Who is Red John?

Theories of Callmeaxel92 (8)

Lets make this very simple.

Green:  Sherrif Thomas McAllister is Red John. The Red John story is over, and we are left with a lot of loose ends (eventhough some are answered, like Red Johns phobia, tyger tyger burning bright, etc.)

Red:  Red for Red John, he is still out there and will blow everyones mind in the finale episode (eventhough Heller said the Red John story is officially over now).

Argue on this theory or rate it.

Hello everyone,

I think we are all overreacting about the last episode. I still believe that Haffner would have been the best Red John (his profile fitted more and he could have faked his own death the same way Mcallister did). Nevertheless, when someone like Red John is exposed and it is seen that he doesn't have wings and horns its always dissapointing. Think about that for a second. Did Bruno Heller ever let us down? The first seven episodes were really great and they were building up to a climax. I am sure there will be a logical explanation for everything, maybe in the upcoming episodes/maybe in a blog from Heller.

Once upon a time there was a television series called ''Traveler''. It got canceled after seven episodes, but left fans like me with a lot of questions. The master mind behind the television series wrote the entire story on a blog at the internet, as a thank you for the fans. Considering that the Mentalist has been with us ten times as long as that series has, I am sure everything is going to be alright.

Maybe Jane gets a job offer in the next episode because Red John is still alive? Who knows where this is going... If you have been a fan of The Mentalist, you should give Bruno the benefit of the doubt. 

Also, a lot of clues point to McAllister, and he makes a decent Red John as well. He was my number 2 option. As a local sherrif, no one thought he was powerful enough (including me). Turns out he was the mastermind behind the Blake Association. Also, the tattoo is to make him fit in with the others. I thought Red John would hate the idea of sharing something with someone, but I was completely wrong about that. It was a brilliant move that only Red John can pull off.

Remember the blind lady? She said Red John had strong rough hands (look at the Sherrif his hands), and he smelled like pine in the forest. It was given that the Sherrif likes to hunt, and when he saved Jane on the roof it turned out he was afraid of animals/creatures with wings. A form of phobia.
Furthermore, McAllister appeared in the second episode of the first season. Even though his character was underdeveloped, it is fair from that point of view. Xander is a really great actor as well, and he made the entire Red John episode more acceptable for me.

I am not saying I am very enthusiastic about the Red John episode, but I am not dissapointed with McAllister as Red John. Lets hope for the best and lets see whether or not we get our answers.

Argue on this theory or rate it.

Red John theory by


Brett Partridge,
Officially dead. Why did
they not show his body when Cho looked for his arm? They didn’t want to bring
him to the set to just record that scene. There is no mystery or anything
behind it. When Partridge died, he said Tyger Tyger, because he hoped that Lisbon
was connected to the Tyger Tyger organization. Partridge was described by
Patrick as a ghoul, and he acted like a real jerk. He is too low profile to be
Red John, he doesn’t fit the description of Sophie Miller and he is not
charismatic or charming. If you still believe that Partridge is Red John, then
you have absolutely no sense for theatre or drama. Would Heller really
re-introduce someone that has been eliminated from the story in the first
episode and say: ‘’ta-da, Red John is Brett Partridge because he did a little
trick in the beginning of the season’’. No one would buy that.


Robert Kirkland
. Officially dead. Kirkland
his character was underdeveloped. The only loose end that Kirkland took with
him is the search for his twin brother, Micheal. Bruno Heller confirmed that
the list of seven suspects was accurate, so he won’t give us a twin of one of
the characters who happens to be Red John (and who is, in this case,
underdeveloped). If you honestly think that Kirkland is Red John, then you are just
looking at the wrong direction. Kirkland was a Homeland Security member. If
Kirkland was Red John, then why on earth would he ask Reede Smith to work
together with him (not realizing that Smith was a Tyger Tyger member, even
after saying Tyger Tyger to him). Kirkland tried to narrow down Jane his list,
because he wanted personal vengeance. Why would Red John take the time and
effort to narrow down a list that is completely fake. Also, Red John’s MO is
killing women, not man.


Sherriff Thomas
McAllister seems to be an intelligent man, but he doesn’t seem to have
the right resources or power to be Red John. Of course McAllister could be a
visualize member who happens to have access to the Visualize plane, which would
make him very mobile. But that is just a bridge too far for me... Completely
unlikely and not dramatic (but maybe, if everything gets explained very well,
who knows... I will come back to this). Furthermore, McAllister said: You’re
wrong, I am not Red John. I think that he was completely honest when he said
that. Red John would feel so ashamed to look Patrick Jane in the eye and say I
am not him. Remember his message? ‘’Until you find me, or I find you’’. That
means Red John has already prepared himself for the day that he might get
caught. Someone with a mindset like that doesn’t lie in someone his face when
he is exposed.


Reede Smith.
Smith is currently
incarcerated and he will be transferred to a prison soon. Red John would never
break down and admit the things that he did (even Patrick Jane admitted that).
Also, he doesn’t fit the description of Sophie Miller and his character is
highly underdeveloped during the seasons. Everyone knows and feels that Smith
is not Red John. He is a bit too young as well. Lastly, how can someone who is
incarcerated walk in a church (like we see in the promo).


Brett Stiles.
Brett is too old, and he
doesn’t fit the description of Sophie Miller. Secondly, he is/was chased by the
FBI (I am not sure whether or not he is dead, but he would have been dead in
about a month anyway). If he was a Tyger Tyger member, he would have had
friends to help him get the FBI of his neck. Even though Stiles is not Red
John, he is the possible key to Red John. We know that Red John has been in
Visualize, so Stiles must know who he is.


Gale Bertram.
Why would Bertram
(assuming that he is Red John) plant a bomb under Patrick his house to kill his
most loyal disciples and put the spotlights on himself? Why would Bertram try
to run (as we see in episode 7) and meet up with Patrick (episode 8). Why would
Bertram always say: If you catch Red John, I want to be there. Why would
Bertram want to kill Jane while he was sleeping? Red John has a great taste for
drama and theatre. He thinks of himself as a showman and artist. Would someone
like that close such a period by just killing Jane like that.

Throughout years he just never seemed intelligent enough to catch up
with Jane, and he was a terrible poker player (until he got some advice from
Jane). Of course this could be seen as one of the many tricks that Red John
pulls off, but I think that Red John is a very proud man (not only at his
kills, but also in person). No matter where it is about, he probably hates
losing. The only options to stop losing are to avoid it or make it work your
way. Someone like Red John would not take advice from someone else. Also,
someone like Red John would never accept it if someone (like Smith) puts him on
his place by saying ‘’that’s your job’’.  
What also struck me about Bertram is that he seems to be very nervous
and impulsive sometimes. Why would he run, put all the spotlights on him, go to
a bar and kill some random bartender. Red John always plans everything (as we
see in the promo of episode 8 as well).

Raymond Haffner.
When Jane got the seven
suspects together in one room, Haffner was the first person to say that it was
ridiculous. This could be interpreted as someone who is very guilty of
something, but later on Haffner ‘’proofed’’ that he didn’t have the tattoo.
Which made his action one of a man who is truly upset by something, right?
Wrong...    He reacted at first to be a
step ahead of Patrick. He knew Patrick would back off if he saw the tattoos from
the other guys, and he knew that his action would be interpreted as ‘’upset’’.
I think this was a typical Red John move, always being one step ahead of the
competition.  Isn’t that were the entire
show is about?

Why would Red John put the attention on himself by putting a bomb under
Janes house? (assuming that he is Bertram, which is very likely at the moment
if you don’t consider other details). I don’t think that Haffner, Mcallister
and Stiles are dead, because we didn’t see any bodies or evidence that confirms
their dead.

One thing that I am absolutely sure about, is the fact that Red
John is extremely well organized.

Someone with these characteristics plans every
single detail of his actions. Remember
killing Sophie Miller? Patrick said: ''He must have been waiting until he knew
I would try to track her down''. ''He planned this weeks ago, maybe even
months''. Furthermore, remember killing
Partridge and luring Lisbon in to a trap? You don't improvise those actions.
Also, it is known that Haffner likes Lisbon, enough reason to let her go.

