I thought the episode was awesome . I didn't like it the first time but now i understand it all. Everything was explained by the discovery of the Blake Association. Thats how red john was one step ahead. But it was NEVER red john that was a step of ahead, it was a whole organization. For all we know timothy carter the og red john could of killed Patrick's wife and daughter. Maybe the sherif did it himself. But what i learned from this episode was this...
Tom macalister was a power hungry control freak. A sadistic man who used women to do his bidding. Sort of like charles manson. He was obsessed with the game as patrick was for 6 seasons . Jane gave up this game because it played right into what red john wanted . Jane didnt care for an explanation about the tricks and magic this serial killer created. Jane realized hes just an obsessed guy who doesnt have many friends. "He craves" the affection and attention . Jane gave him none . He wasn't a serial killer he was a mob boss more so in that he was drunk with power and got offended at janes remarks . He wasn't visualize religious or really had any doctrine except power and control . He was a sheriff for crying out loud!
I loved that jane strangled him. It was wicked and twisted . Also jane made macalisters last thoughts be "regretting killing janes family" and "being afraid to die" . No smiley faces here. Gurgle gurgle lights out .
In conclusion, red john never existed . The image macalister created was a facade. A red herring . A game . He was the leader of a mob called the blake association. He was a sick mentally ill prick too but he WAS NOT DEXTER MORGAN!!!
The writing was great . The birds are dinosaurs line went way over peoples heads. Think about our government and how they act . Wink wink right back at u mr heller ;)