Who is Red John?

Theories of PelterSkelter (11)

BH has provided all of the hardcore fans a chance to be in the episode for the RJ reveal. Clues: body|stunt double leak, press for them hiring 'an extra on a bike', the rather strange way the video was made available, CBS 'liking' the leak, the lack of correct score, and the inconsitencies between the trailer and the episode. As in all episodes, you've been thrown a red herring before the actual reveal Sunday. Also, 'trust the list' does not mean RJ is on the list. It means the list trick will be successful in catching red John.

I hope... :)

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Ok, everyone stop! You're breaking the interwebs! You have not watched the real episode. Someone did in fact, post actual spoilers and you're all fixated on a rough cut leak. This smells suspiciously like red herring. Or at least, lay off the gloating emails just in case you've been duped.

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Theory #12331 • By PelterSkelter
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The list trick :

I believe that RJ planned well ahead, giving both Rosalind and Sophie the clues he wanted PJ to find. He is able to predict what suspects PJ will choose based on the clues RJ has left with 'witnesses'.
I suspect Ron to be the puppet master. He could be twin Kirkland with surgery, stiles' son, an old carnie acquaintance...

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Ok, firstly is it just me or does RJ not really fit a career serial killer profile? Using friends and proxies (sure, Manson, noted) but as far as your general SK type, I'm really struggling. I do have memory issues so I admit keeping it all straight in my head is difficult, but what serial killer leaves question marks over killings when he has such a defined signature. If anyone wants to breakdown timelines and methods, I wouldn't complain :)
Secondly, some of the theories on here are amazing. I secretly wonder if BH had the next ep pulled deliberately coz he needed to re-do some scenes based on inconsistencies you guys have theorized.

Also, to those that keep calling people names and abusing them for their thoughts, I hope the reveal helps validate you...seeing as you take it so seriously!

Me, I'm just enjoying the ride :)

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