Red John was aware of the list with seven
suspects. He must have known Patricks intensions, and try to put him on the
wrong feet. The first step was killing Partridge. The second step was getting
in touch with the woman who spied on the CBI team, and making her believe that he has a tattoo on
his right arm (three dots). He could have added a fake tattoo on his shoulder
easily, with the intension of putting the tyger tyger group in the headlights.
Or maybe he hypnotized her? Who knows.

The third logical step for Red John would be to
put the attention on someone else. First he made people believe that he is
doing a sprint to the finish with Patrick (by killing Partridge), and now he
makes people believe that either Smith, Bertram or McAllister is Red John
because of the tattoo (continuing his sprint to the finish). While in fact, he
is putting them in the crosshairs.

Red John is a powerful individual, someone with
a narcissistic personality. He probably has a form of megalomania, because
he is very proud at his work (remember one of the finales in which Red John
saves Patrick from copycats). Red John read out loud the poem of the Tyger, by
William Blake, to show off his power and connection to the Blake association to

This is also why Red John killed the Jane
family. Patrick made Red John look ridiculous on the television, this must have
made him very angry because he has a form of megalomania, and thinks of himself
as a showman and artist. It must have hurt his ego... Red John is a ruler, someone who gives orders and
holds all the strings in his hands.

Someone with these characteristics would hate the idea of having
similarities (or sharing something) with other individuals (the three
dots). These dots don’t proof anything, just the existence of the Tyger Tyger

Haffner told Lisbon that he joined Visualize as a messed
up kid. Maybe a messed up kid with megalomania, who was traumatised by
something that happend in his youth, or has another personality. Bret Stiles
made him his deciple, and learned him how to control his dark urges. Maybe
Stiles came up with the idea of giving Haffners dark personality the name John
(a very common normal name). What if they signed this other personality up for
Visualize as well? That would mean that Haffner is on the Visualize member list
as Ray Haffner and as Red John. The perfect cover. 

 As far as we know, Stiles doesn't have any
children. Maybe he considered Ray Haffner as his child. A good parent gives his
child the right education and life lessons, and shapes his personality. Stiles
his idea of education was finding a way for Haffner to live with himself. He
also gave Haffner money to start his own private business, something you only
do if you are really close with someone.

Going back in time, there was a scene in season
5 episode 13 in which Lisbon asked Haffner about his life. She said: ‘’So
Ray, you said that you joined Visualize as a teenager. So 1988, you would have
been 21’’?  In which Haffner quickly
responses: ‘’Yeah about that...’’.  After
which Lisbon asks: ‘’Did they ever sent you to work on Allisons farm? Were you
there?’’. In which Red John answer: Lisbon, we are still friends right? Why
would you ask me that? (which I thought meant something like if you go further
with this I will have to hurt you).

It is very likely that Red John met the woman who spied on the CBI in a
place like a gym. We know from the scene in which the doctor’s notes are read
out loud, that Haffner works out on a regular basis and wears a t-shirt while
doing this. This must have been the ideal place to show off his (fake) tattoo.
When Red John killed the woman who spied on the CBI, he must have planned to not
finish her off completely. Red John hates lose ends, so this would be the only
logical explanation for me.

There are so many other things which point to Haffner as well. He is an
excellent whistler, short-tempered, easily offended (when Lisbon said he was a
possible Red John candidate).  Again a
form of megalomania.

Also, Red John is a very intelligent person, and a master of body
language. When Jane got the seven suspects together in one room, Haffner was
the first person to say that it was ridiculous. This could be interpreted as
someone who is very guilty of something, but later on Haffner ‘’proofed’’ that
he didn’t have the tattoo. Which made his action one of a man who is truly
upset by something, right? Wrong...    He
reacted at first to be a step ahead of Patrick. He knew Patrick would back off
if he saw the tattoos from the other guys, and he knew that his action would be
interpreted as ‘’upset’’. I think this was a typical Red John move, always
being one step ahead of the competition. 
Isn’t that were the entire show is about?

Even though I am not a woman, Haffner looks charming and charismatic,
something which a lot of women find attractive. I just feel and think that he
would make the most logical and intelligent Red John. In one of the conversations
with Patrick Jane, Haffner said something like: You always know it better,
don’t you?  The mentalist is about little
clues, and I believe that if we add up all of these little clues we get Ray

So why do I not believe that the other suspects are Red John? Multiple
reasons. I believe that Heller changed the identity of Red John a couple of
times. The first Red John was introduced to us in either the first or the
second season, and must have been Partridge. Heller must have had an escape
scenario, in case the show would not get a lot of views. Imagine having a
random Red John if season three would have been the last one? No one would buy

Fortunately, the opposite thing happened. The mentalist had become a big
success, and slowly, but surely, Bruno Heller must have decided around the
fourth season that it was time to round things off and start writing a complete
profile of Red John. This is exactly around the time that Ray Haffner came in
the spotlights. During the fourth season in episode two he appeared, which
would be the exact right time.



So what about the

Think about it for a second. Why would Jane plant a bomb that could
possibly kill his suspects? There is no answer for this question, because it
would not make sense.     So why would
Red John. Plant a bomb that could possibly kill the other people? To put the
attention on Bertram, who happens to be the leader of a corrupt organisation of
law enforcement. Red John would not put the attention on himself.

So who planted the bomb then?  I
think that Patrick Jane planted the bomb under his house, because he made a
deal with Brett Stiles. Stiles must have told him that either Mcallister or
Haffner is Red John, but they had to put the spotlights on someone else
(Bertram). Also, someone must have helped Jane to make it look like Haffner,
Stiles and Mcallister died during the bombing. Mcallister was standing
somewhere else in the room then Haffner and Stiles were, so it doesn’t make any
sense that they are the only three people who are dead. It would be a typical
Jane move.

 Why would Bertram be on the run
and later on meet up with Patrick to talk in a church? Doesn’t make any sense.
The deal was probably that Stiles would tell Red John to come and meet Patrick
at a given location and time, to finish the game once and for all. That would
explain perfectly why Jane at the end of the episode seemed to give up and not
care about the case anymore. He put the FBI (who took charge of the case) on
the wrong feet by giving them Bertram.

 Considering all the evidence, I
think that Haffner is more likely to be Red John, because he fits the
description, age, power, charisma, everything. Maybe Mcallister was shot by
Patrick, because we did hear the sound of a gun. But that is just a wild



Thanks for reading, leave
a comment below.

Argue on this theory or rate it.

Red John theory by


Brett Partridge,
Officially dead. Why did
they not show his body when Cho looked for his arm? They didn’t want to bring
him to the set to just record that scene. There is no mystery or anything
behind it. When Partridge died, he said Tyger Tyger, because he hoped that
Lisbon was connected to the Tyger Tyger organization. Partridge was described
by Patrick as a ghoul, and he acted like a real jerk. He is too low profile to
be Red John, he doesn’t fit the description of Sophie Miller and he is not
charismatic or charming. If you still believe that Partridge is Red John, then
you have absolutely no sense for theatre or drama. Would Heller really
re-introduce someone that has been eliminated from the story in the first
episode and say: ‘’ta-da, Red John is Brett Partridge because he did a little
trick in the beginning of the season’’. No one would buy that.


Robert Kirkland
. Officially dead. Kirkland
his character was underdeveloped. The only loose end that Kirkland took with
him is the search for his twin brother, Micheal. Bruno Heller confirmed that
the list of seven suspects was accurate, so he won’t give us a twin of one of
the characters who happens to be Red John (and who is, in this case,
underdeveloped). If you honestly think that Kirkland is Red John, then you are
just looking at the wrong direction. Kirkland was a Homeland Security member.
If Kirkland was Red John, then why on earth would he ask Reede Smith to work
together with him (not realizing that Smith was a Tyger Tyger member, even
after saying Tyger Tyger to him). Kirkland tried to narrow down Jane his list,
because he wanted personal vengeance. Why would Red John take the time and
effort to narrow down a list that is completely fake. Also, Red John’s MO is
killing women, not man.


