Who is Red John?

Theories of Brigmorewitches (119)

This 2 month break has first of all pissed me off......................and now,i'm slowly losing interest in this god forsaken show. This show doesn't need 22 episodes to cover whatever it is BH wants to cover,15 would have sufficed without all these BS filler episodes. Now back to the matter of RJ,if BH is as good as we thought he was..............he must have made up his mind indefinitely as to who RJ is by the end of season 1 and made clues to back his own theory up. Up to now,nothing he showed us makes any sense so i hope he gets his shit together and delivers what we all deserve.

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If it turns out that there is a new villan or BA member reprisal................then this show is over for me. The only thing that will revive this show is the return of RJ. Btw why is there such a huge fucking gap between coming episodes?

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Sherlock fans,there is something i'd like to know about you guys/girls.

Hit plausible if you have read any story from "The adventures of Sherlock Holmes".

Hit unlikely if you never read the book.

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One of three things is possible now ;-

1) RJ returns,the show does give us little hints of such a thing like............Jane saying he will paint the town "Red". When Rigsby was advancing into that dark area there was a tint of Red light across his face. But if this was RJ,why didn't he draw his smiley face?

2) Missing members of BA are out for revenge.

3) A new villan named Blue George might make his debut.

PS: Sherlock fans,stop posting about Sherlock on a Mentalist discussion page.

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When Kristina decided to go on National tv and reach out to RJ,Patrick knew she would be a marked woman.Why didn't Patrick use this opportunity to use Kristina as bait? He would keep an eye out for her as long it took for someone to try to abduct her or to follow her if she went on her own. That's basic detective work. He could have planted a bug on Lorelai aswell.............much easier.

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What is happening to us real fans since S06x8. Disappointed with episode 8 --------> cursing Heller------------> waiting for a new episode in hopes of RJ's return ---------> When there is no RJ,curse Heller again. If Heller does intend to show us RJ again he better make it quick!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Best scene in the series so far 3:13 to 3:23     

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