Who is Red John?

Theories of PelterSkelter (11)

Theory #16894 • By PelterSkelter
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Trivia -
The character 'Wayne Rigsby' was initially named 'Wayne Gilzean'.
gilzean meaning 'Servant Of St John'.

But what does it all mean?!

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Theory #16712 • By PelterSkelter
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I'm bored with no theories. So I'll make my own!
On Red Rigsby ; did RJ ever use hypnotism on people prior to becoming entangled with PJ? Rigsby seemed most interested in acquiring this skill. Rigsby managed to manipulate Cho, the master of morals, to lie for him during an internal investigation. Rigsby is no where to be seen when BP is killed. When seen in the reunion episode, he clearly has charisma he keeps on the lowdown. When he meets PJ he quite markedly avoids shaking PJ's hand. Rigsby is leaving the show. I tried watching the show from the perspective of Owain knowing he was RJ from the beginning, but no one else in the cast does. It kinda plays. He would be the perfect draw-dropper - other than Cho, of course.
I've said before (and had it misinterpreted and then trolled) but it is possible that Rigsby saw the predatory nature of the sherrif during the Van Pelt sting at the restaurant. That could have been when Rigsby recruited the sherrif.

On another note - when Haffner says to Lisbon in the hospital 'we'll have time soon' or something to that effect, I wondered if RJ has promised Lisbon to Haffner, like he did with the twin sister he 'gave' to the cop desciple.

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Stoopkid- I'm thinking you're right on the Red Rigsby. I think Rigsby saw Macallister in s1E2 and that's when he was recruited him for TT. I'm theorizing we'll see Rigsby, charismatic and gorgeous in stylish suit ....and then the English accent!
VP finds out, she kills him and then raises his child, leaving the door open for a red John jnr spinoff. Ok, maybe not that last bit I really am watching WR as a plausible suspect.
OY is a brilliant actor whose range has not been shown yet. I don't think TT is a big part of anything, just a way for RJ to purge some of his disciples and make a clean start.
Now some will say the RJ storyline is over. I think not only will PJ do a spectacular round up to answer our questions...and BH will then reveal to us how he manipulated us.

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Theory #16056 • By PelterSkelter
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Anyone else think that Hardy, the nicotine gum chewing son of Tanner may have been RH's lover? Also, Tanner and VanPelt translations? Not really sure how it would affect the RJ outcome....

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Also, this profiler business has me thinking. Basing the entire show on another show? Not very original. However, copying a whole show in one episode as a red herring. Possible. Perhaps. As Lenny Kravitz sings...

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I'm really enjoying these 'symmetry' theories about RJ turning Jane into a killer. Maybe they are red john's rules. Kill the guilty or RJ will kill another innocent. Seems like the kind of game that would befit the twisted sense of play given previous interactions.
Maybe the concussion bomb knocked PJ out and he was gathering clues in dreamland. Also, does anyone else find it strange that 2 regulars, well liked are being out out to pasture in a PI business. They must play a far bigger role before exiting, or it's just another 'whimper' ending to more great characters.

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Just because the 'he is mar' clue bugs me, I make my last theory on this site.

There is no bar on the 'H' and to me it looks like 'II is many'. If you've been stabbed, bleeding out you don't have the energy to write a sentence. A name would suffice. Why else would you scrawl on a wall in blood?! Obviously to alert people. But if another man came to the scene, maybe that is what he was trying to tell them. I don't see multiple red johns, but maybe a master/apprentice variation.

I'm 99.9% certain all the fans will see a new episode ending tonight. Thank you all for the theories. It's been fun!

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