Sherriff Thomas
McAllister seems to be an intelligent man, but he doesn’t seem to have
the right resources or power to be Red John. Of course McAllister could be a
visualize member who happens to have access to the Visualize plane, which would
make him very mobile. But that is just a bridge too far for me... Completely
unlikely and not dramatic (but maybe, if everything gets explained very well,
who knows... I will come back to this). Furthermore, McAllister said: You’re
wrong, I am not Red John. I think that he was completely honest when he said
that. Red John would feel so ashamed to look Patrick Jane in the eye and say I
am not him. Remember his message? ‘’Until you find me, or I find you’’. That
means Red John has already prepared himself for the day that he might get
caught. Someone with a mindset like that doesn’t lie in someone his face when
he is exposed.


Reede Smith.
Smith is currently
incarcerated and he will be transferred to a prison soon. Red John would never
break down and admit the things that he did (even Patrick Jane admitted that).
Also, he doesn’t fit the description of Sophie Miller and his character is
highly underdeveloped during the seasons. Everyone knows and feels that Smith
is not Red John. He is a bit too young as well. Lastly, how can someone who is
incarcerated walk in a church (like we see in the promo).


Brett Stiles.
Brett is too old, and he
doesn’t fit the description of Sophie Miller. Secondly, he is/was chased by the
FBI (I am not sure whether or not he is dead, but he would have been dead in
about a month anyway). If he was a Tyger Tyger member, he would have had
friends to help him get the FBI of his neck. Even though Stiles is not Red
John, he is the possible key to Red John. We know that Red John has been in
Visualize, so Stiles must know who he is.


Gale Bertram.
Why would Bertram
(assuming that he is Red John) plant a bomb under Patrick his house to kill his
most loyal disciples and put the spotlights on himself? Why would Bertram try
to run (as we see in episode 7) and meet up with Patrick (episode 8). Why would
Bertram always say: If you catch Red John, I want to be there. Why would
Bertram want to kill Jane while he was sleeping? Red John has a great taste for
drama and theatre. He thinks of himself as a showman and artist. Would someone
like that close such a period by just killing Jane like that.

Throughout years he just never seemed intelligent enough to catch up
with Jane, and he was a terrible poker player (until he got some advice from
Jane). Of course this could be seen as one of the many tricks that Red John
pulls off, but I think that Red John is a very proud man (not only at his
kills, but also in person). No matter where it is about, he probably hates
losing. The only options to stop losing are to avoid it or make it work your
way. Someone like Red John would not take advice from someone else. Also,
someone like Red John would never accept it if someone (like Smith) puts him on
his place by saying ‘’that’s your job’’.  
What also struck me about Bertram is that he seems to be very nervous
and impulsive sometimes. Why would he run, put all the spotlights on him, go to
a bar and kill some random bartender. Red John always plans everything (as we
see in the promo of episode 8 as well).

Raymond Haffner.
When Jane got the seven
suspects together in one room, Haffner was the first person to say that it was
ridiculous. This could be interpreted as someone who is very guilty of
something, but later on Haffner ‘’proofed’’ that he didn’t have the tattoo.
Which made his action one of a man who is truly upset by something, right?
Wrong...    He reacted at first to be a
step ahead of Patrick. He knew Patrick would back off if he saw the tattoos
from the other guys, and he knew that his action would be interpreted as
‘’upset’’. I think this was a typical Red John move, always being one step
ahead of the competition.  Isn’t that
were the entire show is about?

Why would Red John put the attention on himself by putting a bomb under
Janes house? (assuming that he is Bertram, which is very likely at the moment
if you don’t consider other details). I don’t think that Haffner, Mcallister
and Stiles are dead, because we didn’t see any bodies or evidence that confirms
their dead.

One thing that I am absolutely sure about, is the fact that Red
John is extremely well organized.

Someone with these characteristics plans every
single detail of his actions. Remember
killing Sophie Miller? Patrick said: ''He must have been waiting until he knew
I would try to track her down''. ''He planned this weeks ago, maybe even
months''. Furthermore, remember killing
Partridge and luring Lisbon in to a trap? You don't improvise those actions.

Red John was aware of the list with seven
suspects. He must have known Patricks intensions, and try to put him on the
wrong feet. The first step was killing Partridge. The second step was getting
in touch with the woman who spied on the CBI team, and making her believe that he has a tattoo on
his right arm (three dots). He could have added a fake tattoo on his shoulder
easily, with the intension of putting the tyger tyger group in the headlights.
Or maybe he hypnotized her? Who knows.

Haffner is a private investigator who is very
good at his work. Kirkland was very good at his work as well, and he managed to
find out about a secret organization (Tyger Tyger). Maybe Haffner was able to
pull of the same thing? Or maybe Haffner is somehow connected to the Tyger
Tyger group, and marks his most important disciples by giving them three
dots. Someone has to be the leader right? Red John is well organized, and
clever enough to

The third logical step for Red John would be to
put the attention on someone else. First he made people believe that he is
doing a sprint to the finish with Patrick (by killing Partridge), and now he
makes people believe that either Smith, Bertram or McAllistor is Red John
because of the tattoo (continuing his sprint to the finish). While in fact, he
is putting them in the crosshairs.

Red John is a powerful individual, someone with
a narcissistic personality. He probably has a form of megalomania, because
he is very proud at his work (remember one of the finales in which Red John
saves Patrick from copycats). Red John read out loud the poem of the Tyger, by
William Blake, to show off his power to Patrick.

This is also why Red John killed the Jane
family. Patrick made Red John look ridiculous on the television, this must have
made him very angry because he has a form of megalomania, and thinks of himself
as a showman and artist. It must have hurt his ego... Red John is a ruler, someone who gives orders and
holds all the strings in his hands.

Someone with these characteristics would hate the idea of having similarities
(or sharing something) with other individuals (the three dots). These dots
don’t proof anything, just the existence of the Tyger Tyger group.

Haffner told Lisbon that he joined Visualize as a messed
up kid. Maybe a messed up kid with megalomania, who was traumatised by
something that happend in his youth, or has another personality. Bret Stiles
made him his deciple, and learned him how to control his dark urges. Maybe
Stiles came up with the idea of giving Haffners dark personality the name John
(a very common normal name). What if they signed this other personality up for
Visualize as well? That would mean that Haffner is on the Visualize member list
as Ray Haffner and as Red John. The perfect cover. 

 As far as we know, Stiles doesn't have any
children. Maybe he considered Ray Haffner as his child. A good parent gives his
child the right education and life lessons, and shapes his personality. Stiles
his idea of education was finding a way for Haffner to live with himself. He
also gave Haffner money to start his own private business, something you only
do if you are really close with someone.

Going back in time, there was a scene in season
5 episode 13 in which Lisbon asked Haffner about his life. She said: ‘’So
Ray, you said that you joined Visualize as a teenager. So 1988, you would have
been 21’’?  In which Haffner quickly
responses: ‘’Yeah about that...’’.  After
which Lisbon asks: ‘’Did they ever sent you to work on Allisons farm? Were you
there?’’. In which Red John answer: Lisbon, we are still friends right? Why
would you ask me that? (which I thought meant something like if you go further
with this I will have to hurt you).

It is very likely that Red John met the woman who spied on the CBI in a
place like a gym. We know from the scene in which the doctor’s notes are read
out loud, that Haffner works out on a regular basis and wears a t-shirt while
doing this. This must have been the ideal place to show off his (fake) tattoo.
When Red John killed the woman who spied on the CBI, he must have planned to
not finish her off completely. Red John hates lose ends, so this would be the
only logical explanation for me.

There are so many other things which point to Haffner as well. He is an
excellent whistler, short-tempered, easily offended (when Lisbon said he was a
possible Red John candidate).  Again a
form of megalomania.

