Who is Red John?

Theories of Hll (89)

Came across an interesting youtube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdfer_FQjLA featuring Zeena LeVay  --  her dad was Anton LeVay, founder of the Church of Satan 1966 -- TRUE STORY -- and it got pretty big at that time -- kind of like what Scientology is now, with celebrities..anyway...

Heller MUST have borrowed from this for sure...

Anton LeVay was a:
CARNIVAL GUY in his teenage years 
started a CULT with freaky rituals involving naked women
is referred to in the video as "A SHOWMAN"
Also called a "RECLUSE" -- because he started to send others in his place as he got older

Sounds a lot like BRET STILES  -- I wonder if BRET STILES HAD A CARNIE UPBRINGING, too?  

Oh, that's right, he's dead...LOL

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Has anyone ever wondered who the heck Aunt Yolanda is? 

Nothing in writing is random -- things said by characters are there for a reason.  And Grace told of her Aunt Yolanda being a psychic -- so WHY did she mention this?  What is the significance, I have to wonder?  

Aunt Yolanda must be someone on the show, it's been planted in our heads.

If a character we know turns out to really be Yolanda, we'll go "Oh, yeah -- Grace said that back in Season One..."  and we'll be surprised because we've not focused on that clue -- cause the best clues are always the ones that are subtle and easily taken for granted so that we overlook them -- UNLIKE THE PIGEONS

So, who could Grace's Aunt Yolanda be?  Kristina Frye perhaps?  

But Yolanda is a color name, means purple or violet

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RJ is someone who keeps his hands clean and enlists other to do the dirty work 

AND, if you practiced mind control and hypnosis, being a superior mentalist, as RJ surely does and is -- McAllister would be a great subject to USE as a killer since he's a hunter who cuts up living creatures no problem.

So, it's perfect that McAllister is BOTH the one who killed Jane's family, and yet not RJ -- because it would make sense for Jane to exact revenge on him -- and yet, also EXPLAIN why so many of us don't believe McAllister was RJ.  We believe he was telling the truth when he said "I'm not RJ"

McAllister, I think, was only RJ mind controlled henchman -- which will justify in the end that he was killed when we find out who the real RJ really is.  

CHECK OUT:  SEASON ONE EPISODE 18 -- Russet Potatoes -- WHERE WOMAN HYPNOTIZES MEN TO KILL FOR HER -- I think THIS was A CLUE ABOUT RJ!!!  The female killer also hypnotized Rigsby, too!

I think the List of 7 included several that RJ used, if not all -- and certainly some RJ wanted to get rid of.

RJ has always been one step ahead of PJ -- So HOW WOULD PJ get the upper hand enough to be one step of RJ?  

Jane would HAVE to play along, play it straight, let RJ think his "plan" had worked -- and it would take a long time to convince RJ that PJ had given it all up....w
hich is EXACTLY what Jane is doing now...Jane probably KNEW Agent Fisher was who she was -- and was waiting for RJ to make a next move -- letting RJ think the manipulation was working

NO doubt in my mind that Jane knows McAllister is RJ henchman -- which explains to me WHY he took it all so seriously [in the first lame 8 episodes] -- and yet -- also finally explains to me why we the viewers know something is still off.... Jane is still hunting RJ

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Red John has qualified as one of the greatest TV villains of all time.  So, why would the story of such an epic character -- end mid-stream -- just like that, poof, and then be treated like they never happened? 

It doesn't make a bit of sense, so of course most of us are going to feel resignation and disappointment!   It would be NORMAL to feel this way because we've been set up and led to believe otherwise FOR FIVE YEARS.

So don't ask me to go against my better mind and believe that that's all there is to the Red John story -- and that he's dead when there is no real evidence to support it besides the fact that Jane was long overdue to strangle SOMEONE for the pain of losing his family. 

Deep down, we know better.  And, I can't wait to read these posts when the RJ storyline returns.

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Okay -- so we've all got Mentalist blue balls...

Because it seems that even those willing to accept that McAllister was Red John are NOT satisfied...

That should tell us A LOT right there.  Would Heller really leave SCORES of fans with Red John interruptus?  I just don't buy it.  It's apart of the puzzle to think the devil doesn't exist anymore.

And though Heller seems to be running through all the colors of the rainbow for his show titles now, it's really only fitting that the show would actually end on RED.  I think it will.

: )

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Kristina Frye is Red John; Kirkland twin "Roy' is her henchman, as well Harker's lover

but I also suspect  Oscar Ardiles

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What McAllister said -- "You got it wrong.  I'm not Red John" -- was true.

Red John hypnotized and used McAllister

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