Who is Red John?

Theories of Sheldorian (23)

I think Partridge really is dead.  The reason he is dead is that he was RJ's forensic guy!  He examined every crime scene to remove any evidence that would lead back to Red John.  That's why we see him at every RJ murder scene, and that's why he was the first to be killed.  He knows all the evidence that would link Red John to his murders.  He knew waaaaayyyy too much.  Thus, he was the first to go.

Ultimately this will be RJ's undoing.  Partridge was kind of the brains of the operation.  He kept Red John two steps ahead of everyone.  Now that he's gone, RJ has started being careless and making mistakes, letting Kira Tinsely see his tattoo, not destroying Sophie Miller's voice recorded sessions.  Partridge would have totally figured that out and destroyed the tape.

Regardless of who you think RJ is, Partridge is the forensics guy.  It explains quite a lot.  I still say the Sheriff because he has indicated he's been a hunter most of his life and enjoys killing.  He's an intelligent man, but not the brains of the outfit, so without Partridge, he really shot himself in the foot!

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So I have a theory on the 7 suspects on Jane's list.  Why does he choose these 7 people?  What's so special about them?  I believe some are on the list because they are suspects, while others are merely accomplices.

Brett Stiles.  Jane thinks he's an accomplice.  He's never shaken hands with Jane, but Brett has always hinted that he knows RJ's identity.  We know there's a connection to visualize.  Jane puts him on the list because he believes Stiles will either willingly or unwillingly help him reveal RJ.

Gale Bertram.  He's an accomplice.  Jane knows he doesn't fit Rosalind's description of under six feet with short straight hair, but the man is in on it.  He's the director of the CBI and basically owns the Red John case.  He's always telling Jane "I wanna be there when you reveal Red John".

Ray Haffner.  He was a suspect, and a damn good one.  But he ain't RJ.  I don't believe he's actually involved.

Reede Smith.  He's an accomplice.  Jane never shakes hands with him, but RJ states in season 4, "...luckily I have a friend in the FBI".  Jane has deduced  that Reede is his FBI accomplice.

Bob Kirkland.  He was a suspect, but Jane discovers he was merely hunting RJ... oh and he's dead now.

Brett Partridge.  He ain't RJ, cuz he's dead, but he's very important!  What does he do for a living? Forensics!  Where do we always see him?  RJ crime scenes.  He's the guy who cleans up after RJ.  He makes sure no evidence can lead to him.  This is why Red John kills him.  Partridge knows vital clues and information that in Jane's hands, could identify RJ.

Sheriff Mcallister.  He's a sheriff in wine country.  Not much to contribute as an accomplice.  Not much jurisdictional prowess.  Therefore he has to be a suspect.  As I mentioned previously, they do not physically shake hands, but Jane and Tom play rock paper scissors, where-in you shake your hand repeatedly before revealing either rock, paper or scissors.  Therefore, they "shook" hands.  He's a hunter and as he tells Patrick, he knows how to "clean and quarter a kill".

Incidentally, what do hunters always do to their prey after they shoot it?  They cut the throat and let it bleed out.  What does RJ do to all his victims?  He cuts their throat and watches the life leave their eyes.  Plus, the knife RJ uses is quite possibly a hunting knife.  Take a look at this scene where he saves Patrick.  First he shoots a victim, then he slits her throat.  Plus the knife certainly looks like a hunting knife for quartering and cleaning a kill.


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So Americ from Happy Cool posted a very good theory about Red John entitled "The Handshake Theory".  In this theory, he points out the handshake had to have been onscreen.  Otherwise, why even bring it up?  I believe this is true.  Sure he could shaken hands with some of the suspects off screen, but would that really be very good story telling?  I don't think so.

So Americ goes through the list systematically to see who Jane shook hands with onscreen.