Also, Red John is a very intelligent person, and a master of body
language. When Jane got the seven suspects together in one room, Haffner was
the first person to say that it was ridiculous. This could be interpreted as
someone who is very guilty of something, but later on Haffner ‘’proofed’’ that
he didn’t have the tattoo. Which made his action one of a man who is truly
upset by something, right? Wrong...    He
reacted at first to be a step ahead of Patrick. He knew Patrick would back off
if he saw the tattoos from the other guys, and he knew that his action would be
interpreted as ‘’upset’’. I think this was a typical Red John move, always
being one step ahead of the competition. 
Isn’t that were the entire show is about?

Even though I am not a woman, Haffner looks charming and charismatic,
something which a lot of women find attractive. I just feel and think that he
would make the most logical and intelligent Red John. In one of the
conversations with Patrick Jane, Haffner said something like: You always know
it better, don’t you?  The mentalist is
about little clues, and I believe that if we add up all of these little clues
we get Ray Haffner.

So why do I not believe that the other suspects are Red John? Multiple
reasons. I believe that Heller changed the identity of Red John a couple of
times. The first Red John was introduced to us in either the first or the
second season, and must have been Partridge. Heller must have had an escape
scenario, in case the show would not get a lot of views. Imagine having a
random Red John if season three would have been the last one? No one would buy

Fortunately, the opposite thing happened. The mentalist had become a big
success, and slowly, but surely, Bruno Heller must have decided around the
fourth season that it was time to round things off and start writing a complete
profile of Red John. This is exactly around the time that Ray Haffner came in
the spotlights. During the fourth season in episode two he appeared, which
would be the exact right time.



So what about the

Think about it for a second. Why would Jane plant a bomb that could
possibly kill his suspects? There is no answer for this question, because it
would not make sense.     So why would
Red John. Plant a bomb that could possibly kill the other people? To put the
attention on Bertram, who happens to be the leader of a corrupt organisation of
law enforcement. Red John would not put the attention on himself.

So who planted the bomb then?  I
think that Patrick Jane planted the bomb under his house, because he made a
deal with Brett Stiles. Stiles must have told him that either Mcallister or
Haffner is Red John, but they had to put the spotlights on someone else
(Bertram). Also, someone must have helped Jane to make it look like Haffner,
Stiles and Mcallister died during the bombing. Mcallister was standing
somewhere else in the room then Haffner and Stiles were, so it doesn’t make any
sense that they are the only three people who are dead. It would be a typical
Jane move.

 Why would Bertram be on the run
and later on meet up with Patrick to talk in a church? Doesn’t make any sense.
The deal was probably that Stiles would tell Red John to come and meet Patrick
at a given location and time, to finish the game once and for all. That would
explain perfectly why Jane at the end of the episode seemed to give up and not
care about the case anymore. He put the FBI (who took charge of the case) on
the wrong feet by giving them Bertram.

 Considering all the evidence, I
think that Haffner is more likely to be Red John, because he fits the
description, age, power, charisma, everything. Maybe Mcallister was shot by
Patrick, because we did hear the sound of a gun. But that is just a wild



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a comment below







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Red John theory by


Brett Partridge,
Officially dead. Why did
they not show his body when Cho looked for his arm? They didn’t want to bring
him to the set to just record that scene. There is no mystery or anything
behind it. When Partridge died, he said Tyger Tyger, because he hoped that
Lisbon was connected to the Tyger Tyger organization. Partridge was described
by Patrick as a ghoul, and he acted like a real jerk. He is too low profile to
be Red John, he doesn’t fit the description of Sophie Miller and he is not
charismatic or charming. If you still believe that Partridge is Red John, then
you have absolutely no sense for theatre or drama. Would Heller really
re-introduce someone that has been eliminated from the story in the first
episode and say: ‘’ta-da, Red John is Brett Partridge because he did a little
trick in the beginning of the season’’. No one would buy that.


Robert Kirkland
. Officially dead. Kirkland
his character was underdeveloped. The only loose end that Kirkland took with
him is the search for his twin brother, Micheal. Bruno Heller confirmed that
the list of seven suspects was accurate, so he won’t give us a twin of one of
the characters who happens to be Red John (and who is, in this case,
underdeveloped). If you honestly think that Kirkland is Red John, then you are
just looking at the wrong direction. Kirkland was a Homeland Security member.
If Kirkland was Red John, then why on earth would he ask Reede Smith to work
together with him (not realizing that Smith was a Tyger Tyger member, even
after saying Tyger Tyger to him). Kirkland tried to narrow down Jane his list,
because he wanted personal vengeance. Why would Red John take the time and
effort to narrow down a list that is completely fake. Also, Red John’s MO is
killing women, not man.


Sherriff Thomas
McAllister seems to be an intelligent man, but he doesn’t seem to have
the right resources or power to be Red John. Of course McAllister could be a
visualize member who happens to have access to the Visualize plane, which would
make him very mobile. But that is just a bridge too far for me... Completely
unlikely and not dramatic (but maybe, if everything gets explained very well,
who knows... I will come back to this). Furthermore, McAllister said: You’re
wrong, I am not Red John. I think that he was completely honest when he said
that. Red John would feel so ashamed to look Patrick Jane in the eye and say I
am not him. Remember his message? ‘’Until you find me, or I find you’’. That
means Red John has already prepared himself for the day that he might get
caught. Someone with a mindset like that doesn’t lie in someone his face when
he is exposed.


Reede Smith.
Smith is currently
incarcerated and he will be transferred to a prison soon. Red John would never
break down and admit the things that he did (even Patrick Jane admitted that).
Also, he doesn’t fit the description of Sophie Miller and his character is
highly underdeveloped during the seasons. Everyone knows and feels that Smith
is not Red John. He is a bit too young as well. Lastly, how can someone who is
incarcerated walk in a church (like we see in the promo).


Brett Stiles.
Brett is too old, and he
doesn’t fit the description of Sophie Miller. Secondly, he is/was chased by the
FBI (I am not sure whether or not he is dead, but he would have been dead in
about a month anyway). If he was a Tyger Tyger member, he would have had
friends to help him get the FBI of his neck. Even though Stiles is not Red
John, he is the possible key to Red John. We know that Red John has been in
Visualize, so Stiles must know who he is.


Gale Bertram.
Why would Bertram
(assuming that he is Red John) plant a bomb under Patrick his house to kill his
most loyal disciples and put the spotlights on himself? Why would Bertram try
to run (as we see in episode 7) and meet up with Patrick (episode 8). Why would
Bertram always say: If you catch Red John, I want to be there. Why would
Bertram want to kill Jane while he was sleeping? Red John has a great taste for
drama and theatre. He thinks of himself as a showman and artist. Would someone
like that close such a period by just killing Jane like that.

Throughout years he just never seemed intelligent enough to catch up
with Jane, and he was a terrible poker player (until he got some advice from
Jane). Of course this could be seen as one of the many tricks that Red John
pulls off, but I think that Red John is a very proud man (not only at his
kills, but also in person). No matter where it is about, he probably hates
losing. The only options to stop losing are to avoid it or make it work your
way. Someone like Red John would not take advice from someone else. Also,
someone like Red John would never accept it if someone (like Smith) puts him on
his place by saying ‘’that’s your job’’.  
What also struck me about Bertram is that he seems to be very nervous
and impulsive sometimes. Why would he run, put all the spotlights on him, go to
a bar and kill some random bartender. Red John always plans everything (as we
see in the promo of episode 8 as well).

Raymond Haffner.
When Jane got the seven
suspects together in one room, Haffner was the first person to say that it was
ridiculous. This could be interpreted as someone who is very guilty of
something, but later on Haffner ‘’proofed’’ that he didn’t have the tattoo.
Which made his action one of a man who is truly upset by something, right?
Wrong...    He reacted at first to be a
step ahead of Patrick. He knew Patrick would back off if he saw the tattoos
from the other guys, and he knew that his action would be interpreted as
‘’upset’’. I think this was a typical Red John move, always being one step
ahead of the competition.  Isn’t that
were the entire show is about?

