Who is Red John?

Theories of Steppewolf (18)

Bruno Heller made some comparisons.

1) Red John is like Waldo.

2) Red John is like Moriarty.

3) Red John is like Keyser Soze.

Waldo-thing could be to throw us of the hook, or to make us watch some old episodes again. Or maybe RJ was there in the background, very well hidden. Anyway, no use to search every scene for something that we probably not gonna find.

If he's a freak like Moriarty, Partrigde is the best guess, but Partridge has been dead for a while.

The comparison with Soze is more interesting. In that case Bertram is obviously Keaton. The big, strong man with connections that seems to organize everything. While in fact it turned out to be the weak one, the one always controlled by that same Keaton, that pulled the strings.

We have never seen Partridge and Bertram together (at least I don't think so) and as I stated Partridge is more the Moriarty-type + we saw him die.

What we're looking for here, is someone with clear weaknesses, someone that walks difficultly, that speaks difficultly. So I say Haffner. Strange way of walking, totaly dominated by Bertram, outplayed by Jane in any verbal collision. He's very interested in Red John, loves to talk about him. Lisbon in the role of detective Dave Kujan.

And as I mentioned before (now I mention it again because it strikes me as very important regarding our whole investigation): the best clues in the series points to Haffner imo, with this one being the very best: 04X02 from 23:20 to 24:10.  

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At first I was dissapointed about the great Stiles dying in such an unhonorable way, but after thinking about it for a while I concluded he may have sacrifised himself

Let's overlook what might have happened in the landhouse: Jane lines up the three Tigers, ready for a long interrogation/execution. Meanwhile Haffner is using Jane's focus on them at his advantage and tries to escape because one of the Tigers might know he's the real Red John. If he is, he has been there before and knows a way out of the house by the back.

Jane has a fast reflex, turns around and shoots him. He hit him, but not lethal, maybe he shooted off a finger or something (DNA 'evidence' after the cleanup).

Jane goes after him. Bertram goes after Jane to disarm and kill him (in the spirit of the Tigers). So they both are found in de next room after the explosion. Smith is reaching for his gun on the ground.

Meanwhile McAllister sees that Stiles is picking up a bomb (that might have been hidden in his shoe, what would explain the bare foot). He tries to stop him but it's too late, the bomb goes off and Stiles & McAllister are blown up. Smith was just far enough to survive, as were Jane and Bertram, who were struggling for the shotgun.

Stiles was the one that went to the army for a small but effective explosive. He knew Haffner, a lifetime protegee of him, very well, and probably knew he was Red John. Since he was allready a dying man, he debated the events with Haffner in advance and told him to run if possible, and that he would do the rest (or Haffner asked him the other way around). So there's DNA from three men, while only two are dead. 

Jane knows Haffner is Red John since he tried to escape (Haffner was allready eager to leave before the gunshot) but uses the 'fact' that he deceased in his advantage and sets up Bertram as the perfect distraction. By declaring on TV that Bertram is the serial killer named Red John, he's ending things as they begun: by offending Red John publicly. Jane knows he's too proud not to come after him now.

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I expected a little less action and a little more conversation. Hoped for a subtile mindgame to catch Red John, not a bloody war.
Blowing things up brutally, that's no real Mentalist-style. And then, to see a piece of Bret Stiles' body, the master himself, laying around like garbage, it hurts in all its rudeness. Maybe I'm judging too fast and they recover things in next episode...

If Bertram is Red John, and it looks like that, then maybe this was a clue after all, when at the mall he told Jane to seek help, a psychiatrist, and that he knew excellent doctors (e.g. Sophie Miller).

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One Partridge-advocate made an interesting point saying we degrade actual clues to red herrings too easily. I want to clarify why that is NOT the case. Each suspect has his red herrings, meant to mislead the viewer. I will summon a few.

1) Partridge: his voice; his admiration of bloodworks.

2) Kirkland: Do I know you? - No, but I know you; the twin-story.

3) Bertram: I am many things to many people; 666; his secret Tiger club.

4) Haffner: Lisbon's dreamthe spider.

5) McAllister: Call me Tom; fear of heights, Tiger club.

6) Smith: The Red Is Me; Tiger club.

7) Stiles: the red face-painting during his ceremony, the mindreading on Grace. 

Ofcourse, there are a whole bunch more of them that have been found during the years. But you have to look trough them. And focus on what happens story-wise. Personaly I could only find some real clues on Haffner's side:

- Lisbon tells Jane Haffner (ex-FBI) is good at wiretapping -> Lisbon calls to LaRoche about Sally Carter -> Haffner is busy and agitated, not interested in the case anymore -> Sally Carter is found dead, just in time, with fake suicide note comfirming Timothy Carter as Red John -> Haffner thought coast was clear after Jane shot (a fake) RJ, now he realises he celebrated too early -> he knowingly falls for Jane's trick and gets the hell out of his environment.

- Three Red Barn murders -> Haffner wants to discuss business with Lisbon -> in fact he is more interested in the case and the names on Coopers archivelist from 1988 -> he's not contented yet because the mother and her daughter are only accused of one Red Barn murder instead of three -> he uses his client-alibi -> Lisbon is starting to suspect he was not only Visualize but also personaly involved. 

