Who is Red John?

Theories of Hll (89)

Doesn't Heller know it's only legal to abandon your baby the first 3-30 days after birthing it?  6 years later and it's a crime.

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Mcallister is deathly afraid of birds.  If Red John killed Partridge and tasered Lisbon in a house full of pigeons, then McAllister must be Red John....TRUE OR FALSE?


Red John masterfully traps 2 people in a house with pigeons
and McAllister's bird phobia

Birds didn't have to be in that abandoned house, but we were purposely shown that birds were there.   

The Red John in that house wasn't afraid of birds.

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Well, Grey Water for me was the most interesting episode in a while!  Here are some things I noticed:

1.  Wayne said their daughter would be fine with Grace's Aunt (and Ben with his mother) -- still wondering just WHO is Grace's family?!  

2.  Jane dares old team to go with first instincts on recent killings:

Cho picks -- Tommy Volker
Wayne -- John Hutten
Grace -- Donny Culpepper
Lisbon -- Haibach//Linus Wagner

What's interesting is that JANE'S pick ISN'T mentioned -- but I wonder if it's JASON COOPER --- there has to be a Visualize connection:  we KNOW Stiles and Haffner are alive, right?

3.  Jane doesn't greet Grigsby as warmly as you'd expect.  Then, Cho hugs them, and Jane looks at Cho strangely. So, question is:  WHY is this moment strangely perfunctory and strained when it should be a warm welcoming?

4.  Jane says to Agent Fischer: "Where did the wheel of death stop today?"  This is curious because it makes me think about the WHEEL theme in this show that goes easily unnoticed -- 1) Wayne, Wagner and Wainwright all mean makers of wheels, and 2) Jane's wife's family ran carnival Ferris Wheel and 3) Jane's father took Jane up on Ferris Wheel to force him to practice his eye for detail -- "wheels turning" is also a mentalist thing, a mind never sleeping, never stopping

When Wayne stands in front of the bar "El Lazo" [which means "Loop" in English] -- he's standing next to TWO WAGON WHEELS.  There are also several motorcycles lined up curbside -- just noticed there were a lot of wheels in that shot.

5.  Does anyone else think that it seems like Wayne ALREADY knows what's going to happen?  And when he calls Grace -- the way he said "You know I love you, don't you?"  Did he KNOW she was going to be abducted?  

I'm now wondering if he set up the break in at his house in the beginning.  What was weird about that was the shooter cocked his gun, giving full warning that he was there.  Sorry -- if you want to really shoot someone, you're not going to give them a head start to get away.

6.  I think Wayne choose Hutten to distract from his possible connection with Hutten, and the whole finding him with a girlfriend in bed -- that was VERY coincidental that on the way to a bar, Wayne just happens to spot his car?  Now that Hutten is discounted, Wayne could potentially use him.

7.  Preview of "White as the Driven Snow":  Jane is talking about Haibach to Wayne but think Jane is using Haibach to make someone [Wayne?] think he's off their trail.  

Wow, Wayne feels really suspicious!

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Wow, a 2 month break between episodes...

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WONDERING if DRUGS are used to render subjects highly suggestive to HYPNOSIS [as drugs have been a recurring theme on the show since the beginning, along with hypnosis]

Just saw a Charlie Chan movie "Black Magic" [from 1944] It involved seances, speaking to the dead, magician's tricks, Charlie Chan making jokes that's he's "psychic" -- and a master hypnotist/magician who turns out to be the killer

Backstory is: hypnotist found his wife was running away with his assistant -- so hypnotist faked his own death but really got plastic surgery to change his look, coming back to befriend his former wife and assistant -- then exacting revenge and killing them both

Hypnotist put a witness into a trance -- rendering her unable to speak [as she held an important clue] until Charlie snapped her out of it -- though she couldn't remember after that, and

Hypnotist put ex wife into a trance, making her jump off a building

Charlie Chan figures out that the secret to the hypnotist's success was that he used a DRUG that would render the person highly suggestible to hypnosis -- getting them to do whatever he wanted

So out of curiosity, I decided to google this and see if there were such a drug that could be used for mind control [not that a TV show would need to use something that really exists]

But it turns out there IS a drug called the "Devil's Breath" that is easily administered by powder and liquid, put into someone's drink or blown into their face in a second.   A few minutes later, subject is awake and alert but THEY HAVE NO FREE WILL and are totally helpless to other's suggestions.  Others have complete control over "an unwilling participant."  After it's over, it CAUSES COMPLETE AMNESIA.  [it has been around forever -- we haven't heard about it because the US gov't has been using for a long time]  CRAZY!!

Pretty scary actually.  Readily available in Columbia.