Brett Stiles- did not shake hands
Brett Partridge-did not shake hands
Reede Smith- did not shake hands
Ray Haffner- they shook hands
Gale Bertram- they shook hands
Bob Kirkland- they shook hands
Sheriff Mcallister- they did not shake hands

So Bob is dead, and Gale doesn't fit the physical description.  Thus leaving Ray Haffner.


Here's the rub.  We HAVE seen Jane and the Sheriff shake hands... just not in the traditional sense.
They're very first scene together, they play a long game of rock, paper, scissors and Jane keeps winning over and over again...  What do you do every time you play this game?  You shake your hand three times before revealing either rock, paper or scissors.   Thus, Sheriff and Jane "shook hands" the first time they met, just not with each others' hand.  :)  It's a very iconic scene from the first season.  Take a look at the first part of this video to watch it!


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Guys it physically can't be Bertram!  How are people still on this?  He is 6ft 3 and bald which flies in the face of Rosalind's description.  "Under six feet.  Short, straight hair."  Jane COMPLETELY believes that Rosalind's Roy is Red John.  He even took her to the morgue in season 4 to confirm the man he shot in the cafe WASN'T Red John.  Ere go, he trusts her account of Roy as if it were gospel.  Could Bertram wear a wig?  Perhaps but unlikely.  However what is far more unlikely is that he can't cut 4 inches off of his height when he's with Rosalind.  Plus Bertram is a public official who spends waaaayyy too much time in front of the camera.  He would have been easily noticed by Sophie Miller who would in turn probably ask what Jane's boss is doing here.  She would've known right away something was up.  Plus the director of the CBI probably has zero time to go around killing people.  That kind of job requires far too much time at the office and in front of the camera.  A Sheriff of one county is a well-respected official with many friends and quite a bit more freedom to go where he pleases.

Sheriff Mcallister is both marked and a marshall (the whole he is mar thing), fits the height, fits the build "not thin, but not muscular", he loves to hunt/kill as he informed to Jane.  Tom asks Patrick to call him "Tom" because he wants to build a relationship with Patrick, wants to befriend him, as we've seen Red John do with sending him Lorelei  "He's offering the hand of friendship".  In regards to his hair, he had much more 6 years ago when he was cast so Rosalind would have called it "short and straight".

On a side note, some people mention that we never see them physically shake hands... but we do.  In they're very first scene together, they play rock paper scissors, within which you "shake" hands multiple times... :)

Jane: What do you hung?
Tom:  Anything with a face... 

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I just re-watched the episode "Red Wedding".  Not one of my favorites this year.  However, Jane has a very interesting conversation with Sheriff Mcallister.  He sneaks up on Patrick to which Jane says he didn't hear him coming.  The Sheriff then replies, "Well it's an old habit.  I've been a hunter most of my life."  "What do you hunt? Jane asks.  "Anything with a face..."  Patrick then points out that hunting requires quite a blood lust.  From this conversation alone, I am really starting to think it's Mcallister.  He enjoys killing.  Also, he mentions he's been a hunter most of his life.  Perhaps he started killing in 1988 at the Visualize farm?  

The Sheriff is also middle-aged but in good health, as Sophie Miller notes.  He's got the most calm and self-assured posture like Sophie describes.  When he was cast in season one, Xander Berkley had a bit more hair which was "short and straight" as Rosalind describes.  He's under six feet, not muscular but not thin.  Whether He Is Mar means He Is Marked or He Is Marhsall, again he fits.  Lastly, he's the only one who really seems to want to befriend Patrick.  I mean, he even says, he's at Patrick's disposal anytime.  He even asks him to call him "Tom".  All this coupled with a taste for blood has suddenly put him in the forefront to me.

Plus I re-watched his first episode, "Red Hair-Silver tape".  He was pretty creepy from the get go.  He almost forced Van Pelt into his car to the point the team thought he was the killer.  If the tattoo thing is legit, and the list is truly legit, then "Tom" just might be our guy!