- A nurse asks about Carmen Lee -> Jane out of the blue makes a call to Sophie Miller -> later on Haffner walks in with a lot of Red John questions.

- Lisbon asks Cooper where Haffner is, not his habit to leave without proper goodbye -> Cooper tells he's at a client (alibi again) -> the spy gets murdered, just in time

- Looked like a clue, but cannot been included as such because it can be a coinsidence + not important enough story-wise: RJ drinks thee with his left hand, Haffner makes a call with his left hand. Not enough to be named a clue so let's keep it on a herring for now. Same thing with the 'Heisman'-theory. Even the real RJ has his apparent deceptions - it would strike too much if he didn't.

So, a red herring is an event standing on his own (oneliner, coded name, description, fobies, interviews with makers/actors) without story-wise relevance, while a clue is an essential continuation-part of the tale.

Other clues:
- The pidgeons, linked to Partridge's dead and to Lisbon's happy memory.
- Jane returning on Partridge, Red John returning on Jane 
- Partridge misspeaking about Lorelei (plausible he helped RJ, not for sure)
- Kirkland's three coffees for two (still unclear)
- etc.

So I hope you can see the difference :) Ofcourse, there can be room for discussion whether an occurence is relevant enough to be called a clue or not. 

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Quick question.

Although I rate this site very highly and I love a good theory, it's not very practical: I cannot find back a post of mine from about a week ago. Isn't there a way to search on the poster's name?

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An important question remained: why did Partridge had to die, and why then?

1) Is he really meant to return of the dead? No, but maybe he helped to make that possible for somebody else. I assumed he was a member of Tyger Tyger, that he was the one who covered up their killings. However this could be motive for RJ to kill him, it doesn't explain anything important and also the timing seems random.

2) So we need a better explanation. Now, after I read a very interesting theory on this site about RJ's list-trick, it makes more logic to me that Partrigde worked for Red John, and helped to fake Lorelei's death after she was knocked unconsious. Her body is under the blood but her pretty face has not been touched what so ever. Though on the DVD her right cheek is firmly bruised. That's part one of RJ's trick, the second part was wiretapping Lisbon to find out the 7 names.

3) As someone also posted here, the pidgeons in that dark building are the important clue in S06E01: they referred to Lisbon's happy memory about her mother feeding pigeons. When Jane and Lisbon are talking in the park and there's a random lady feeding pigeons, Jane suddenly remembers. RJ must have added the pigeons for Lisbon (and not that poor Partridge). So now he knows how RJ did his cheap trick.

Partridge obviously had to die because he's the only one apart from RJ that knows Lorelei is still alive. RJ couldn't take the risk to have him talking, since he's also on Jane's list and would be watched closely The gps-trackers on the suspect's phones allow him to hit two birds with one stone.

As Lisbon once said, Haffner is a well known wiretapper - it doesn't exclude other suspects but Haffner allready became my only possible suspect after Partridge died: after we find out it's him and will review his episodes, many small details about his behavior will suddenly make a lot of sense.

This theory (all credits to the members here who found about it before) is for know the only one that gives a decent explanation for how RJ tricked Jane, so I tend to stick with it - untill someone finds even better :)


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I’ve found
some clues that point directly towards Haffner as RJ in past seasons, and also
in this sixth season he gives away some small things (not the spider, that’s
just a silly clue).


First I
will summon the most important parts of his first two appearances:


                                                  S04E02 Little Red Book          


-> The
fake Red John was killed by Jane according to plan, the real one is in the clear now and finally risks
to step out of the dark to meet his antagonist.


-> At
the beginning Lisbon tells Jane that Haffner was FBI and very good at
wiretapping & surveillance. Later on, Lisbon is home alone and decides to
investigate the Timothy Carter case a little further. She wants to know whether he was RJ or
not. She calls LaRoche and asks him if she can visit the widow, Sally Carter –
she’s in jail.


Next scene:
Haffner is in a panicked hurry and tells Van Pelt (who was reporting about a
case-development) he’s busy. Not very professional of him and it clearly has a
reason. He probably wiretapped LaRoches phone and knows what Lisbon is planning.


When Lisbon
arrives at miss Carter’s cell she’s dead (fake suicide & fake letter that
acknowledges Timothy Carter as the real RJ).


-> I
also believe in the Heisman clue, which I read about on this magnificent website.
Plus Haffner is lefthanded.



                                               S05E13 The Red Barn


Haffner asks Lisbon to join his private project. Though the really important
question for him is how much the CBI knows about the Red Barn murders from 1988.
By asking about the names on Cooper’s archive-list he gives himself away. First
he looks relieved when it turns out his name isn’t mentioned in Cooper's info. But it was
impossible for him to know about this information, unless he’s Visualize
himself, a connection Lisbon easily makes. Haffner talks himself out of it as
best as he can.


