over for Brett Styles as head Visualize honcho?

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Haffner is alive. Nobody wanted him dead .
When haffner grabs jane shoulders all red john like he warns him to stop. Then haffner tries to scare lisbon telling her to stop.
Stop what exactly!
Jane pissed off some really important people right ?
But Haffner isn't in tiger tiger BA? So he is not talking about them and obviously speaking about visualize .
But why by uncovering the BA is patrick pissing off visualize .

*****brett styles is on his way out (in haffners mind when he said watch out )
Who is next in line at visualize ??
Jason cooper ? Can never trust that guy.
Or did styles pull a quick move and name his son his successor ?
Who is his son?
Mayne haffner ? Maybe red john?
The bottom line is , visualize needs a new leader and its going to be interesting to see how it plays out considering they haven't mentioned them yet.

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