Why would Red John put the attention on himself by putting a bomb under
Janes house? (assuming that he is Bertram, which is very likely at the moment
if you don’t consider other details). I don’t think that Haffner, Mcallister
and Stiles are dead, because we didn’t see any bodies or evidence that confirms
their dead.

One thing that I am absolutely sure about, is the fact that Red
John is extremely well organized.

Someone with these characteristics plans every
single detail of his actions. Remember
killing Sophie Miller? Patrick said: ''He must have been waiting until he knew
I would try to track her down''. ''He planned this weeks ago, maybe even
months''. Furthermore, remember killing
Partridge and luring Lisbon in to a trap? You don't improvise those actions.

Red John was aware of the list with seven
suspects. He must have known Patricks intensions, and try to put him on the
wrong feet. The first step was killing Partridge. The second step was getting
in touch with the woman who spied on the CBI team, and making her believe that he has a tattoo on
his right arm (three dots). He could have added a fake tattoo on his shoulder
easily, with the intension of putting the tyger tyger group in the headlights.
Or maybe he hypnotized her? Who knows.

Haffner is a private investigator who is very
good at his work. Kirkland was very good at his work as well, and he managed to
find out about a secret organization (Tyger Tyger). Maybe Haffner was able to
pull of the same thing? Or maybe Haffner is somehow connected to the Tyger
Tyger group, and marks his most important disciples by giving them three
dots. Someone has to be the leader right? Red John is well organized, and
clever enough to

The third logical step for Red John would be to
put the attention on someone else. First he made people believe that he is
doing a sprint to the finish with Patrick (by killing Partridge), and now he
makes people believe that either Smith, Bertram or McAllistor is Red John
because of the tattoo (continuing his sprint to the finish). While in fact, he
is putting them in the crosshairs.

Red John is a powerful individual, someone with
a narcissistic personality. He probably has a form of megalomania, because
he is very proud at his work (remember one of the finales in which Red John
saves Patrick from copycats). Red John read out loud the poem of the Tyger, by
William Blake, to show off his power to Patrick.

This is also why Red John killed the Jane
family. Patrick made Red John look ridiculous on the television, this must have
made him very angry because he has a form of megalomania, and thinks of himself
as a showman and artist. It must have hurt his ego... Red John is a ruler, someone who gives orders and
holds all the strings in his hands.

Someone with these characteristics would hate the idea of having similarities
(or sharing something) with other individuals (the three dots). These dots
don’t proof anything, just the existence of the Tyger Tyger group.

Haffner told Lisbon that he joined Visualize as a messed
up kid. Maybe a messed up kid with megalomania, who was traumatised by
something that happend in his youth, or has another personality. Bret Stiles
made him his deciple, and learned him how to control his dark urges. Maybe
Stiles came up with the idea of giving Haffners dark personality the name John
(a very common normal name). What if they signed this other personality up for
Visualize as well? That would mean that Haffner is on the Visualize member list
as Ray Haffner and as Red John. The perfect cover. 

 As far as we know, Stiles doesn't have any
children. Maybe he considered Ray Haffner as his child. A good parent gives his
child the right education and life lessons, and shapes his personality. Stiles
his idea of education was finding a way for Haffner to live with himself. He
also gave Haffner money to start his own private business, something you only
do if you are really close with someone.

Going back in time, there was a scene in season
5 episode 13 in which Lisbon asked Haffner about his life. She said: ‘’So
Ray, you said that you joined Visualize as a teenager. So 1988, you would have
been 21’’?  In which Haffner quickly
responses: ‘’Yeah about that...’’.  After
which Lisbon asks: ‘’Did they ever sent you to work on Allisons farm? Were you
there?’’. In which Red John answer: Lisbon, we are still friends right? Why
would you ask me that? (which I thought meant something like if you go further
with this I will have to hurt you).

It is very likely that Red John met the woman who spied on the CBI in a
place like a gym. We know from the scene in which the doctor’s notes are read
out loud, that Haffner works out on a regular basis and wears a t-shirt while
doing this. This must have been the ideal place to show off his (fake) tattoo.
When Red John killed the woman who spied on the CBI, he must have planned to
not finish her off completely. Red John hates lose ends, so this would be the
only logical explanation for me.

There are so many other things which point to Haffner as well. He is an
excellent whistler, short-tempered, easily offended (when Lisbon said he was a
possible Red John candidate).  Again a
form of megalomania.

Also, Red John is a very intelligent person, and a master of body
language. When Jane got the seven suspects together in one room, Haffner was
the first person to say that it was ridiculous. This could be interpreted as
someone who is very guilty of something, but later on Haffner ‘’proofed’’ that
he didn’t have the tattoo. Which made his action one of a man who is truly
upset by something, right? Wrong...    He
reacted at first to be a step ahead of Patrick. He knew Patrick would back off
if he saw the tattoos from the other guys, and he knew that his action would be
interpreted as ‘’upset’’. I think this was a typical Red John move, always
being one step ahead of the competition. 
Isn’t that were the entire show is about?

Even though I am not a woman, Haffner looks charming and charismatic,
something which a lot of women find attractive. I just feel and think that he
would make the most logical and intelligent Red John. In one of the
conversations with Patrick Jane, Haffner said something like: You always know
it better, don’t you?  The mentalist is
about little clues, and I believe that if we add up all of these little clues
we get Ray Haffner.

So why do I not believe that the other suspects are Red John? Multiple
reasons. I believe that Heller changed the identity of Red John a couple of
times. The first Red John was introduced to us in either the first or the
second season, and must have been Partridge. Heller must have had an escape
scenario, in case the show would not get a lot of views. Imagine having a
random Red John if season three would have been the last one? No one would buy

Fortunately, the opposite thing happened. The mentalist had become a big
success, and slowly, but surely, Bruno Heller must have decided around the
fourth season that it was time to round things off and start writing a complete
profile of Red John. This is exactly around the time that Ray Haffner came in
the spotlights. During the fourth season in episode two he appeared, which
would be the exact right time.

So what about the

Think about it for a second. Why would Jane plant a bomb that could
possibly kill his suspects? There is no answer for this question, because it
would not make sense.     So why would
Red John. Plant a bomb that could possibly kill the other people? To put the
attention on Bertram, who happens to be the leader of a corrupt organisation of
law enforcement. Red John would not put the attention on himself.

So who planted the bomb then? 
think that Patrick Jane planted the bomb under his house, because he made a
deal with Brett Stiles. Stiles must have told him that either Mcallister or
Haffner is Red John, but they had to put the spotlights on someone else
(Bertram). Also, someone must have helped Jane to make it look like Haffner,
Stiles and Mcallister died during the bombing. Mcallister was standing
somewhere else in the room then Haffner and Stiles were, so it doesn’t make any
sense that they are the only three people who are dead. It would be a typical
Jane move.

 Why would Bertram be on the run
and later on meet up with Patrick to talk in a church? Doesn’t make any sense.
The deal was probably that Stiles would tell Red John to come and meet Patrick
at a given location and time, to finish the game once and for all. That would
explain perfectly why Jane at the end of the episode seemed to give up and not
care about the case anymore. He put the FBI (who took charge of the case) on
the wrong feet by giving them Bertram.

 Considering all the evidence, I
think that Haffner is more likely to be Red John, because he fits the
description, age, power, charisma, everything. Maybe Mcallister was shot by
Patrick, because we did hear the sound of a gun. But that is just a wild



Thanks for reading, leave
a comment below.

Argue on this theory or rate it.

The Mentalist Red John
Theory by Callmeaxel92.


Looking back at the sixth episode, a lot of things didn't make sense. Why would Red John try to bug the CBI office? We know that Red John has been narrowing the
list down, by killing Bret Partridge.

Red John has always
been one step ahead of Patrick, maybe he was it again?

Think about it for a second.

One thing that I am absolutely sure about, is
the fact that Red John is extremely well organized.

