Who is Red John?

Theories of Hll (89)

RJ's characteristics in total...simply do not match up, and I've long though RJ was two different people [or many].

RJ No. 1 is refined, loves Bach, wears fine suits, sips tea the right way, appreciates beauty and women [Harker, Lorelei] is clearly educated, clever, manipulative, with extensive knowledge of many things, including surveillance, as well as hypnosis.  This RJ is persuasive, and as such must be a lover to have such a devoted female following, but he is also a power hungry egomaniac psychopath who believes he is a god amongst others.  However, I doubt this RJ would get his hands too dirty.  He has minions, for this RJ is the MIND, the CREATOR, the ARCHITECT...

RJ No. 2 is not refined, and has the ability to kill in a way that would make anyone else sick.  This is the small time worker, though someone on a power trip, too, albeit on a lower lever.  He has the ability enough to carry out his deeds with his own hands, and knows very well what it is he specifically knows, but is not broadminded enough to resist being manipulated by someone smarter.  This is someone, who under the right influence [or hypnosis] could be manipulated to do to people what he has long done to animals.  This is the HUNTER, the WORKER, the STOOL PIGEON...

So, did Patrick Jane fulfill his mission and kill the man who killed his family?  

I THINK YES.  I think McAllister was the man who did that deed, physically, and as such, it was appropriate for Season Six, ep. 8 to have happened [even if I still don't like the WAY it happened]

McAllister was RJ No. 2

THIS IS THE ONLY WAY SEASON SIX CAN BE EXPLAINED as having been LEGIT and would make sense for why things were so confusing....Jane knew that McAllister was the one, but also that he was RJ No. 1's decoy

RJ No. 1 sent McAllister to kill Jane and frame Bertram because HE KNEW Jane would be ahead of McAllister.  RJ knew he could count on Jane to get rid of McAllister for him in the name of revenge.  And in RJ's sick, warped mind, he probably thought that he was giving Jane a gift, an emotional catharsis, handing over to 
Jane the man who killed his family. 

ANOTHER STOOL PIGEON:  HAIBACH -- it was RJ who killed LaRoche and Ardiles, just like he killed Wainwright and Bosco...
NO WAY small timer Haibach masterminded an elaborate surveillance plot....RJ was using Haibach to try and take out Grace and Wayne...

SO......Jane is still hunting, waiting patiently and playing the game...because...

The question that remains:  WHO IS RED JOHN No. 1....?


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Here's a stab in the dark, but an effort to make some sense out of nonsense...

IN TRUTH, we've watched Jane "chase" after NO ONE basically for 5 years......because McRJ doesn't match the RJ clues....not even close....Jane closed in on a bunch of Blake Association people...THAT'S ALL in my opinion

I always did believe McAllister when he said..."You got it wrong...I'm not Red John."  

And the whole mythical calling McRJ a "whale" who was "sighted" and "chased" [in a "thrilling" way]....uh, no....that didn't happen.

McRJ was a chicken...and he was choked and died like a chicken by a duck pond after being spooked by a pigeon...REALLY?!!!  I doubt any of us will get over this BIRD BRAINED scenario...anyway...

Back to the WHALE metaphor.....

We think RJ and the WHALE are the same.....well, RJ has always been RED....but the WHALE in Moby Dick is WHITE...and clearly called the "WHITE WHALE"...[and I say this because of the big deal Heller makes in using color symbolism].  Of course, the way things have gone with Heller, he always reserves the right to UNUSE what he set up in the first place.

But 1,001 clues that go nowhere, let's go with this idea of colors representing people for theories sake.....So, if the whale is not Red John, then who could the WHITE WHALE be?  And who have we SEEN as WHITE more than anyone?  WHO was wearing white the last time we saw him, that night in Malibu?  STILES, of course, and he portrayed himself in Malibu as "lily white," too, seemingly innocent of any BA or RJ activities, hands clean.....he was just a poor soul who didn't pay his taxes who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, blown up and conveniently long dead.

And how can we forget 
Stiles in that WHITE robe as he paints RED onto naked women?  Seriously, doesn't anyone think that image could have some future use now...in lieu of a Seventh Season? 

The only character in my opinion whose been truly SIGHTED and CHASED....is Bret Stiles....right from the moment we met him...and finally, in Season 6, more in the public sense...

When Jane got the 5 remaining suspects to Malibu....Stiles and Haffner went out by faking their deaths...but not before they hypnotized the yokel Sheriff to take the rap for them.  I always thought that the van Stiles rode down in to Malibu....that was filled with tons of flowers...was really covering explosives....and perhaps a few bodies...

Just because Jane seemed to be chasing other suspects more than Stiles...doesn't mean that Jane is still not chasing Stiles...I think Jane is waiting patiently...playing along with what he thinks he's meant to believe....

And in Moby Dick, WHO actually chases the white whale?  Captain Ahab...but we don't think PJ is like Ahab, do we?  Ahab is consumed with rage....which is much more like RJ.

Jane, who is much more like the hero, Ishmael...the lone survivor...wanting the whale killed and yet, watching the whole revenge story play out between Ahab and the whale...which could be translated to mean....

What if Red John is Captain Ahab...and Stiles is the White Whale...and what if JANE knows this...and that he is caught in between some kind of revenge story....between RJ and his father....