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Let's say for argument sake
that Bruno Heller isn't lying to us.  One of the seven is red john.  While I think Michael
Kirkland is still alive, he isn't technically on the list. So, if Bruno is not
pulling the wool over our eyes (and that's a big if)
, let's examine the evidence I posted in theory 9843.

Brett Stiles is too old. 79
Is not middle-aged as Sophie Miller described.

Sure, Brett Partridge could
have faked his own death, but he’s not athletic.  Jared Renfrew stated RJ had won the Heisman
Partridge does not look like he ever played football.  He’s even kinda thin, while Rosalind stated
Roy was “not thin, but not muscular”.

Bertram doesn’t fit Rosalind’s
description. “Under six feet… short, straight hair.” Gale is 6ft 3 and bald.

Bob Kirkland is dead.  Even though his brother is a twin and would
fit all of the physical indicators (including smelling of pine, earth and
nails), Michael is technically not on the list.

Therefore we are left with…

Reede Smith: Yes,
he's fat.  However, Rosalind described Roy as "Not thin, but not
muscular”.  He still fits in that
category.  Sophie Miller stated he was in good health.  Again, I know
he's fat, but for an overweight man, he's still in decent health.  He was
pummeling a suspect pretty well in episode 2 of this year.

 He fits everything, and I mean EVERYTHING.
 Yes he is balding, but he's not bald.  Plus 6 years ago, the actor
who plays Tom had much more hair that he slicked back.  When the show
began, I would argue that he fit Rosalind's definition of "Short-Straight

Yes, I know he's missing the tattoo on his left shoulder...
you didn't watch Fire
and Brimstone, did you?
 I warned you!!!  I believe Red John definitely had the tattoo.
 Jared Renfrew wrote on the bathroom wall, He
Is Mar
which I believe meant He Is
 However, missing
the tattoo actually makes everything make more sense.  The whole private investigator thing bugged me (pun
intended).  Why would Red
John have someone bug Cho’s desk?  I
think it was all a set up.  Red
John is part of the Tiger, Tiger group and knows they would have the
tattoo.  He let Kira Tinsley
see his three-dotted tattoo to throw suspicion onto his cronies.  Afterwards, he removed it.  I’m sure it would be very easy to
remove such a small tattoo.  Perhaps
Jane noticed Haffner had a small scar on his shoulder where the tattoo was?
 Regardless we have three strong suspects, and Ray is at the top in my

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So I thought someone should collect all the Red John evidence from the six seasons and post it for everyone to see. Please comment below if you have further important evidence to add.

Rosalind Harker's description:  Under six feet.  Not thin but not muscular.  Straight hair.  Strong hands.  Soft voice.  Enjoyed Bach.  Smelled of pine and earth and nails.

Jared Renfrew:  He claimed Red John was a friend of a friend.  He had once won the Heisman Trophy.  When Renfrew was dying, he wrote on the bathroom wall He Is Mar...

Kristina Frye:  She was hypnotized by Red John into thinking she was dead.  Quite a mental feat.

Lorelei: She says PJ and RJ are just alike.  "I wonder why the two of you didn't become lifelong friends the moment you shook hands."

William Blake:  He quotes the poem to Patrick.  "Tiger, tiger, burning bright.  In the forests of the night.  What immortal hand or eye could frame thy fearful symmetry?"

Sophie Miller:  She describes RJ as a charming man, but with a dark cloud around him.  He was middle-aged, in good health, had no living family but many friends upon which he relied for comfort and support.  She believed he had a real phobia, not necessarily acraphobia, but something else perhaps.  He appeared calm and collective in the waiting room, though I note he is an excellent whistler.

The Red Barn:  Murders were committed at a Visualize farm by Red John in 1988.  His smiley face appears on the Barn outside. Most likely his first kills.

Kira Tinsley:  She was a P.I.  She claimed she was hired by Visualize to bug the CBI office and get close to Cho.  She is later killed and uses her last breath to tell Patrick her attacker has a tattoo, three dots on his left shoulder.  

Okay RJ hunters.  Use this information wisely!  

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