Someone with these characteristics plans every
single detail of his actions. Remember
killing Sophie Miller? Patrick said: ''He must have been waiting until he knew
I would try to track her down''. ''He planned this weeks ago, maybe even
months''. Furthermore, remember killing
Partridge and luring Lisbon in to a trap? You don't improvise those actions.

Red John was aware of the list with seven
suspects. He must have known Patricks intensions, and try to put him on the
wrong feet. The first step was killing Partridge. The second step was getting
in touch with the woman who spied on the CBI team, and making her believe that he has a tattoo on
his right arm (three dots). He could have added a fake tattoo on his shoulder
easily, with the intension of putting the tyger tyger group in the headlights.
Or maybe he hypnotized her? Who knows.

Haffner is a private investigator who is very
good at his work. Kirkland was very good at his work as well, and he managed to
find out about a secret organization (Tyger Tyger). Maybe Haffner was able to
pull of the same thing? Or maybe Haffner is somehow connected to the Tyger
Tyger group, and marks his most important disciples by giving them three

The third logical step for Red John would be to
put the attention on someone else. First he made people believe that he is
doing a sprint to the finish with Patrick (by killing Partridge), and now he
makes people believe that either Smith, Bertram or McAllistor is Red John
because of the tattoo (continuing his sprint to the finish). While in fact, he
is putting them in the crosshairs.

Red John is a powerful individual, someone with
a narcissistic personality. He probably has a form of megalomania, because
he is very proud at his work (remember one of the finales in which Red John
saves Patrick from copycats). Red John read out loud the poem of the Tyger, by
William Blake, to show off his power to Patrick.

This is also why Red John killed the Jane
family. Patrick made Red John look ridiculous on the television, this must have
made him very angry because he has a form of megalomania, and thinks of himself
as a showman and artist. It must have hurt his ego... Red John is a ruler, someone who gives orders and
holds all the strings in his hands.

Someone with these characteristics would hate the idea of having
similarities (or sharing something) with other individuals (the three
dots). These dots don’t proof anything, just the existence of the Tyger Tyger
group (who are very likely connected to Red John, one way or another).

Haffner told Lisbon that he joined Visualize as a messed
up kid. Maybe a messed up kid with megalomania, who was traumatised by
something that happend in his youth, or has another personality. Bret Stiles
made him his deciple, and learned him how to control his dark urges. Maybe
Stiles came up with the idea of giving Haffners dark personality the name John
(a very common normal name). What if they signed this other personality up for
Visualize as well? That would mean that Haffner is on the Visualize member list
as Ray Haffner and as Red John. The perfect cover. 

 As far as we know, Stiles doesn't have any
children. Maybe he considered Ray Haffner as his child. A good parent gives his
child the right education and life lessons, and shapes his personality. Stiles
his idea of education was finding a way for Haffner to live with himself. He
also gave Haffner money to start his own private business, something you only
do if you are really close with someone.

Going back in time, there was a scene in season
5 episode 13 in which Lisbon asked Haffner about his life. She said: ‘’So
Ray, you said that you joined Visualize as a teenager. So 1988, you would have
been 21’’?  In which Haffner quickly
responses: ‘’Yeah about that...’’.  After
which Lisbon asks: ‘’Did they ever sent you to work on Allisons farm? Were you
there?’’. In which Red John answer: Lisbon, we are still friends right? Why
would you ask me that? (which I thought meant something like if you go further
with this I will have to hurt you).

Red John figured out the list with seven suspects before Patrick did.
This means that he could have been able to make a plan in which he could
possibly betray/frame the Tyger Tyger group. Maybe he even told his most loyal
disciples that they were going to be in the crosshairs for him.


It is very likely that Red John met the woman who spied on the CBI in a
place like a gym. We know from the scene in which the doctor’s notes are read
out loud, that Haffner works out on a regular basis and wears a t-shirt while
doing this. This must have been the ideal place to show off his (fake) tattoo.
When Red John killed the woman who spied on the CBI, he must have planned to
not finish her off completely. Red John hates lose ends, so this would be the
only logical explanation for me. Killing a woman like that requires strength
and speed, something Smith, Bertram and McAllistor don’t really seem to have.
Also, the shadow seemed to show a little bit of hair, which eliminates Bertram.

There are so many other things which point to Haffner as well. He is an
excellent whistler, short-tempered, easily offended (when Lisbon said he was a
possible Red John candidate).  Again a
form of megalomania.

Also, Red John is a very intelligent person, and a master of body
language. When Jane got the seven suspects together in one room, Haffner was
the first person to say that it was ridiculous. This could be interpreted as
someone who is very guilty of something, but later on Haffner ‘’proofed’’ that
he didn’t have the tattoo. Which made his action one of a man who is truly
upset by something, right? Wrong...    He
reacted at first to be a step ahead of Patrick. He knew Patrick would back off
if he saw the tattoos from the other guys, and he knew that his action would be
interpreted as ‘’upset’’. I think this was a typical Red John move, always
being one step ahead of the competition.  Isn’t that were the entire show is about?

Even though I am not a woman, Haffner looks charming and charismatic,
something which a lot of women find attractive. I just feel and think that he
would make the most logical and intelligent Red John. In one of the
conversations with Patrick Jane, Haffner said something like: You always know
it better, don’t you?  The mentalist is
about little clues, and I believe that if we add up all of these little clues
we get Ray Haffner.

So why do I not believe that the other suspects are Red John? Multiple
reasons. I believe that Heller changed the identity of Red John a couple of
times. The first Red John was introduced to us in either the first or the
second season, and must have been Partridge. Heller must have had an escape
scenario, in case the show would not get a lot of views. Imagine having a
random Red John if season three would have been the last one? No one would buy

Fortunately, the opposite thing happened. The mentalist had become a big
success, and slowly, but surely, Bruno Heller must have decided around the
fourth season that it was time to round things off and start writing a complete
profile of Red John. This is exactly around the time that Ray Haffner came in
the spotlights. During the fourth season in episode two he appeared, which
would be the exact right time.


=-=-==-  Analysis of the three
main suspects  =-=-=-=-=

Reede Smith got introduced in the fifth season, which is way too late.
He is chubby, not very high profile in the FBI, and seems to be someone who
finishes the dirty work (like killing Kirkland). He doesn’t fit the description
of Sophie Miller as well.  Smith showed
us that he is afraid of heights, which doesn’t necessarily means that he is Red
John.  He gave exactly the same reaction
as the sherrif (when Jane tried to test whether or not he was really afraid of
heights or not).  Sophie said there was
every indication that Red Johns phobia issues were true, whether it was
acrophobia or another kind of phobia We know that Haffner is afraid of spiders,
which is another form of fobia, but that also doesn’t neccecarily proof
anything. I think that in general, we should forget about the entire phobia
thing and focus on the big things..

If Reede Smith turns out to be Red John, everyone would be deeply
disappointed (something Heller announced). But I don’t think that a man who
writes such an amazing story line would give us Reede Smith as Red John.  Personally, I really don’t believe that Smith
as a character is able to get a lot of success with women. Remember the blind
women, she described Red John his body as well shaped, not chubby or too
muscular. Of course he could have changed his body over the years, but I don’t
think someone like Red John would do that.  We do know that Smith is powerful, because he
knew that the driver of Kirkland was a tiger tiger member (while the driver
clearly didn’t). Why would Red John waste his time killing Bob Kirkland? Kirkland
was on to the Tyger Tyger organisation. He would rather send someone, or maybe
he didn’t even send someone to finish the dirty work. Red John is proud of his
work, he would have marked his kill with a smiley face.

McAllister is not afraid of heights and does not seem to have another
phobia (I know that we shouldn’t focus on that too much, just mentioning it) .
Also, he doesn’t seem to be powerful enough to be Red John. When Smith, Bertram
and McAllister were talking in the room, I just felt that they were corrupt
agents and were talking about something dirty, but nothing more. Red John is
very mobile and was able to go to Mexico to kill a lead that the CBI had before
they were able to reach it. I just don’t feel like a local sheriff has the
mobility to pull something like that off. We know that Visualize has a private
plane, which Stiles used to disappear. Of course Mcallistor could be a
visualize member who happens to have access to that plane, but it just doesn’t
feel right. Smith probably rules the Tyger Tyger group, because he is on paper
the highest one as well (FBI has a bigger jurisdiction than the CBI chief and a
local sherrif have). Smith also seemed to be the most dominant person when the
three members with the dots were talking in Bertrams office. He said to Bertram
that it was his job to find
out what Jane knows.

