Who is Red John?

Theories of Brigmorewitches (119)

Theory #13487 • By Brigmorewitches
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I guess this is my final theory on here before the big reveal on Sunday. I think i speak for most of us when i say this show is epic.It took so long to get here and i hope they end the show on good terms ( All good things come to an end). If Red John turns out to be Partridge i will be very disappointed with Bruno and the writers.

Anyways,just wanted to mention something here about the last episode. I think it was Patrick's intention to force the closure of CBI because he either does not want Lisbon to get in his way when he kills RJ or because he wants to render useless Red John's ally in the CBI ( which is probably Van Pelt judging by how upset and worried she was ). Also my money is that Red John is a relative if Patrick or is actually a woman.

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Theory #12598 • By Brigmorewitches
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By now everyone who has the slightest common sense knows that the list of 7 does not include Red John. Obviously Red John and Patrick are very close to one another and Patrick already figured it out long ago. First he took down his followers(Blake association) and now he's after him. Red John is either Patrick's father,uncle or sibling.

End of story.

Ps : Thank god partridge is dead.

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Theory #11379 • By Brigmorewitches
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Scarlett55's theory is absolutely correct and makes perfect sense except for a couple of stuff. You failed to recognize that Jane and Red John made the list of 7 together in advance so that Jane could fool the CBI ( through Lisbon ) that Red John is one of those 7 men. In reality both PJ and RJ wanted to bring down the organisation.Why would Patrick work with the man who killed his family? Because Red John did not...............tiger tiger killed Patrick's family and wanted to frame Red John for it. They obviously did not know that Jane and RJ were in contact with one another hence he knew RJ was innocent of this crime. Red John and Jane are probably close to one another and that's why Jane won't give him up to the cops........................probably because he knows RJ will be killed in custody by tiger tiger so first they take them down then Jane will betray Red John. 

Or Partridge the Zombie is Red John.

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For those of you who still believe in the list of 7,how do you explain Red John predicting the list? Nobody is psychic.............that's basic common sense. I believe the tyger tyger group is actually hunting Red John themselves. RJ probably was a member of the group and is no longer affiliated with them. Hence they are after him for keeping him quite ever since he left.

From past episodes we know that Patrick was being spied on for 8 years on suspicion of working with Red John himself by the FBI !! The only explanation is Patrick and RJ made the list of 7 together,then RJ made the video with lorelai in advance so they can send it to patrick ( All of this to fool the CBI ). Red John probably didn't even kill patricks family............. the tyger tyger group did to make it seem like red john did it. Patrick is obviously too smart for that since he knows RJ won't touch him or his family.

All in all,Patrick was not a good man before his family died and i believe he and RJ are both hunting the tyger tyger group. No other explanation comes to mind.

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Getting real tired of people accusing Partridge of being RJ,he's dead for gods sake!! At this point,RJ can only be someone we never suspected.Maybe it's Jane.

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Theory #10335 • By Brigmorewitches
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After all that happened in the
last episode,i can't believe that some people still believe that one of the 7
on the "List" is Red John. I knew that the list would be fake and i'm
so glad that it is. The list was made to narrow down the members of that secret
organisation (Tyger),which revealed 4 of them were affiliated with RJ. Patrick
obviously killed 3 of them then blew up the building taking haffner and stiles
with him elsewhere. But the thing that puzzles me the most is why he kept
Lisbon out of it in the last second. Maybe he thinks she's frinds with RJ or he
did not want law enforcement involved (since he was gonna kill 3 cops for gods


Anyhow,i hope more episodes like
this one happen! it was very exciting.

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Where do i begin? Red John made that video 2 months before Patrick made the list of 7,that can mean only 1 thing. Obviously Red john isn't psychic so that's out of the way,the only other explanation is he knew who would be on that list early is because he made it himself. Bruno Heller is right when he says Patrick is not Red john, Rj is another person (personaltiy) sharing the same body as Patrick (the other personality). His past was rough,he was probably traumatized by his upbringing thus getting a split personality disorder. Now,clues shown to us in the show are as follows ;

1) Whoever has a personal vendetta with Patrick ends up dead. Luther Wainwright,the serial killer panzer.

2) He destroyed his happy memory that nobody else knew.

3) In the latest episode,did you see Patrick's expression when he asked Lisbon where she was on his phone? He had a grin on his face as if he knew. Also,when Lisbon was waiting outside the house did you notice that a car passed her when she was waiting? At that time Patrick was driving aswell.

There are many more clues which i'll post later because this post has become too long.

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