Who is Red John?

Theories of Brigmorewitches (119)

Although this show has taken a turn for the worse,i still miss Patrick Jane and the rest of the CBI. If RJ does comeback,Heller still has a massive task ahead of him to put so many random clues together and make perfect sense of each and every one.

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Can anyone here remember the last time a good episode of the mentalist was aired? I forgot this show existed.

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I think the show will end when the real Red John is killed and at the closing scene they show Patrick and Theresa become a couple after this ordeal.

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This site has officially become Stoop kid's attention seeking outlet................... dude, Van pelt and Rigsby are not fucking criminals. Hell we don't know if RJ is even alive................. highest possible scenario (very unprobable) is RJ accomplice at best.

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There is something i wanted to bring up regarding RJ. The guy can kill an innocent Woman and her daughter only because Patrick "talked" about him on a tv show.........................but he didn't kill the fat dude in the ending of season 2. He shot him in the leg why? He has no problem killing innocent civilians so why did he injure that kid? Since when does RJ show compassion/mercy? 

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Assuming all of BH's clues are credible and will be explained at one point............. i would like to point out something interesting. Back in the season finale of 2nd season,before Patrick enters that empty building, he makes a phone call to Lisbon telling her his location and that he will wait for her to arrive. However,he does wait a bit and then grows impatient ,then enters the building alone. My question is how did RJ track down those 2 psycho copy-cats? And better yet the only person who knew Patrick's location at that time was Lisbon......................... It could be Red John keeps tabs on Patrick's calls but that doesn't mean he's sitting around 24/7 eavesdropping on his phone calls? Red John is very careful and he knew nobody else was going to be there so he went there himself to confront Patrick and kill those 2. Any theory on how RJ knew the location is welcome.............

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