Furthermore, McAllister said: You’re wrong, I am not Red John. I think
that he was completely honest when he said that. MCAllister Red John would feel
so ashamed to look Patrick Jane in the eye and say I am not him. Remember his
message? ‘’Until you find me, or I find you’’. That means Red John has already prepared
himself for the day that he might get caught. Someone with a mindset like that
doesn’t lie in someone his face when he is exposed.

Which brings us to Bertram. An interesting case and open book as well.
He was there when Timothy Carter got killed by Patrick. Throughout years he
just never seemed intelligent enough to catch up with Jane, and he was a
terrible poker player (until he got some advice from Jane). Of course this
could be seen as one of the many tricks that Red John pulls off, but I think that
Red John is a very proud man (not only at his kills, but also in person). No
matter where it is about, he probably hates losing. The only options to stop
losing are to avoid it or make it work your way. Someone like Red John would
not take advice from someone else. Also, someone like Red John would never
accept it if someone (like Smith) puts him on his place by saying ‘’that’s your

 Bertram seems to be a big red
herring who reports everything to his boss, Smith. We know that Bertram has
many friends, but Red John prefers to not work with other people (in general).
Something Bertram seems to enjoy....

Summarizing, Haffner works for himself. He is good looking, well spoken,
but there are signs of an evil and narcissistic personality. He seems to be in
excellent shape, and he really likes Teresa Lisbon. Enough reason to save her
and put a smiley on her face. I think Red John admires Lisbon as much as Jane
does, which is maybe another definition of the poem in which Red John referred
to symmetry.  

Think about other people as well. Haffner looks like the kind of man who
is charismatic enough to get a women like Lorelei. I really don’t think that
Lorelei would have been impressed by a local sherrif, or a reede smith, or a
big red herring like Bertram who desperately tries to spy on Jane.

He has been in Visualize, and admitted coming there as a damaged kid. He
was about 21 years old when Red John started killing people, which would be the
perfect age to show that he is mature and aware of his actions.



So what about the
bombing? How are we going to go further? Haffner is on the R.I.P. list of
Rigsby (together with Stiles and McAllister).


Scenario 1:

Red John probably set a trap for Jane and made the bomb go off, which
means that he knew that Jane would get all the suspects together to show their
arm. This allows him to put the attention of himself and maybe start running
for his life. In my opinion, not very likely. Bombs are not Red Johns MO (mode
of operation), plus he would probably not start running for his life (he is too
proud for that).

Scenario 2:

Jane made the bomb go off, because he had a deal with Stiles. Stiles
wants to be able to spent his last weeks in the world without the FBI chasing
him.  The Mentalist never shows the kind
of deal that Jane makes, until he pulls it off. Stiles must have told Jane
information about a secret organisation of corrupt agents. Maybe Stiles told
Jane to make him and Haffner disappear, before the bombing took place. After
the bombing, Stiles told Jane about the tiger tiger organization (which would
make sense because Jane was talking about a secret organisation of corrupt
agents in the promo of season 6 episode 7). 
Jane now realized that Haffner is Red John, and that the even bigger lie
comes from Bertram, Smith and McAllister, who possibly worked together with Red
John.  This way Stiles didn’t directly
point to Haffner, and got what he wanted.


Perhaps I am completely wrong about everything, but I honestly think
that if Haffner is not Red John, then Red John is not one person. Thanks for
reading J Please leave a comment
about this article, or share your ideas.


Argue on this theory or rate it.

Looking back at the sixth episode, a lot of things didn't make sense.

Why would Red John try to bug the CBI office?

We know that Red John has been narrowing the
list down, by killing Bret Partridge.

Red John has always
been one step ahead of Patrick, maybe he was it again?

Think about it for a second.

One thing that I am absolutely sure about, is
the fact that Red John is extremely well organized.

Someone with these characteristics plans every
single detail of his actions. Remember
killing Sophie Miller? Patrick said: ''He must have been waiting until he knew
I would try to track her down''. ''He planned this weeks ago, maybe even
months''. Furthermore, remember killing
Partridge and luring Lisbon in to a trap? You don't improvise those actions.

Red John was aware of the list with seven
suspects. He must have known Patricks intensions, and try to put him on the
wrong feet. The first step was killing Partridge. The second step was getting
in touch with the woman who spied on the CBI team, and making her believe that he has a tattoo on
his right arm (three dots). He could have added a fake tattoo on his shoulder
easily, with the intension of putting the tyger tyger group in the headlights.
Or maybe he hypnotized her? Who knows.

Haffner is a private investigator who is very
good at his work. Kirkland was very good at his work as well, and he managed to
find out about a secret organization (Tyger Tyger). Maybe Haffner was able to
pull of the same thing? Or maybe Haffner is somehow connected to the Tyger
Tyger group, and marks his most important disciples by giving them three

The third logical step for Red John would be to
put the attention on someone else. First he made people believe that he is
doing a sprint to the finish with Patrick (by killing Partridge), and now he
makes people believe that either Smith, Bertram or McAllistor is Red John
because of the tattoo (continuing his sprint to the finish). While in fact, he
is putting them in the crosshairs.

Red John is a powerful individual, someone with
a narcissistic personality. He probably has a form of megalomania, because
he is very proud at his work (remember one of the finales in which Red John
saves Patrick from copycats). Red John read out loud the poem of the Tyger, by
William Blake, to show off his power to Patrick.

This is also why Red John killed the Jane
family. Patrick made Red John look ridiculous on the television, this must have
made him very angry because he has a form of megalomania, and thinks of himself
as a showman and artist. It must have hurt his ego... Red John is a ruler, someone who gives orders and
holds all the strings in his hands.

Someone with these characteristics would hate the idea of having
similarities (or sharing something) with other individuals (the three
dots). These dots don’t proof anything, just the existence of the Tyger Tyger
group (who are very likely connected to Red John, one way or another).

Haffner told Lisbon that he joined Visualize as a messed
up kid. Maybe a messed up kid with megalomania, who was traumatised by
something that happend in his youth, or has another personality. Bret Stiles
made him his deciple, and learned him how to control his dark urges. Maybe
Stiles came up with the idea of giving Haffners dark personality the name John
(a very common normal name). What if they signed this other personality up for
Visualize as well? That would mean that Haffner is on the Visualize member list
as Ray Haffner and as Red John. The perfect cover. 

 As far as we know, Stiles doesn't have any
children. Maybe he considered Ray Haffner as his child. A good parent gives his
child the right education and life lessons, and shapes his personality. Stiles
his idea of education was finding a way for Haffner to live with himself. He
also gave Haffner money to start his own private business, something you only
do if you are really close with someone.

Going back in time, there was a scene in season
5 episode 13 in which Lisbon asked Haffner about his life. She said: ‘’So
Ray, you said that you joined Visualize as a teenager. So 1988, you would have
been 21’’?  In which Haffner quickly
responses: ‘’Yeah about that...’’.  After
which Lisbon asks: ‘’Did they ever sent you to work on Allisons farm? Were you
there?’’. In which Red John answer: Lisbon, we are still friends right? Why
would you ask me that? (which I thought meant something like if you go further
with this I will have to hurt you).

Red John figured out the list with seven suspects before Patrick did.
This means that he could have been able to make a plan in which he could
possibly betray/frame the Tyger Tyger group. Maybe he even told his most loyal
disciples that they were going to be in the crosshairs for him.


