Who is Red John?

Theories of Steppewolf (18)

Allright my red buddies, please fasten your seatbells, because this is gonna sound very outstretched. I mean very. Normaly I only base my theories on what happens in the episodes themselves (I wrote some stuff about the two Haffner-episodes before) and I certaintly do not take anything from the internet/interviews etc. into account. But then I found some interesting facts from a historical perspective.

1) It turns out Bruno Heller's father, Lukas Heller, was a screenwriter as well, and came from Germany. He was a teenager during the War and also Jewish, so we can assume that this period affected him much.

Bruno was always inspired by his father, even intimidated because at first it seemed impossible to him to do better as a writer. One of his fathers movies was called What ever happened to baby Jane? (fun fact: baby Jane killed someone too).

2) One of Germany's most famous political writers and journalists was Raimond Pretzel. His pseudonym (to protect his family) was Sebastian Haffner. He wrote many books and articles, often about the Nazi-regime and the second World War, in his own particular style. He had to flee to the UK in the late 30ies because from Nazi-perspective he was too critical. I assume Lukas Heller knew his works.

The pseudonym comes from a contraction between Sebastian Bach and Haffner, one of Mozarts masterpieces. He was also known for his typical German blond hair and blue eyes. Later on he wrote about the Russian politics, but also Churchill & Tatcher (the Iron Lady).

I found this review after the man's death from  http://www.theguardian.com/news/1999/jan/14/guardianobituaries :

Haffner could seem intimidating, especially to Germans who were alarmed or scandalised by his ideas. His eyes had a strange, hypnotic brilliance, under the vast dome of his brow. His presence as a solo TV performer was electrifying.

But in private he could be both witty and tender, and his kindness was remarkable; few people knew, for example, that he had been something like a foster-father to the young Ulrike Meinhoff, before she turned to the urban terrorism which eventually ended in her death.

He was almost devoid of personal ambition; in any case, his views were far too original to fit into the safe categories of the Bonn republic. He was certainly touchy and easy to offend, and yet modest about his own achievement; Haffner's view was that the journalist's job was Zuspitzung - dramatising routine political events until they seized the imagination of the reader.

Sebastian Haffner died listening to Bach, after a long and depressing illness. He leaves two children, Oliver and Sarah, four grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

So: maybe Lukas Heller idolised Sebastian Haffner, and young Bruno had to hear about it so many times that he started fantasising about a descendant of that praised German man - one with a dark side in his heart.

This is my most speculative and least relevant theory so far, but it would give the whole Red John story kind of a historical aura :) 

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So, I've made some points before why Haffner is looking suspicious in his first appearance (S04E02), and in his second act he continues to do.

It's the famous Red Barn episode (S05E13), and no coïnsidence our man Haffner shows again. He smells trouble, and finds a subtile reason to talk to Lisbon: he asks if she would like to start a new business with him. Maybe he's jaleous at Jane and kind of loves Lisbon (think about what Stiles once said about the patheticly jaleous character of RJ), but most of all it's kind of an excuse. In fact he wants to hear everything about the Alison farm case from her. At the end he's dissapointed the mother and daughter aren't going down for all 3 dead bodies from 1988. Probably this is a VERY lose end of his (one he not wants to be investigated further), because he was still young and careless back then - RJ in search of an identity.

Nice scene-overlap comes in the end of the episode: the daughter had a flashback to the basement of the farm and said that it felt like someone was there, someone was watching them. Next shot Haffner walks into Lisbons office (famous 'we're still friends, right?' dialogue follows).

Going back, a little earlier in the episode Haffner is so thrown off about the case that he misspeaks about Cooper who's not on the suspect-board. Lisbon is a good detective and links Haffner to Visualize immediately. Possibly she suspects him as RJ even before Jane does.

Now, of all 7 on the list I've watched their first appearence in The Mentalist and Haffner is the only one that leaves so many direct RJ-clues (indirect clues like anagrams I do not count because I catalogue them as distractions by Heller). Except Partridge, that one also bears a suspicious air around him, but I truly believe he's murdered.  

Thus Haffner's our man ;)

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For those of us who fancy Haffner as Red John: some extra thoughts about his first appearance (S04E02).