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I feel a little ridiculous posting a theory about Red John at this point, but in the spirit of a 7th season, technically, it's still possible, and I can't believe I'm gonna say this but...I think
Ray Haffner is Red John

There are SO many reasons why, and we all know the majority of them

Just wanted to add that I find the most compelling clue about Ray is that he is the ONLY character on the show who has a connection, and/or access and information to ALL of the organizations in question:


1.  VISUALIZE supposedly turned Ray's troubled youth around -- or maybe it actually unleashed his love of power and killing.  Ray's early time at Visualize coincides with Elliston Farm murders, thus it would be very easy for him to have been the killer.....where he painted his first smiley face.  Ray's also the right hand guy to Visualize power monger BRET STILES 

2.  Ray is a former FBI BOSS -- would be very easy for him to have "friends" in the FBI.  

3.  Ray specialized in TAKING DOWN ORGANIZED CRIME -- thus it would be very easy for him to know about and have a hatred for THE BLAKE ASSOCIATION wanting the organization to be exposed

3.  Ray became CBI BOSS right after fake RJ Timothy Carter's shooting, attempting to take over the CBI would conveniently give him future control of the Red John case -- until Jane gets the old team back -- but not before Haffner tells Jane that he'll pay for giving Haffner a hard time.

THUS:  RAY HAFFNER'S journey as RJ RED JOHN, in order, from the beginning of RJ to now, has gone like THIS:    VISUALIZE, FBI, BLAKE ASSOCIATION, CBI

And so far, Jane's hunt for Red John has taken him from

CBI, BLAKE ASSOCIATION, FBI and I predict for Season 7…..VISUALIZE 

  Jane is working his way into the inner world of Red John!

SO, IT ALL BEGINS and ENDS with VISUALIZE!!  Visualize is where Ray became Red John, and Visualize is where Jane will catch Red John, AKA RAY HAFFNER, who is alive and well with Stiles hiding out

ALSO: Ray's an expert in wire tapping and "creative" surveillance -- and surveillance has been an ongoing theme on The Mentalist.  Surveillance is how Red John always stays two steps ahead of CBI team and Jane.


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Welp, I admire the faithful who think something will eventually make sense on this show, BUT I also understand those who think that The Mentalist is never going back to RJ, it's done.  We've been told the latter, yet we've also been teased about the former.

Regardless of which category you're in [for me, it's somewhere in the middle], I think everyone can agree that almost nothing logical happened in Season 6  [or last half of Season 5 while we're at it].  We had:

DIALOGUE SO CONFUSING: it's been like trying to decode a secret language where the cipher is another secret language [in pig latin]

 the finale should have been called "The Black Hole" [which is a "star" that has died and yielded to the laws of gravity]

to their original form [and without an authentic arc], the only explanation is that an ALIEN came down and infected everyone  -- I vote for Erica Flynn as the alien [she did kiss Jane, and far better than Lisbon]

AND, also worth MENTIONING…..the complete, total and utter…

:  Yes folks, The Mentalist has IT ALL....turns out it's a Romantic Procedural Crime Dramedy full of Blood, Slapstick and Farce, with a few carnival people thrown in -- also particularly good if you're nursing a predilection for pigeonomania and/or the Second Coming.  Seems like all that's missing from this show is a creepy banjo player. ****


Will Jibson's love survive?  Or will Patrick Jane fly into outer space in his secret RV spaceship [when it is revealed that Red John is living on the planet Mongo!]

WE MUST ALL TUNE IN to find out!!!  

****  This website is proving far more entertaining than the show it was created for.

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I hope Jane and Lisbon sleep together and it's TERRIBLE, and too weird, and they decide to go back to being just friends.

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My seventh sense tells me the reason for the unfortunate turns of events on the Mentalist, including, but not limited to: the lame RJ reveal, the contrived getting Grisbsy off the show yesterday stunt, and the puke worthy hook up of Jane and Lisbon -- is due to Simon Baker.  Yup, that's right, Simon Baker.  
My theory is that Baker: 
1) wants to be the main romantic lead, working more on chasing skirts than serial killers -- but he doesn't want to lose his status as being "Patrick Jane" by quitting the Mentalist to do different projects -- so therefore, he has to change The Mentalist to suit his interests. 
2) Baker's been extremely jealous of Owain Yeoman, who was getting to make out, grope and get naked with Amanda Righetti for years [that's why he probably demanded that Red John send him a chick LOL]
3) Baker's secretly attracted to Robin Tunney, and after the Lorelei love scenes, he just couldn't take it anymore -- the sexual fantasies about Tunney were really starting to get to him....[not to mention he's been married to the same woman a LONG time, which is not easy for an actor at the height of his fame to do] 
By changing the direction of the show, and exploring Jane's "romantic side," Baker could get more than just his ego stroked, and the wife can't get mad -- because it's his work! 
So, I think Jane kissing Lisbon, and the whole Jibson thing, was like about 80% Simon Baker's doing.  When Heller took on the new project, Baker realized it was the perfect time to influence, manipulate and try to change the direction of the show.  I bet he used the Jibson fan base as proof of what America really wants and for good measure probably fought hard to end the RJ story, saying that the RJ storyline is for "ghouls" anyway.  LOL 
HOWEVER, Tunney, on the other hand, I think, doesn't even remotely find Baker attractive, AND loves his family, his wife….and as she has said in interviews she "would like to think she can keep on having dinners with Baker's family" without it getting awkward. [when asked about a possible Jibson hook up by the press] 
Welp, unless Jane's doing the longest con in TV history, Tunney's gonna have to have dinner somewhere else because it's ABOUT to get awkward LOL

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All that's left is that Heller needs to get Al Jarreau to sing a new theme song for the show LOL [and I am not knocking Mr. Jarreau - he's fantastic] but clearly, if The Mentalist has gone a new way, it really should have a new theme...!

What better than the guy who sang "Moonlighting"

In fact, maybe Heller can just borrow that song LOL 

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