This must
be a VERY loose end from 1988 when RJ was still young and careless, because Ray returns at the end and is upset the mother and
daughter will only go down for one Red Barn murder, instead of all three. Haffner
claims he speaks for his Visualize-clients, not for himself. Lisbon gets even
more suspicious. Ray, were you there? – Why would you ask me
that? We’re still friends, right?
  Lisbon apparently forgets to tell Jane about this. 



returns in the current season. Not in the first episode, but Lisbon & Van
Pelt put GPS trackers on the suspect’s cellphones, which is his MO (remember
the wiretapping). Easy for him to use it against them.


                                       S06E02 Blackwinged Redbird

Lisbon’s dream. Her subconscious tells her something. Haffner betrays her and
attacks her. For Teresa he has always been the most likely RJ suspect (she
clearly has a better intuition then Rigsby and Cho, who are both betting on

When she
wakes up from her horrible nightmare, Jane calms her. A nurse passes by and
asks for Carmen Lee. This looks like an indirect way for Haffner to check if
Lisbon is all alone.


-> A
little while later he walks in. Lisbon fears him, although he tries being
charming (other than most women Lisbon reacts in a distant way on male charms,
she does that with Patrick & Mashburn too – at least before she ends up in
bed with him). First he checks if she remembers anything. Then he asks about
Red John again. Why do you care? – I don’t
care. I have clients who care.
 The clients again. He doesn’t
like her questioning. Before leaving he states that someday he and Teresa will
have the time, as saying the last time (when he knocked her out on a creepy location) they didn’t
cause something came up.


-> RJ’s pseudonym
when visiting Sophie Miller was Jay Roth. I supect Haffner of having German
blood for historical reasons, so a possible connection. Although this isn’t a clue - just a personal



                                              S06E05 The Red Tattoo


-> Strange
episode. Why would RJ use a spy, especially such a fudgy one, to bug the CBI? And
if Haffner is RJ, it wouldn’t make sense at all because he’s the master bugger.
So must be a trap.


Finally we see one of Haffner’s “clients” with our own eyes, and then that
client is simply Cooper, the errand-boy of Visualize. His contribution to the
whole case is pretty useless + he failed to protect the dead guy, who also was
a client of his. Two possibility’s: or he’s a useless cop (which would
contradict Bertram’s & Lisbon’s first opinion of him in season 4) or he ain’t focused
at all (which would mean he’s all about the RJ case again).


Haffner meets Jane in the elevator. When they leave, he tabs on Jane’s shoulder
and tells him there’s a comeuppance coming his way. Jane replies you’re even a worse psychic than you’re a

So if he
wanted to make Jane believe he’s a bad cop, it definitely worked. But indeed, this
is a silly prediction also by Haffner. Unless…


-> He
gets the autopsy-report of the stabbed man before Lisbon. He claims that he
still has friends in CBI, they help him if he needs it. Maybe Bertram is his “friend”,
since he also knows that Jane riled some very powerful people (later on he advices Teresa & Grace to step away from Jane's tricky business).


-> After
Jane solved the case, Lisbon asks Cooper where Haffner went. He had some business to attend to. I am not his only client. Haffners
vague client-alibi again.


-> …
unless he had it all carefully planned ahead. And he already has the gathering
of the 5 remaining suspects in mind. Would be a nice trick if he foresaw Jane
finding out about the spy being RJ’s, and very well timing to assault her just
before police arrives. Best part of the trick is to let her live for a few
moments and make sure she mentions the tattoo, which was easy to fake (I mean,
three simple dots?). Now Jane is unwittingly going after the Tiger Tiger clan
instead of him. RJ allready killed an important member of that clan in the person of Partridge, whose task it was to make some Tiger murders look like RJ killings, even maybe Lorelei's. It's possible he wanted to lure them Tigers out by taking away their forensics expert. 



Fire and Brimstone


-> For
the first time we hear Ray making a call with a real client, about a woman that
needs to be kept quiet. When he meets Teresa in a coffee bar, Lisbon can’t
help showing through she suspect Haffner as RJ. He now acts very well: not much
hesitation, just pretending angry and determined about it. You wanna question me you arrest me. An innocent man would, despite
of liking her very much, now detest Lisbon for good. But he kind of forgives her
immediately. And sticks with the plan. He wants to see how Jane will lay focus
on the wrong guys.


-> After
Jane tricked Lisbon and leaves her on the side of the road on his way to Malibu, the first car she
lifts for drives trough. It’s a Mercedes, and possibly the same Mercedes
Haffner drives. If it’s him, he off course will stop for no one, especially not
Lisbon, because at this point he cannot derive from the trap he (and not Jane)
set up. This is no real clue, more of a feeling it was him.


-> Once in
the house in Malibu RJ has to make one important move: make sure the Tigers get
rid of their guns. So he stands up (I don’t
have time for this crap
) and forces Jane into taking the riffle and disarm the rest. Now his
real targets, the Tigers, are suddenly in a very vulnerable position. He is laughing at the inside, because Jane is dancing as his perfect puppet.
Maybe Jane has a counter-trick planned, we’ll that see in the next episode.



So, to
conclude: if Haffner will turn out NOT to be Red John, I’ve been misled very
well :)
Though I can't help but imagine him sitting across Jane in a quiet place, saying oh, why do people always call me Red John
anyway? That’s just a stupid name, isn’t it?


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