Who is Red John?

Theories of Guilh3rmeLuzz (9)

It's been a while since i posted a theory here.. anyone remember the good old times when we were all going crazy trying to find out who was Red John? "The Partridge's Loyals", the haters... damn i miss that haha... so many theories, so many good ideas, hopes.. TM was a good show, an amazing show that every week was able to make us gone crazy about all that mystery..

"My Blue Heaven" was a good episode, ok... but i've just stoped watching the show some episodes ago, i didn't even see the "White as the Driven Snow" episode.. all i can do now is read here how the series is going... IF, just IF the season finale be something awesome, with a major twist and RJ coming up again.. then i'll watch it again.. but i dont think the series will last with the path they are going.. sadly.. such a good show.. 

Heller sucks... 



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I guess even after the series finale there will be people saying Red John is still alive. No one will be ever satisfied with an answer. McAllister (I think it was a great Red John, with lack of explanations, bad script and etc) is not good enough for some people. If it was Partridge, there will be a lot of people unsatisfied, if it was Kirkland, same thing, and the same thing to the rest of the suspects. 

People can't just accept the fact that the series is moving on, that Red John is dead. I guess even when the series is over there will be people like "Oh, Red John is still alive, its 'that guy', he was the mastermind behind every fuking episode and Heller want us to think he is dead".

This is just like the 5 Stages of Grief:

1 - Denial: People just cant accept McAllister as Red John;
2 - Anger: Fuck you, Bruno Heller! Your show sucks, you suck!;
3 - Bargaining: Well, maybe Red John is still alive, maybe McAllister was just another follower like Timothy Carter;
4 - Depression: (This is when people will realize Red John was indeed DEAD and it was McAllister, problably near the series finale);
5 - Acceptance: Looping on stage 1.

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In reply to Theory #16279 

The main theme of the show was based on Patrick Jane's life, it was about "The Mentalist" and his path to get revenge on his familly killer, Red John. I guess it is wrong to say the main theme was based on RED JOHN, Red John was part of Jane's life and etc. Now we will just see a diferent chapter of Jane's life, of THE MENTALIST's life. The show is about Patrick, after all. Before anything, i am VERY disappointed with the Red John saga, the lack of explanations and etc. 

Red John is dead. That chapter of Jane's life is over. Now we have to see how he moves on after finally getting his revenge. "The Mentalist's" life go on. We have TWO options.

1 - Stop watch the show.
2 - Accept the ending of RJ saga and watch Jane's new life. 

In my case, i will do the 2. 


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So, when Bruno Heller once said that we would see a glimpse of the real Red John at "Strawberries and Cream", i can only guess he was lying? Because even him didnt know who was Red John back there ¬¬'   

So many unanswered questions, no RJ background story, i can only GUESS Partridge was killed because RJ didnt want the information about the frozen body with anyone else but him. What the hell happened in Jane's house... i give up! Heller did fuc$%¨& up this time. 

At lease Xander Berkeley is an amazing actor, great Red John, with no background and a shit script :/

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Please, i want to know your thoughts about something. That scene at Jane's house, we could hear someone screaming "Wait! No!" and then a "Shot". WHAT THE HELL happened at Jane's house? 

For what i could understand, or that was the concussion bomb that knocked everybody out, or Heller did another shit job not explaining who was shoted and why. Ok, McAllister put the frozen body at the scene after Jane and the other suspects were unconcious, and then leave the scene with that black car, that im just wondering, WHERE THE HELL he got that car?? If it was really him, of course. 

I know there is not really an answer to that, since Heller didnt explain, but what do you think? 

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"I have a dream! And in that dream Heller will cut the nonsense crap and give us explanations about Red John's past!"

Its a real shame! Ok, McAllister is a good Red John, a sheriff would have the freedom to come and go without anyone asking what he was doing, etc. Xander Berkeley is and amazing actor but the script for "Red John" episode is just lame.

I was madly angry when i read the interview that says Heller only decided who was Red John a couple of years ago. So ALL THOSE YEARS we were chasing NOTHING! There was NO RED JOHN! Not even Heller knew who he was! That's is fuc**!@# ... ¬¬ 

The scene when McAllister says "Its totally fair. The game is over and i won", i kinda raped the REPLAY, i just started to laugh, SIMON BAKER's voice in Xander Berkley, a shit dubbing. It was more than anything funny hahahaha.. 

So.. we know who is Red John, finally, but we also have NO IDEIA of WHO is Red John, if you know that i mean, there was 0 explanations. What about the SHOT on Patrick's house? Was that the concussion bomb? Did i miss anything? .__. 

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This will probably be my last "not-a-theory" in this website, as the BIG REVEAL approaches there is not much left to say. I just want to make a few comments about theories i've been reading here, so... 

About the explosion: Even the writers said that the bomb took out a lot of suspects, we even see a foot on the ground, its very unlikely that everyone survived the blast (as some people believe), one of the writers even said "That is not a rubber foot, there is dead people in the room". I guess the bomb was in McAllistair's hat, in the couch, that could have blow the hell pieces out of Haffner and Stiles. 

:: QUESTION: What about the shot and the car leaving Jane's house when Lisbon arrives? Who was in the car? 

About RJ voice at Red John's Promo: People who are saying that its Bob Kirkland's voice around 0:19 promo, ITS NOT, cmon, that is not the voice of any suspects on the list (thats weird, since RJ is probably one of them), that we will have to wait and see, also, Bob Kirkland was shot SIX TIMES in the back, he is the ONLY ONE we actually see dying.

Brett Partridge: Yes, i was one of the people who wanted Partridge to be Red John, he would be an amazing Red John, Plotnick's performance is outstanding, but, we also see him dying and Cho checked his body (Ok, he did not look the face, but imagina how STUPID would be if RJ is Partridge and Cho having to say "Damn, i should have checked his face  -_-" ), so, sadly, i guess Partridge is really dead.

Bertram: I dont think he is Red John, at this point its too obvious and as one of the writers said "in the Mentalist there is always another twist", he is most likely the head of Blake Association, but no "the man" himself.

At the promo all indicates to McAllister, even Nick Nordella who is portraying a Young Man (possibly Young RJ) is the spitting imagine of a younger Xander (McAllister), but if they foolish put RJ at the promo, that was a bad mistake ;( took out all the mystery. But still, that was not McAllister's voice as well.

Only to conclude i want to say that i hope everyone enjoy the end of RJ saga, its been amazing so far and i really enjoyed discussing so many theorys with everyone here for so many time.

So.. Sunday its the day!! Bring it on! Let's finally see the true face of our (mine) favorite serial killer in all times. 

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