Who is Red John?

Theories of Hll (89)

Ew, who's FOOT was that?   

1) And who was shot?  And WHO did the shooting?  And who planted the bomb?

2) How many people are actually really dead?  One foot only confirms one body.

3)  How did some of them get blown to bits and the rest stay completely in tact?  Seemed unrealistic to me that Patrick, Smith and Bertram didn't lose even a finger.  Bertram stood right next to Haffner and McAllister who were killed but he walked away without a scratch?  I don't get it.  

4)  Bertram is a top Tyger Tyger guy -- maybe even THEE guy at the top -- but WHOA...I did NOT see his level of violence coming.  When he killed the bartender, it was brutal.  Very few moments have ever made me wince, but that was one of the them.  Rough.

5)  BUT Don't think Bertram is RJ [and not sure everyone is really dead].

6) Still too many unanswered questions.  Wish there could a few more characters from the past, like Frye and Harker, to explain more.  

7) Partridge had the tattoo but it was ripped off his arm?

8) Not entirely liking the progression of this much.  Anyone feeling the same?

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I haven't even seen the episode yet but I DON'T BELIEVE IT.  He is NOT RJ.  Someone posted Jane's saying it to set RJ up.  I agree.

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19th & 20th Century:  The BUTLER did it!

21st century:  The CREEPY FORENSICS GUY did it!

Bret Partridge as Red John would be the BIGGEST "untwist" CBS ever produced [otherwise known as the "ass pull" on tvtropes -- you know, like out of your ass because the writer can't be creative enough] 


Bret Partridge fancies himself a Sherlock Holmes type, though Jane outwits him at every turn -- BP is book and fact smart but lacks mentalist skills and knows it -- and he looked like he was gonna cry in Desert Rose -- clearly BP seeks Jane's approval.

I would DARE say BP might actually be one of the GOOD GUYS who might have been conducting his own mini-investigation on the side.  Mostly, it seems he was killed BUT if BP faked his own death -- he did it to avoid RJ or to help CATCH RJ.  
Now THAT would be a good twist since it's expected that THE CREEPY FORENSICS GUY DID IT!

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3 of the HOLY TRINITY: God, Son of God and the Holy Spirit
3 of the UNHOLY TRINITY: Satan, Antichrist and the False Prophet [all BEASTS]
3 CRIMINAL ENTITIES: RJ, Tyger Tyger and Visualize [obviously symbolic of the UNHOLY TRINITY]
3 SYMBOLS to represent the "mark of the BEAST[s]."   SO, EACH BEAST has it's own MARK:

RJ: smiley face
Visualize: the EYE logo
Tyger Tyger:  the three dots [unless this turns out to be something else]/there is still the TT catchphrase

The question is WHICH criminal is WHAT part of the Unholy Trinity?

1) SATAN, the Accuser -- the ultimate "prosecuting attorney" who wants to be worshipped instead of having to worship -- he is full of PRIDE, the very first sin

2) ANTICHRIST -- a son made in Satan's image and given Satan's power to spread Blasphemy, and

3) FALSE PROPHET -- who by appearing helpful and healing to the world actually supports Satan's agenda in return for self glorification and ego power

IS RJ SATAN himself?  OR the SON of SATAN?  I thought maybe STILES was the False Prophet, but then if STILES were RJ's father -- that's a pretty nice SATAN/ANTICHRIST set up with TYGER TYGER as the FALSE PROPHET [law enforcement meant to protect and help people] 

EITHER WAY -- STILES IS INVOLVED.  It's fairly common that Cult Leaders often father MANY children -- that they usually do not parent.  STILES probably has half a dozen illegitimate children around California.  ALSO, Stiles is a "metaphorical" father for many [trying to be like their own personal God] -- so RJ is likely someone who Stiles has a paternal relationship with.

