Who is Red John?

Theories of Kyle (9)

 * Kirkland is not for sure RJ...more like a RJ follower.....Lorelei told PJ that he and RJ shook hands but they never became friends....Kirkland and PJ didnt even had the time do became "friends" because he had shaken his hand one episode before Lorelei said that, and one more thing is lorelei couldnt know if Pj and Kirkland did even shake their hands

*Bret Stiles....too old, but knows who RJ is...

*Gale Bertram...could be, but something tells me he is going to get killed in season 6...so maybe he is not the one...

*Sheriff Thomas McAllister..Jane tricked him in Rock, Paper and Scissors game...somewhere i read he will be back in season 6 second episode Red-Winged Blackbird...he could be RJ for me.. 

*Brett P....when Pj and BP first met, PJ didnt gave him some big attention...he says he is a ghoul enyoying his work too much...and that he someword him...something like irritates him...also Brett told that he sees the smiley in blood for the first time for real...or something like that...he is too young to be RJ and i think he is maybe his follower.

*Ray Haffner....well maybe he is RJ, to shock us all at the end...and he and PJ were never friends, the age fits...

*Reede Smith... is a guest character appearing only in the Season Five premiere so far. Also it's been noticed that his name could be derived from 'Reed' which also means 'Red'. It has also been found that Reede Smith is an anagram for: "the red is me" and "theme is red", which would be fitting were Reede Smith to be revealed as the infamous Red John...also he and PJ were never friends...he most common translation of Tagliaferro is iron-cutter, word to word it would be cut-iron (Cutiron).But another translation of Tagliaferro is ... smith, so Roy Tagliaferro could be translated in english into Red Smith.


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Theory #2508 • By Kyle
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My analysis of the 30 suspects:
Bret Stiles - friend of Jane, therefore no
Don Henderson - too limited a "network"
Dean Harken - possibility but work with virus' probably means no
Asher Maclean - no
Gale - i doubt its someone within CBI
Doc Dugan - no
Judge Manchester - has network, fits other explanations, and "is ma-"
Paul Fricke - possibly with the sexual language used about Red John's fascination with Jane, but likely no
Glen Snow - we know RJ is Caucasian.
Donny Culpeper - that "arc" resolved

Out of set 1: Manchester

Markham Shankar - not Caucasian, but "ma-" and fascination with death stuff makes him intriguing
Mancini - a possibility
Kirkland - up to no good, but a red herring i think
Max Winter - possibility with network to back him up
McAlister - not a large enough network
mashburn - possibly
volker - no
partridge - possibly
Jason cooper - possibly but the "failed coup" doesn't seem very RJ-like
Ellis Mars - interesting option but doubtful

Group 2: Mancini, mashburn, patridge

Dr. Linus - possibly but doubtful
haffner - a red herring but related to Visualize?
Bunting - computer skills but not much else to connect
Royston daniel - possibly, computer skills, network might be there, roy is a bit obvious though
reede- unlikely
JJ Laroche - not on the list
Minelli - someone more calcuating
molinari - eh
Ardiles - not white
baihach - interesting possibility

Set 3:Haibach, Daniel

So here are 6 candidates: Haibach, Daniel, mancini, mashburn, partridge, manchester

Mashburn has potential but I'll say Manchester has the better odds with his connections. If its Mashburn the sexual stuff between RJ and Jane makes more sense as a way to get to Lisbon.

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