After Jane met his new partner with a firm handshake and a shouldertab, he went to Lisbon's house and asks her what she knows about Ray Haffner. She says that he's hard and by the book, but also that he was in the FBI before and well known for resolving high profile cases by wiretapping and surveliance. Two points where RJ scores well. Even 'by the book' could be interesting if we translate it to 'principal', which we also believe RJ to be. But keep the wiretapping in mind!

Still vague. Further on in the same episode it gets more interesting.

When Lisbon is home alone and thinking about Jane, who told her Timothy Carter wasn't Red John after all, she calls JJ LaRoche because she wants to talk to miss Carter, who is in prison.

Next scene: Van Pelt, just back on board, wants to talk to her new boss, Haffner, about money linked to the murder of a gymcoach. Although she's just doing her job, Ray isn't interested at all and claimes he has no time for this. He looks hasty and worried.

When lisbon arrives at miss Carters' cell (together with LaRoche), the lady is dead. A staged suicide with a fake letter in which she acknowledges her killed husband as Red John. Jane arrives a litte later and he can obviously see it's corrupted.

How could Red John be one step ahead? Because he wiretaps LaRoche's office. Who's good at it and was in a troubled hurry right after Lisbons made the call to LaRoche? Right, Haffner (who might know Smith well since he was FBI before).

So, it's maybe not a coïncidence that just after the fake RJ was shot by Jane, the real RJ appears on stage AND tries to work together with Jane. He felt finally safe to reach out to his old friend in person - untill Lisbon tries to dig up the whole Carter affair again. So he acted fast as light and wrote a fake letter to fortify the story that RJ is dead.  

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Allright let's take a big loop here. 


Lorelei wasn't killed by Red John. She was killed by the Tiger Tiger clan, which Partridge was a part of. At S05E22 he misspoke.
The photographer asks, after Partrigde stated RJ layed down for years: 'RJ killed recentely, didn't he?' Partridge now realizes his little mistake and talks himself out of it: 'Euh, Lorelei Martins was an intern affair, that doesn't count.' But he actualy knows the truth: Tiger Tiger killed her, and he made it look like a RJ killing just as he did several times before (not always that good cause Jane saw through the details). They killed Lorelei to irritate RJ (who didn't know anything about what she said to Jane about shaking hands) and maybe because she shot a cop before - or she knew some things.

Now, what about the DVD and the list of 7? It definetely was a trick, but, once again, one by Jane himself. He made the DVD when he was still with Lorelei (who was thankful to him for saying the truth about her sister) in case she would die. When she does, the DVD helps Jane to misdirect Lisbon (and via her the rest of the team) about the suspects. She now for sure falsely believes that these are the RJ suspects. 

The DVD that the woman who stole the child in S05E22 really handed over, was a complete different one, by RJ himself. He cuts Jane a deal, that even Lisbon cannot know: if Jane helps him to dismantle the Tiger Tiger conspiracy, he will reveal his identity. Jane takes the deal and start hunting for the Tigers, which he allready knew of, and those are the people that his list of 7 contains (probably he also suspected Haffner and Kirkland to be a Tiger, Partridge surely was one - why Stiles is on that list seems unclear). He uses RJ as bait.

RJ meanwhile takes revenge for Lorelei's death and kills Partrigde, a key link in the chain of Tigers. Bertram and both Smith look worried after reveiving the news of his death. 'You sure it's him?'
Now things are getting loose and one of the Tigers goes after RJ's new spy, the private investigator. Not RJ who killed her. RJ isn't killing too much; he is getting desperate to become friends with Jane. Kirklands death is double: it both fits the Tigers and RJ cause Kirkland was tracking down the two of them.


Stiles is wanted by the FBI, thus by Reede Smith. They want to question him about two murders from over 20 years in the past, this must be about the Red Barn killings in 1988 by RJ. Stiles hides at the ambasade because he feels that they're closing in on RJ, and he wants to protect him (maybe he knows about Smiths overagressive style of interviewing and is genuinely afraid). Could be Haffner is RJ, and by accident also got on Janes Tiger Tiger-list. Then it could be someone completely different.


Is there a link between Visualize and the Tiger Tiger clan? Probably, and that link is probably Red John.

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