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 WOULD RJ REALLY LET BERTRAM GO DOWN IN HISTORY AS BEING RED JOHN?  HELLO?!  McAllister plans a neat little double murder to get rid of Jane and Bertram -- seems logical at first -- RJ gets to go free, no one will ever know McAllister is RJ ----BUT THERE'S ONLY ONE PROBLEM WITH THAT --- the egomaniacal RJ we have come to know for 5 years doesn't like "cheap imitators."  No, the RJ we know is proud to be RJ and would not stand for very long to think his/her imagine had been tarnished by the likes of bad poker playing Bertram.  MAKES NO SENSE.


1. Why does Jane tell everyone about list?  Must be because he wanted them to know…WHY?

2. Why does Jane endanger his crew?  Must have thought they wouldn't really be in danger…WHY?

3. Tinsley said man who killed her had a tattoo…How did she know that?  Did she see this guy sleeveless prior to this -- did they go swimming together?  Sleep together?  Because average man isn't going around sleeveless.  Logic would dictate that BA would NOT want members exposing tattoos, anyway.  And I don't think killer showed up at her door wearing Chippendales outfit with leather gloves.  

4.  How do we know the man who hired Tinsley and the man who killed her are the same?  We don't!  She appears to know person at door but IS NOT happy to see them [not the usual response given by RJ associate who is always in love with RJ]

5How does Jane know RJ is the one who killed Tinsley?  Beating and strangling isn't usually his style, is it?  Where was his taser?  And he left her alive -- totally not RJ.  A gun/knife would have been quicker.  JANE TELLS THAT RED JOHN KILLED HER…WHY?

6.  How does Jane know RJ has a tattoo?  He says that Tinsley TOLD him RED JOHN had the tattoo -- WHEN???!!!  ALL I SAW was her showing tattoo markings, but nothing about RJ.  She never said RJ killed me, RJ has tattoo -- this is ALL inference from JANE.  

7.  Tinsley was hired by Visualize.  And if she wasn't, how did Jane know?  Or is RJ visualize?  Did we ever have any information about McAllister and Visualize?  Not that I can think of.

8.  MAN at Tinsley's door had HAIR, you can see it in the shadow cast on her door, and it looked either curly or tousled as if he had a good head of hair.  THIS IS NOT MCALLISTER who is supposedly RJ

9.   Jane figured out RJ was McAllister -- BUT HOW?  Because of WHAT?  He never tells us.   He only describes knowing about 2 bombs and switched DNA evidence, but WHY did he think it was McAllister over Haffner or Stiles -- because they could have done exact same thing with bomb and DNA, too?  And don't tell me STILES is dead. 

10.  And speaking of DNA -- if Partridge was BA and a master of switching DNA -- whose to say Partridge is really dead?  Now that everyone's keeping corpses on ice...

11.  Jane goes to the church with a PIGEON IN POCKET and previously taped a gun to pew.  Clearly, he's expecting McAllister.  BUT HOW DID JANE get passed CORDERO with a pigeon on his body when Cordero frisked him?  Was it in his undies?

12. Jane publicly announces that Bertram is RJ when HE KNEW he wasn't in order to trap McAllister -- but then surely, he also knew what McAllister would try to do later -- get rid of Jane and Bertram together, wrapping it up nicely. 
So WHY ASK McAllister in church why Bertram had to die??!!  THAT is a question JANE ALREADY KNOWS ANSWER TO!  What did Jane think was going to happen?  With Bertram on the run for being RJ, he could have been shot and killed at ANY time.   Obviously, Jane used Bertram and really didn't care that Bertram was in danger.  Makes no sense.  In fact, 
Jane acts like he's reading from a script, like he already knows what's going to happen and he's baiting McAllister.


14.  WTF with MRS. CARMEN LEE?  Another suspicious moment that they're not going to tell us about.  Lisbon acts like it's nothing.  Jane seems concerned.  Of course, Haffner walks in right after and it makes him look guilty as sin and then they play terrible ominous music the whole time he's visiting Lisbon [who just had dream of him knifing her].  
 We assume it's RJ or HAFFNER but I wouldn't put it past JANE to have set up the nurse to come in like that, god knows why

Haffner says, "Boy, they let anyone in her these days..." as if yet again another reference that he's some bad guy who is making a sick, tongue and cheek remarks to taunt Lisbon.  With all this set up against Haffner -- I'm starting to think that his worst crime is helping Stiles and nothing more

I CAN'T SAY FOR SURE what JANE has or hasn't done -- BUT WE DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING THERE IS TO KNOW ABOUT HIM -- there's something he's not telling everyone as evidenced by his conversation with himself

CHAR: You have no life, just this endless obsession.  "Red John..Red John…" Ugh... [rolls her eyes] Mom would not be happy.

JANE:  Well, my relationship with your mother is uh, is my business.  Show a little respect.

CHAR: Hello, I'm a figment of your imagination.  Show yourself a little respect.

JANE: This is what I've been missing out on, all these years?  When do you go to college again?

CHAR:  You can't even be real with someone who doesn't even exist?  Does anyone know who you are?

JANE:   Yes.

CHAR:  Who?  Well, c'mon, who?!


JANE:   [calling out, as if in distress]:  Lisbon, Lisbon…

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