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Bruno Heller has said that Red John is not a "pathetic loser who is hiding out in a basement somewhere", and that Jane is "not fighting the Green River Killer. He's fighting Moriarty."  If we take that to be true, which I'm going to now

RJ cannot be the local cop pretending to be dumb, or the forensics guy who loves gore or the lower level FBI guy trying to make headway in a police mafia


1.  STILES:  
he's been the most obvious and formidable player from the start but also he's OLDER, seemingly meek, and HELPFUL to Jane, so we discount him but if we're looking for outward appearance of education, class and power -- it's him
2.  HAFFNER:  
I only put him this high because of his association to Stiles, who would seem to help and protect him
3.  BERTRAM:  He's Director of CBI -- BUT he answers to high authorities and sweats bullets doing it
he might be Rigsby's personal Moriarty, but he's not Jane's!
5.  SMITH:
 a Tyger Tyger henchman in the FBI and a killer but lacking slightly [insert sarcasm] in the social graces
but alas -- there's a TWIN -- who I think AT BEST would be an RJ HENCHMAN, not RJ himself because the Kirkland brothers grew up in a desperate wasteland of violence, alcoholism and suicide of their mother.  Hardly likely these boys would be afforded opportunities or education.  Bob Kirkland got into law enforcement, something a person from his background, similar to Rigsby, can do to better themselves when they come from nothing.
7.  PARTRIDGE: DEAD -- who of ANY of these people are going to take orders from Bret Partridge? LOL  Partridge is the one taking the orders.

I think it's interesting that the TWO MEN who likely have the LEAST POWER and authority are KILLED FIRST  

BRET STILES is the only one on that list that fits the bill of being a formable nemesis, though now weakened [by age or illness] and on the run from the FBI.  So, I'm going back to an older theory that I had that BS is RJ and he's had helpers,  perhaps the lower level guys like Partridge, Kirkland Twin and Smith.  Not sure though if I see Haffner as an RJ helper.  I think Stiles could be RJ right under Haffner's nose and he wouldn't know it LOL
Other than STILES -- the most powerful man on the Mentalist that we've actually seen is OSCAR ARDILES

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Teresa's dream [a nightmare] showed HAFFNER, SMITH & BERTRAM as killers, doing RJ's work, with HAFFNER going for Teresa.  Now WHY is she dreaming about THEM as opposed to Stiles, Kirkland or McAllister?  Doesn't this seem too on the nose then to be accusing Haffner?

Also, RJ says Te-REE-ZAH pronouncing the S as a Z.  Americans pronounce the name Teresa with a very definite S but the Z sound is used in other languages, such as German, Italian and Portuguese

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Pretty sure Bret Stiles was whistling the end part of the verse from "Oh My Darling, Clementine"

The song is about a bereaved lover singing about his darling, the daughter of a "49er" (a miner in the 1849 California Gold Rush) -- but also another interesting FOOTBALL theme

The singer loses Clementine in a drowning accident [I have thought there's a WATER theme going on and/or I've wondered about RJ and a FEAR of water]  -- and the singer himself tells that he could not save her because he could not swim  


In a cavern, in a canyon/Excavating for a mine/Dwelt a miner forty niner/And his darling Clementine.

Oh my darling, oh my darling/Oh my darling, Clementine!/Thou art lost and gone forever/Dreadful sorry, Clementine

Drove she ducklings to the water/Ev'ry morning just at nine/Hit her foot against a splinter/Fell into the foaming brine.

Ruby lips above the water/Blowing bubbles, soft and fine/But, alas, I was no swimmer/So I lost my Clementine.

Oh my darling, oh my darling,
Oh my darling, Clementine!
Thou art lost and gone forever
Dreadful sorry, Clementine

How I missed her! How I missed her,
How I missed my Clementine,
But I kissed her little sister,
I forgot my Clementine.

Oh my darling, oh my darling,
Oh my darling, Clementine!
Thou art lost and gone forever
Dreadful sorry, Clementine

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