It is very likely that Red John met the woman who spied on the CBI in a
place like a gym. We know from the scene in which the doctor’s notes are read
out loud, that Haffner works out on a regular basis and wears a t-shirt while
doing this. This must have been the ideal place to show off his (fake) tattoo.
When Red John killed the woman who spied on the CBI, he must have planned to
not finish her off completely. Red John hates lose ends, so this would be the
only logical explanation for me. Killing a woman like that requires strength
and speed, something Smith, Bertram and McAllistor don’t really seem to have.
Also, the shadow seemed to show a little bit of hair, which eliminates Bertram.

There are so many other things which point to Haffner as well. He is an
excellent whistler, short-tempered, easily offended (when Lisbon said he was a
possible Red John candidate).  Again a
form of megalomania.

Also, Red John is a very intelligent person, and a master of body
language. When Jane got the seven suspects together in one room, Haffner was
the first person to say that it was ridiculous. This could be interpreted as
someone who is very guilty of something, but later on Haffner ‘’proofed’’ that
he didn’t have the tattoo. Which made his action one of a man who is truly
upset by something, right? Wrong...    He
reacted at first to be a step ahead of Patrick. He knew Patrick would back off
if he saw the tattoos from the other guys, and he knew that his action would be
interpreted as ‘’upset’’. I think this was a typical Red John move, always
being one step ahead of the competition.  Isn’t that were the entire show is about?

Even though I am not a woman,

Haffner looks charming and charismatic,
something which a lot of women find attractive. I just feel and think that he
would make the most logical and intelligent Red John. In one of the
conversations with Patrick Jane, Haffner said something like: You always know
it better, don’t you?  The mentalist is
about little clues, and I believe that if we add up all of these little clues
we get Ray Haffner.

So why do I not believe that the other suspects are Red John? Multiple
reasons. I believe that Heller changed the identity of Red John a couple of
times. The first Red John was introduced to us in either the first or the
second season, and must have been Partridge. Heller must have had an escape
scenario, in case the show would not get a lot of views. Imagine having a
random Red John if season three would have been the last one? No one would buy

Fortunately, the opposite thing happened. The mentalist had become a big
success, and slowly, but surely, Bruno Heller must have decided around the fourth
season that it was time to round things off and start writing a complete
profile of Red John. This is exactly around the time that Ray Haffner came in
the spotlights. During the fourth season in episode two he appeared, which
would be the exact right time.


=-=-==-  Analysis of the three
main suspects  =-=-=-=-=

Reede Smith got introduced in the fifth season, which is way too late.
He is chubby, not very high profile in the FBI, and seems to be someone who
finishes the dirty work (like killing Kirkland). He doesn’t fit the description
of Sophie Miller as well.  Smith showed
us that he is afraid of heights, which doesn’t necessarily means that he is Red
John.  He gave exactly the same reaction
as the sherrif (when Jane tried to test whether or not he was really afraid of
heights or not).  Sophie said there was
every indication that Red Johns phobia issues were true, whether it was
acrophobia or another kind of phobia We know that Haffner is afraid of spiders,
which is another form of fobia, but that also doesn’t neccecarily proof
anything. I think that in general, we should forget about the entire phobia
thing and focus on the big things..

If Reede Smith turns out to be Red John, everyone would be deeply
disappointed (something Heller announced). But I don’t think that a man who
writes such an amazing story line would give us Reede Smith as Red John.  Personally, I really don’t believe that Smith
as a character is able to get a lot of success with women. Remember the blind
women, she described Red John his body as well shaped, not chubby or too
muscular. Of course he could have changed his body over the years, but I don’t
think someone like Red John would do that.  We do know that Smith is powerful, because he
knew that the driver of Kirkland was a tiger tiger member (while the driver
clearly didn’t). Why would Red John waste his time killing Bob Kirkland? Kirkland
was on to the Tyger Tyger organisation. He would rather send someone, or maybe
he didn’t even send someone to finish the dirty work. Red John is proud of his
work, he would have marked his kill with a smiley face.

McAllister is not afraid of heights and does not seem to have another
phobia (I know that we shouldn’t focus on that too much, just mentioning it) .
Also, he doesn’t seem to be powerful enough to be Red John. When Smith, Bertram
and McAllister were talking in the room, I just felt that they were corrupt
agents and were talking about something dirty, but nothing more.

Red John is
very mobile and was able to go to Mexico to kill a lead that the CBI had before
they were able to reach it. I just don’t feel like a local sheriff has the
mobility to pull something like that off. We know that Visualize has a private
plane, which Stiles used to disappear. Of course Mcallistor could be a
visualize member who happens to have access to that plane, but it just doesn’t
feel right. Smith probably rules the Tyger Tyger group, because he is on paper
the highest one as well (FBI has a bigger jurisdiction than the CBI chief and a
local sherrif have). Smith also seemed to be the most dominant person when the
three members with the dots were talking in Bertrams office. He said to Bertram
that it was his job to find
out what Jane knows.

Furthermore, McAllister said: You’re wrong, I am not Red John. I think
that he was completely honest when he said that. MCAllister Red John would feel
so ashamed to look Patrick Jane in the eye and say I am not him. Remember his
message? ‘’Until you find me, or I find you’’. That means Red John has already
prepared himself for the day that he might get caught. Someone with a mindset
like that doesn’t lie in someone his face when he is exposed.

Which brings us to Bertram. An interesting case and open book as well.
He was there when Timothy Carter got killed by Patrick. Throughout years he
just never seemed intelligent enough to catch up with Jane, and he was a
terrible poker player (until he got some advice from Jane). Of course this
could be seen as one of the many tricks that Red John pulls off, but I think
that Red John is a very proud man (not only at his kills, but also in person).
No matter where it is about, he probably hates losing. The only options to stop
losing are to avoid it or make it work your way. Someone like Red John would
not take advice from someone else. Also, someone like Red John would never
accept it if someone (like Smith) puts him on his place by saying ‘’that’s your

 Bertram seems to be a big red
herring who reports everything to his boss, Smith. We know that Bertram has many
friends, but Red John prefers to not work with other people (in general).
Something Bertram seems to enjoy....

Summarizing, Haffner works for himself. He is good looking, well spoken,
but there are signs of an evil and narcissistic personality. He seems to be in
excellent shape, and he really likes Teresa Lisbon. Enough reason to save her
and put a smiley on her face. I think Red John admires Lisbon as much as Jane
does, which is maybe another definition of the poem in which Red John referred
to symmetry.  

Think about other people as well. Haffner looks like the kind of man who
is charismatic enough to get a women like Lorelei. I really don’t think that
Lorelei would have been impressed by a local sherrif, or a reede smith, or a
big red herring like Bertram who desperately tries to spy on Jane.

He has been in Visualize, and admitted coming there as a damaged kid. He
was about 21 years old when Red John started killing people, which would be the
perfect age to show that he is mature and aware of his actions.



So what about the
bombing? How are we going to go further? Haffner is on the R.I.P. list of
Rigsby (together with Stiles and McAllister).


Scenario 1:

Red John probably set a trap for Jane and made the bomb go off, which
means that he knew that Jane would get all the suspects together to show their
arm. This allows him to put the attention of himself and maybe start running
for his life. In my opinion, not very likely. Bombs are not Red Johns MO (mode
of operation), plus he would probably not start running for his life (he is too
proud for that).

Scenario 2:

Jane made the bomb go off, because he had a deal with Stiles. Stiles
wants to be able to spent his last weeks in the world without the FBI chasing
him.  The Mentalist never shows the kind
of deal that Jane makes, until he pulls it off. Stiles must have told Jane
information about a secret organisation of corrupt agents. Maybe Stiles told
Jane to make him and Haffner disappear, before the bombing took place. After
the bombing, Stiles told Jane about the tiger tiger organization (which would
make sense because Jane was talking about a secret organisation of corrupt
agents in the promo of season 6 episode 7).  Jane now realized that Haffner is Red John,
and that the even bigger lie comes from Bertram, Smith and McAllister, who
possibly worked together with Red John.  This way Stiles didn’t directly point to
Haffner, and got what he wanted.


Perhaps I am completely wrong about everything, but I honestly think
that if Haffner is not Red John, then Red John is not one person. Thanks for
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